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I pull a comb through my hair then put on an extra coat of lipstick, staring at my reflection. I wish Sanne was here with me, but she’d already gone ahead when I realised I had to use the toilet.
I’m dying to talk to her about what just happened with Jordan. He had his arm around me as we were walking. I can still feel the heat of his hand on my hip and it makes me tingle with excitement. I’ve never been touched by a man like that before and the feeling is a heady thrill.
I’ve spoken to him so much tonight and we even danced together. It was in a group so it wasn’t actually together, but we were close. I think he likes me! A smile forces its way to my lips at the thought of Jordan actually liking me. If I could just speak to Sanne... I need to tell someone or I might burst with happiness.
This is the best evening ever. It’s so much fun to be out with people, drinking and having a good time. I don’t want it to end. I want to go back to Sanne’s with the rest of them, now. Everyone’s going, except me. But Slater made me promise to go straight back to his car. Like a kid. Or like some sort of Cinderella who’s got to go back to her life of oppression.
The whole evening, I could feel Slater’s eyes on me. It was awkward knowing he was there with those two other guys, barely moving, watching me all the time.
I step back and turn round, checking my reflection in the mirror one last time, then push through the door of the Ladies and head towards the exit. I flick my hair so it falls down my back, feeling confident and sexy for the first time ever. Maybe Jordan will even kiss me goodnight. I glance back at the dance floor; the music is loud and there are still a lot of people dancing. I wish we weren’t leaving so soon.
‘Oh!’ I turn round as I bump into something hard. I walked straight into a man without looking. He moves, blocking my path.
‘What’s the hurry, babe?’
He smells of alcohol and sweat. My hands press against the damp cotton of his shirt as he holds me close to him. I try to step away but can’t move, as his arms encase me. I struggle, but he’s too strong. He grabs my bottom, pulling me closer to his body.
‘You can bump into me anytime.’
I push hard against him, trying to get away, but it’s like pushing against concrete. Panic rises in my throat.
‘Get off me.’
‘Why? We’re having so much fun.’
His hand tightens on my bottom, his fingers curling beneath the hem of my dress.
I struggle against him, but his grip is tight. I pound my fists against his chest, pushing him away, but that just makes him hold me closer.
‘Calm down, babe, you bumped into me.’
‘Let me go!’
I shove his chest, but it achieves nothing. He’s pressing his crotch against me.
‘Get off!’ I cry out, but the music in the club is so loud my voice dissolves into the atmosphere. There are people passing but no one seems to notice us, we must just look like a couple hugging.
‘Why don’t we go around here, for a little privacy?’
He lifts me off my feet, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of my behind, his arousal pressed against me. He walks towards the side of the bathrooms as I hammer my fists against his chest and kick at his shins, but he doesn’t even flinch.
‘Didn’t you hear her?’ Slater hisses, appearing at my side and tearing the man’s arms off me. I stumble backwards as I’m released, my feet fighting for balance. I gasp, shock pulsing through my body as tears of relief spring to my eyes.
Slater grips the guy’s shirt and flings him against the wall.
‘She said she didn’t want you to touch her.’
Anger is painted on his face. He presses his forearm into the man’s neck, choking him against the wall.
‘Do not do it again.’
The man’s eyes are wide with surprise. He opens his mouth to say something but before he can speak Slater smashes his hand upwards, breaking his nose. Blood flows from him like an open tap; he cries, then bends double, gripping his face.
Slater steps away from him and checks his shirt is clean before he turns to me. His eyes are dark and flashing with fury. I take a breath, relief flooding my body. I glance back at the man, realising how very close that was.
‘Let’s get out of here,’ Slater says, and he takes me by the arm and walks me to the door. I let Slater support my weight. My whole body is shaking.
We stop before we reach the exit of the club and he looks at me, cupping my face and examining me. Then he wipes the tears and smudged mascara from under my eyes with his thumb.
‘Are you OK?’
He peers into my eyes, as if searching for the answer to his question.
I nod, not trusting myself to speak.
‘Say goodbye to your friends then go straight to my car,’ he instructs me. ‘I’ll be waiting for you.’
I nod again. He indicates for me to go first, so I walk out of the club. I breathe in the night air when I get outside and fix a smile on my face as I approach my friends. I keep my hands by my sides, afraid that someone will see I’m trembling if I don’t.
‘Hey, San.’ I take her aside. ‘I’m going to head home. I’m feeling so tired.’
‘Really? You sure?’
‘Yeah. I’m not used to being out so late!’ I laugh; it sounds awkward and false.
‘I bet Jordan will be disappointed.’ She nudges me.
‘Yeah.’ I look at my shoes. ‘I’ll stay longer next time.’ I give her a hug and then shout goodbye to the rest of the group, avoiding Jordan’s gaze. I turn and hurry down the street to Slater’s car, tears welling in my eyes.
When I turn the corner, out of sight of my friends, and see Slater waiting beside his car I want to run to him and collapse into his arms. Everything about him screams safety. I force myself to walk to him slowly, but with each step that brings me closer I feel more and more grateful. He opens the passenger door and lets me into his car.
