





Publications of John Bowlby

Personal Aggressiveness and War (1938a) (with E. P. M. Durbin) London: Kegan Paul.

‘The abnormally aggressive child’ (1938b) The New Era (Sept.–Oct.).

‘Hysteria in children’ (1939a) in Humphrey Milford (ed.) A Survey of Child Psychiatry, pp. 80–94, London: Oxford University Press.

‘Substitute homes’ (1939b) Mother and Child (official organ of the National Council for Maternity and Child Welfare), X (1) (April): 3–7.

‘Jealous and spiteful children’ (1939c) Home and School (Home and School Council of Great Britain), IV (5): 83–5.

‘Evacuation of small children’ (1939d) (letter, with E. Miller and D. W. Winnicott) British Medical Journal (16 Dec.): 1202–3.

‘The influence of early environment in the development of neurosis and neurotic character’ (1940a) International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 21: 154–78.

‘Psychological aspects’ (1940b) in Richard Padley and Margaret Cole (eds) Evacuation Survey: A Report to the Fabian Society, Ch. 16, pp. 186–96, London: George Routledge and Sons Ltd.

‘The problem of the young child’ (1940c) Children in War-time, 21 (3): 19–30, London: New Education Fellowships.

‘Forty-four juvenile thieves: their characters and home life’ (1944) International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 25: 1–57 and 207–28; republished as a monograph by Baillière, Tindall and Cox, London, 1946.

‘Childhood origins of recidivism’ (1945–46a) The Howard Journal, VII (1): 30–3, The Howard League for Penal Reform.

‘The future role of the child guidance clinic in education and other services’ (1946a) Report of the Proceedings of a Conference on Mental Health (14–15 Nov.) pp. 80–89, National Association for Mental Health.

‘Psychology and democracy’ (1946b) The Political Quarterly, XVII (1): 61–76.

‘The therapeutic approach in sociology’ (1947a) The Sociological Review, 39: 39–49.

‘The study of human relations in the child guidance clinic’ (1947b) Journal of Social Issues, III (2) (Spring): 35–41.

‘The study and reduction of group tensions in the family’ (1949a) Human Relations, 2 (2) (April): 123–8.

‘The relation between the therapeutic approach and the legal approach to juvenile delinquency’ (1949b) The Magistrate, VIII (Nov.): 260–4.

Why Delinquency? The Case for Operational Research (1949c) Report of a conference on the scientific study of juvenile delinquency held at the Royal Institution, London 1 Oct., and published by the National Association for Mental Health.

‘Research into the origins of delinquent behaviour’ (1950) British Medical Journal, 1 March 11: 570.

Maternal Care and Mental Health (1951) World Health Organisation, Monograph Series No. 2.

‘Responses of young children to separation from their mothers’ (1952a) (with J. Robertson) Courrier du Centre International de l'Enfance, II (2): 66–78, and II (3): 131–42, Paris.

‘A two-year-old goes to hospital: a scientific film’ (1952b) (with J. Robertson) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 46: 425–7.

‘A two-year-old goes to hospital’ (1952c) (with J. Robertson and D. Rosenbluth) The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, VII: 82–94.

‘The roots of parenthood’ (1953a) Convocation Lecture of the National Children's Home (July).

Child Care and the Growth of Maternal Love (1953b) (abridged version of Maternal Care and Mental Health, 1951), London: Penguin Books; new and enlarged edition, 1965.

‘Critical phases in the development of social responses in man and other animals’ (1953c) New Biology, London: Penguin Books, pp. 25–32.

‘Some pathological processes set in train by early mother–child separation’ (1953d) Journal of Mental Science, 99: 265–72.

‘Research strategy in the study of mother–child separation’ (1954) (with M. G. Ainsworth) Courrier du Centre International de l'Enfance, IV: 105–13.

‘Family approach to child guidance: therapeutic techniques’ (1955) Transactions of the 11th Interclinic Conference for the Staffs of Child Guidance Clinics, National Association for Mental Health (26 March).

‘The growth of independence in the young child’ (1956) Royal Society of Health Journal, 76: 587–91.

