Makers of Modern Psychotherapy





This series of introductory, critical texts looks at the work and thought of key contributors to the development of psychodynamic psychotherapy. Each book shows how the theories examined affect clinical practice, and includes biographical material as well as a comprehensive bibliography of the contributor's work.

The field of psychodynamic psychotherapy is today more fertile but also more diverse than ever before. Competing schools have been set up, rival theories and clinical ideas circulate. These different and sometimes competing strains are held together by a canon of fundamental concepts, guiding assumptions and principles of practice.

This canon has a history, and the way we now understand and use the ideas that frame our thinking and practice is palpably marked by how they came down to us, by the temperament and experiences of their authors, the particular puzzles they wanted to solve and the contexts in which they worked. These are the makers of modern psychotherapy. Yet despite their influence, the work and life of some of these eminent figures is not well known. Others are more familiar, but their particular contribution is open to reassessment. In studying these figures and their work, this series will articulate those ideas and ways of thinking that practitioners and thinkers within the psychodynamic tradition continue to find persuasive.

Laurence Spurling

Titles in the series

John Bowlby and Attachment Theory
Second edition
Jeremy Holmes

Frances Tustin
Sheila Spensley

Michael Fordham: Innovations in Analytical Psychology
James Astor

The Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion Joan
Symington and Neville Symington

Heinz Kohut and the Psychology of the Self
Allen M. Siegel

Harry Stack Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory and Psychotherapy
F. Barton Evans III

R. D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry
Zbigniew Kotowicz

Anna Freud: A View of Development, Disturbance and Therapeutic Techniques
Rose Edgcumbe

Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis
Dany Nobus