I drop onto the leather seat and almost burst into tears of relief. I fight to keep my composure, not wanting to lose it in front of him. Slater closes my door then walks round to the driver’s side and gets in next to me.
He doesn’t speak as he manoeuvres the car out of the city centre. Neither of us does. I glance sideways, watching him drive. His eyes are on the road and his jaw looks tight, a frown wrinkling his forehead. I bite my lip. Everything would have been fine if I’d just left the club with my friends or if I’d called out to Sanne to come with me to the toilet. But Jordan had his arm around me, and I didn’t want to look like a silly girl who can’t go to the toilet alone.
What would have happened if Slater hadn’t been there? Would that man have bundled me around the corner of the toilets? Then what? I shiver at the thought and Slater’s gaze leaves the road and lands on me. I meet his eyes and try to read what’s behind them, but he looks away.
‘Are you hurt?’
I consider his question. The adrenalin is still in my body, and my heart is pumping fast.
‘No, I don’t think so.’
When we get home, Stefano waves us past the security booth and opens the door to the parking garage; we drive in and he cuts the engine.
He stops moving, his hand on the door handle, and looks at me.
‘I’m sorry,’ I whisper.
He doesn’t answer, just opens the car door and gets out. I follow him inside, feeling wretched with guilt and embarrassment. I watch as he pours himself a glass of Papa’s whisky. He glances at me and takes another glass, pours a finger measure into it and hands it to me.
‘I don’t drink whisky.’
‘Drink it. You need it.’
I take the glass and sip it, the alcohol burning my lips and tongue. He stands by the window staring out at the terrace. I wait for him to say something, but he doesn’t. The silence drags until I can’t stand it any more.
‘Are you angry with me?’
He turns and looks at me and I feel like a disappointing child. I swallow a larger sip of whisky, forcing myself not to wince as it heats my throat. He tips his head to the side.
‘No, I’m not angry with you.’
‘Are you going to tell Papa?’
He doesn’t miss a beat before answering and then he turns back to the window.
‘What would have happened? If you hadn’t been there, I mean. What would he have done?’
‘Don’t think about it.’
‘But there’s security and cameras, right? Someone would have spotted us and come to help me, right?’
He looks at me, lips in a firm line.
‘It happens frequently. Most of the girls who come to our self-defence classes have been attacked, in clubs, out of clubs. It can happen anywhere.’
My skin contracts into goosebumps as I remember that man’s grip on me. I couldn’t escape. Slater walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder.
‘I’ll talk to Antonio when he gets back, get him to enrol you in one of our courses. I won’t tell him about tonight, but it doesn’t hurt to know how to look after yourself. Especially if you’re going to places like that. I won’t always be with you.’
I stare at him. The thought of what would have happened if he hadn’t been watching me hangs in the air. I want him always with me. I don’t think I ever want to go anywhere without his protection again.
‘I don’t go out much. Not when Papa’s home. He never lets me out in the evenings. I shouldn’t have gone tonight. It was stupid. I won’t go out again. Ever.’ I sink down into the chair and swallow the rest of the whisky, letting the liquor cut my throat.
‘You can’t stay in this golden cage all your life, little bird.’
His voice is kind.
‘Hiding’s not the answer. The best thing to do is to learn to protect yourself, so you can go out and feel confident you can handle anything that arises.’
He smiles, the sides of his eyes crinkle and I get an overwhelming urge to ask him for a hug.
‘But for now, I need you to promise me something.’
‘What?’ I’d promise him just about anything right now.
‘No more surprise trips out like that while I’m here.’ He grins.
‘No.’ I look down at my hands and pick at the side of my nail.
‘Hey, are you OK?’
He brushes a strand of hair from my face. I look up at him, the gentle gesture sending me over the edge; tears spring to my eyes and I can feel my face crumple.
‘Come here.’
He pulls me to my feet and wraps his arms around me. I bury my face in his hard chest, unable to stop the tears from spilling and soaking the fabric of his shirt.
‘You’re safe now, Dale. It’s over now,’ he whispers in my ear.
‘I’m so sorry,’ I murmur.
The warmth of his body and protection of his arms soothes me, and I let him hold me for a long time before I pull away from him.
‘Look, I’ve got mascara over you,’ I sob, wiping at the wet cotton of his shirt.
He catches my hand, squeezing it gently within his.
‘It’s OK, little bird. I’ve got plenty shirts.’
I look up at him and smile through my tears.
‘Thank you.’
He cups my face in his warm hands, lifting it so I’m looking into his eyes.
‘There’s nothing to thank me for.’
There’s so much within his gaze that I don’t understand and find myself unable to look away.
‘Shall we have one more?’
He pulls away from me, goes to get the bottle and refills our glasses.
‘Then we better get some sleep. I want to have some energy to spend in that pool of yours tomorrow.’
He grins, lightening the atmosphere, and I’m finally able to smile again.