‘Psychoanalytic instinct theory’ (1956a) in J. M. Tanner and B. Inhelder (eds) Discussions on Child Development, vol. 1, pp. 182–87, London: Tavistock Publications.

‘The effects of mother–child separation: a follow-up study’ (1956b) (with M. Ainsworth, M. Boston and D. Rosenbluth) British Journal of Medical Psychology, XXIX, parts 3 and 4: 211–47.

‘An ethological approach to research in child development’ (1957) British Journal of Medical Psychology, XXX, part 4: 230–40.

Can I Leave my Baby? (1958a) The National Association for Mental Health.

‘A note on mother–child separation as a mental health hazard’ (1958b) British Journal of Medical Psychology, XXXI, parts 3 and 4: 247–8.

Foreword to Widows and their Families by Peter Marris (1958c) London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

‘The nature of the child's tie to his mother’ (1958d) International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 39, part V: 350–73.

‘Psychoanalysis and child care’ (1958e) in Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, J. Sutherland (ed.) London: Hogarth Press.

‘Ethology and the development of object relations’ (1960a) International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 41, parts IV–V: 313–17.

‘Separation anxiety’ (1960b) International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 41, parts II–III: 89–113.

Comment on Piaget's paper: ‘The general problems of the psychobiological development on the child’ (1960c) in J. M. Tanner and B. Inhelder (eds) Discussions on Child Development, vol. 4, London: Tavistock Publications.

‘Grief and mourning in infancy and early childhood’ (1960d) The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, XV: 9–52.

‘Separation anxiety: a critical review of the literature’ (1961a) Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 1 (16): 251–69.

Note on Dr Max Schur's comments on grief and mourning in infancy and early childhood (1961b) The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, XVI: 206–8.

‘Childhood mourning and its implications for psychiatry’, The Adolf Meyer Lecture (1961c) American Journal of Psychiatry, 118 (6): 481–97.

‘Processes of mourning’ (1961d) International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 42, parts IV–V: 317–40.

‘Defences that follow loss: causation and function’ (1962a) unpublished.

‘Loss, detachment and defence’ (1962b) unpublished.

‘Pathological mourning and childhood mourning’ (1963) Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, XI (3) (July): 500–41.

Note on Dr Lois Murphy's paper ‘Some aspects of the first relationship’ (1964a) International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 45, part 1: 44–6.

Security and Anxiety: Old Ideas in a New Light (1964b) Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association of Children's Officers.

Darwin's health (letter) (1965) British Medical Journal (10 April): 999.

Foreword to Brief Separations (1966) by C. M. Heinicke and I. J. Westheimer, New York: International Universities Press; London: Longmans Green.

‘Effects on behaviour of disruption of an affectional bond’ (1968a) in J. M. Thoday and A. S. Parkes (eds) Genetic and Environmental Infuences on Behaviour, pp. 94–108, Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.

‘Security and anxiety’ (1968b) chapter in The Formative Years, London: BBC Publications. ‘Affectional bonds: their nature and origin’ (1969a) in H. Freeman (ed.) Progress in Mental Health, London: J. and A. Churchill.

Attachment and Loss (1969b) vol. 1, Attachment, London: Hogarth Press; New York: Basic Books; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1971; 2nd edn, 1982.

‘Types of hopelessness in psychopathological process’ (1969c) (with F.T. Melges) Archives of General Psychiatry, 20: 690–9.

‘Psychopathology of anxiety: the role of affectional bonds’ (1969d) in M. H. Lader (ed.) Studies of Anxiety, British Journal of Psychiatry, Special Publication no. 3.

‘Reasonable fear and natural fear’ (1970a) International Journal of Psychiatry, 9: 79–88.

‘Separation and loss within the family’ (1970b) (with C. M. Parkes) in The Child in his Family, E. J. Anthony (ed.) New York: J. Wiley; Paris: Masson et Cie; and in The International Yearbook for Child Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, vol. 1, pp. 197–216.

Attachment and Loss, vol. 2 (1973a) Separation: Anxiety and Anger, London: Hogarth Press; New York: Basic Books; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1975.

