Satur, October 7th

busy one—there was no denying that. Everything was set in place. All of her hard work finally would pay off.

Jane was nervous tonight, a bit on edge as she wiped down the bar and chatted with a few of the locals who moved in and out like ships passing through the eye of a storm.

She was surprised when the doors opened to reveal the man it had taken her years and great pains to find. Jane was not expecting this deviation from his normal routine, but seeing as he’d not come in last night, she supposed he was just making up for lost time. He seemed like that sort.

They locked eyes.

Dave Collins stopped half away from crossing the bar. Jane held his stare, begging the Universe to spare her from any interrogation—she was not ready for the final confrontation. Yet.

He looked as if he might say something, but his attention was suddenly pulled from her and directed to one of the chairs at his usual table. She followed his sightline as he frowned at thin air—there was no one there.

The bar was too empty for Jane to feel comfortable and invisible—she made a quick exit through the back, leaving a note for Ruth about an emergency—it was only her second shift, she couldn’t lose this newly coveted position but she also couldn’t risk blowing her cover.

Jane’s heart was pounding by the time she got into her car. She sped down the slick streets. The rain was driving hard and it was darker than usual. The dimly lit lamps that ghosted the road were bathed in fog. Jane focused her mind on Dave’s expression—how he stared like he’d seen a ghost. She didn’t want to chance the idea of his mind catching up to him. Perhaps he wouldn’t recognize her face, but the rage in her eyes would raise questions. Ones she was not ready to answer.