16 Little-Big Econ State Forest: Kolokee Loop Trail

The 5,048-acre forest is part of a wildlife-roaming corridor, including the Tosohatchee Wildlife Management Area and other state lands that will create a 100-mile-long wildlife passage from State Road 46 and the Florida Turnpike. The Econlockhatchee River, a name that normally is shortened simply to the “Econ,” is a blackwater river that meanders through some of the least developed parts of central Florida, a region where open spaces are becoming more and more of a premium. About half the hike parallels the Econ River, which can be fished from the bank. The Econ is a designated Outstanding Florida Waterway, deemed worthy of special protection because of its natural attributes. This hike is one of the region’s best waterway walks, with several primitive campsites. You have two choices: the state forest’s Kolokee Trail described here or a longer hike on a segment of the Florida National Scenic Trail (FNST). The trails overlap only slightly.

Nearest town: Oviedo

Start: Kiosk at the Barr Street parking lot

Distance: 4.8-mile loop

Approximate hiking time: 3 to 4 hours

Difficulty: Easy unless the trail is muddy

Trail surface: Primarily dirt path

Seasons: October through May generally the most comfortable

Other trail users: Cyclists and equestrians on designated trails, which hikers sometimes use; hiking trail limited to foot traffic

Canine compatibility: Leashed dogs permitted

Land status: State forest

Fees and permits: Day-use fee under $5; primitive camping permit required

Schedule: Open sunrise to sunset; hunting permitted on the Kilbee Tract only, which does not adjoin this section

Maps: Sometimes available at the parking lot information kiosk, but none required

Trail contact: Division of Forestry, Little-Big Econ State Forest, 1350 Snow Hill Road, Geneva FL 32732; (407) 971-3500; www.fl-dof.com/state_forests/little_big_econ.html

Finding the trailhead: The forest is located between the small towns of Chuluota and Geneva in eastern Seminole County. Coming from the west (Geneva or Oviedo), take CR 426 (Oviedo Road) to Barr Street, 3.3 miles east of Oviedo. The state forest signs make the parking lot easily identifiable. GPS: N28 41.245' W081 09.558'

The Hike

The “little” and “big” Econ designations refer to the varying sizes of the river, which in some places is akin to a narrow winding stream and in others a true, classic river. Wildlife viewing here consists primarily of birds, but the species are classic: bald eagles, ospreys, roseate spoonbills, and sandhill cranes. Deer and turkeys are also good possibilities.

Trail maps sometimes are available at the parking lot information kiosk. You’ll encounter different trail systems with different blazes: orange for hiking, white for multiuse, and blue for a cross section of the Flagler Trail that continues north into the Geneva Wilderness Area. It’s not uncommon to meet cyclists where the trails intersect and especially on an optional return loop trail, where they overlap.

To follow the Kolokee Trail, part of the State Forest Trailwalker Program, take the well-marked white-blazed trail until it intersects the orange-blazed FNST. The white-blazed route is your optional return if you choose to make a longer loop hike by joining a multiuse trail.


The easy hike through the Little-Big Econ State Forest often attracts groups of hikers.

You’ll pass through an open field before entering the woods. The river is off to your right. You can approach the river more closely than the trail in some areas, but the trail keeps to the high ground to avoid wet areas when the Econ is rain swollen.

This path goes through some of central Florida’s most remarkable, unspoiled scenery and hugs the riverbank in many places. There are lots of places to fish from the bank. This is a wonderful spot for a weekend escape, and a campsite waits near the river.

To avoid cyclists and equestrians entirely, return to the trailhead the same way you came. If you’d prefer a longer loop hike and want to see more of the forest, turn left (north) at the junction with the blue-blazed Flagler Trail. When you encounter the junction with a white-blazed multiuse trail, turn left (west) for an immediate return to the parking lot.

If you go right (east) you’ll end up on the 1.4-mile bike trail that leads to a trailhead on Snowhill Road. Some hikers like this option and arrange a pickup there. Staying on the blue-blazed Flagler Trail will take you north to the Geneva Wilderness Area.

arrowWhen you visit Little-Big Econ State Forest, stop at the nearby Black Hammock Restaurant (www.theblackhammock.com) for some pretty good fish camp food.


Miles and Directions

0.0 Start at the Barr Street parking lot. Follow white state forest blazes.

0.1 Reach junction with the orange-blazed FNST; turn right to follow the FNST.

0.3 Reach an open field and a designated camping area.

0.7 Cross a white-blazed multiuse trail.

2.3 Reach a camping area with fire ring just north of a bridge over the Econ River. (Option: Retrace your steps to avoid returning via a multiuse trail, for a 4.6-mile out-and-back hike.) Turn left (north) to join the blue-blazed Flagler Trail.

2.6 At the junction with the white-blazed bicycle trail, turn left onto the white-blazed trail. (Going right will take you to the state forest main office on Snowhill Road. Some hikers like to add this section for a longer walk.)

4.5 Taking the return loop blazed in white, pass an open-field camping area.

4.7 Cross the FNST.

4.8 Arrive back at the Barr Street parking lot.

More Information

Local Information and Lodging

Seminole County Convention and Visitors Bureau: www.visitseminole.com.

City of Oviedo: www.ci.oviedo.fl.us.

Greater Oviedo Chamber of Commerce: www.oviedochamber.org.


Primitive camping by the river is allowed with a permit.


Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry: www.fl-dof.com/state_forests/.