1. God is in the details. Gather as many details as you can about the crime. Observe colours, sounds, textures, smells, even tastes.
  2. Make contacts. You have to know crime fighters as well as criminals. You need sources of good information on underworld dealings.
  3. Watch what you say about people. Build trust.
  4. Sometimes criminals will try to make you see things their way. These are dangerous and often charismatic characters. You need to be clear with people which side of the law you sit on.
  5. Don’t keep everything on a phone. It can be hacked for content and the digital trail you leave can be used as evidence in court by both police and criminals. Phone towers know where you are.
  6. Never assume anything. And don’t convict people. That’s the job of the courts. Just report the facts. Be as objective as you can. Innocent until proven guilty.
  7. Always be authentic. Don’t make things up or sensationalise the story.
  8. Is the crime part of something bigger? Does it reflect changes happening in society? What does it say about us as humans?
  9. Curiosity killed the cat. Be careful of becoming too obsessed. Sometimes a story can eat you up and take you to dangerous places, physically and mentally.
  10. Show determination, patience, mindfulness. Evaluate all evidence.