‘Self-reliance and some conditions that promote it’ (1973b) in R. Gosling (ed.) Support, Innovation and Autonomy, pp. 23–48, London: Tavistock Publications.

‘The family for good or ill’ (1973c) Report on a seminar given in the Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Otago Medical School, New Zealand Department of Psychological Medicine.

‘Problems of marrying research with clinical and social needs’ (1974) in K. J. Connolly and J. S. Bruner (eds) The Growth of Competence, pp. 303–7, London and New York: Academic Press.

‘Attachment Theory, separation anxiety and mourning’ (1975a) in David A. Hamburg and Keith H. Brodie (eds) American Handbook of Psychiatry (2nd edn) vol. VI, New Psychiatric Frontiers, ch. 14, pp. 292–309.

Bindung, translation of Attachment (1975b) Munich: Kindler Verlag.

‘Responses to separation from parents: a clinical test for young children’ (1976a) (with M. Klagsbrun) British Journal of Projective Psychology and Personality Study, 21 (2): 7–27.

‘Human personality development in an ethological light’ (1976b) in G. Serban and A. Kling (eds) Animal Models in Human Psychobiology, pp. 27–36, New York: Plenum Publishing Corp.

‘The making and breaking of affectional bonds’ (1977) ‘I Aetiology and psycho-pathology in the light of Attachment Theory, II Some principles of psychotherapy’, British Journal of Psychiatry, 130: 201–10 and 421–31.

‘Attachment Theory and its therapeutic implications’ (1978) in S. C. Feinstein and P. L. Giovacchini (eds) Adolescent Psychiatry: Developmental and Clinical Studies, vol. 6, pp. 5–33, New York: Jason Aronson.

‘On knowing what you are not supposed to know and feeling what you are not supposed to feel’ (1979a) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 24 (5): 403–8.

‘Psychoanalysis as art and science’ (1979b) International Review of PsychoAnalysis, 6, part 3: 3–14.

The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds (1979c) London: Tavistock Publications.

Continuing commentary on article by D. W. Rajecki, M. E. Lamb and P. Obmascher, ‘Toward a general theory of infantile attachment: a comparative review of aspects of the social bond’ (1979d) The Behaioural and Brain Sciences, 2: 637–8.

‘By ethology out of psychoanalysis: an experiment in interbreeding’ (1979e) (The Niko Tinbergen Lecture), Animal Behaviour, 28, part 3: 649–56.

Attachment and Loss, vol. 3, Loss: Sadness and Depression (1980) London: Hogarth Press; New York: Basic Books; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1981.

‘Perspective: a contribution by John Bowlby’ (1981a) Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 5 (1) (Jan.)

Contribution to symposium, ‘Emanuel Peterfreund on information and systems theory’ (1981b) The Psychoanalytic Review, 68: 187–90.

‘Psychoanalysis as a natural science’ (1981c) International Review of PsychoAnalysis, 8, part 3: 243–56.

‘Attachment and loss: retrospect and prospect’ (1982a) American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 52 (4): 664–78.

Epilogue (1982b) in Colin Murray Parkes and Joan Stevenson-Hinde (eds) The Place of Attachment in Human Behaviour, pp. 310–13, New York: Basic Books; London: Tavistock Publications.

‘Caring for the young: influences on development’ (1984a) in Rebecca S. Cohen, Bertram J. Cohler and Sidney H. Weissman (eds) Parenthood: A Psychodynamic Perspective, ch. 18, pp. 269–84, The Guilford Psychiatry Series, New York: Guilford Press.

Discussion of paper, ‘Aspects of transference in group analysis’ (1984b) by Mario Marrone, Group Analysis, 17: 191–4.

‘Violence in the family as a disorder of the attachment and caregiving systems’ (1984c) American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 44: 9–27.

‘Psychoanalysis as a natural science’ (1984d) Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1(1): 7–21.

‘The role of childhood experience in cognitive disturbance’ (1985) in Michael J. Mahoney and Arthur Freeman (eds) Cognition and Psychotherapy, ch. 6, pp. 181–200, New York and London: Plenum Publishing Corp.

‘Processi difensivi alla luce della teoria dell'attaccamento’ (1986a) Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 20: 3–19.

Figlio, K. and Young, R. (1986b) ‘An Interview with John Bowlby’, Free Associations, 6: 36–64.

‘Defensive processes in the light of Attachment Theory’ (1987a) in D. P. Schwartz, J. L. Sacksteder and Y. Akabane (eds) Attachment and the Therapeutic Process, New York: International Universities Press.

‘Attachment’, ‘Phobias’ (1987b) in R. Gregory (ed.) The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

A Secure Base: Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory (1988a) London: Routledge.

‘Changing theories of childhood since Freud’ (1988b) in E. Timms and N. Segal (eds) Freud in Exile, pp. 230–40, New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press.

‘Developmental psychiatry comes of age’ (1988c) American Journal of Psychiatry, 145: pp. 1–10.

‘The role of attachment in personality development and psychopathology’ (1989) in S. Greenspan and G. Pollock (eds) The Course of Life, vol. 1, 2nd edn, ch. 6, pp. 229–70, Madison, WI: International Universities Press.

Charles Darwin: A New Biography (1990) London: Hutchinson.

‘The role of the psychotherapist's personal resources in the therapeutic situation’ (1991) Tavistock Gazette (Autumn).

General works

Ainsworth, M. D. S. (1969) ‘Object relations, dependency and attachment: a theoretical review of the infant–mother relationship’, Child Development, 40: 969–1025.

Ainsworth, M. D. S. (1972) ‘Attachment and dependency: a comparison’, in J. L. Gewirtz (ed.) Attachment and Dependency (pp. 97–137), Washington, DC: V.H. Winston and Sons.

Ainsworth, M. D. S. (1973) ‘The development of infant–mother attachment’, in B. M. Caldwell and H. N. Ricciuti (eds) Review of Child Development Research (Vol. 3) (pp. 76–85), Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.

Ainsworth, M. D. S. (1979) Infant–mother attachment. American Psychologist, 34(10): 932–7.

Ainsworth, M. D. S. (1982) ‘Attachment: retrospect and prospect’, in C. M. Parkes and J. Stevenson-Hinde (eds) The Place of Attachment in Human Behaviour, London: Tavistock.

Ainsworth, M. D. S. (1989) ‘Attachments beyond infancy’, American Psychologist, 44: 709–16.

Ainsworth, M. D. S., Bell, S. M. V. and Stayton, D. J. (1971) ‘Individual differences in Strange-Situation behaviour of one year-olds’, in H. R. Schaeffer (ed.) The Origins of Human Social Relations (pp. 17–52), New York: Academic Press.

Ainsworth, M. D. S., Blehar, M., Waters, E. and Wall, S. (1978) Patterns of Attachment: Assessed in the Strange Situation and at Home, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Akhtar, S. (2009) Good Feelings: Psychoanalytic Refections on Positive Emotions and Attitudes, London: Karnac.

Allen, J. P., Hauser, S. T. and Borman-Spurrell, E. (1996) ‘Attachment Theory as a framework for understanding sequelae of severe adolescent psychopa-thology: an 11-year follow-up study’, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64(2): 254–63.

Allen, J. G., Fonagy, P. and Bateman, A. W. (2010) ‘The role of mentalizing in treating attachment trauma’, in R.A. Lanius, E. Vermetten and C. Pain (eds) The Impact of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease: The Hidden Epidemic (pp. 247–56), New York: Cambridge University Press.

Anderson, J. (1972) ‘Attachment out of doors’, in N. Blurton-Jones (ed.) Ethological Studies of Child Behaviour, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Andry, R. (1962) ‘Paternal and maternal roles in delinquency’, in B. Cicchetti and M. Cumming (eds) Deprivation of Maternal Care: A Reassessment of its Effects, Geneva: World Health Organisation Publications; Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. and Van Ijzendoorn, M. (2011) ‘Differential susceptibility to rearing environment depending on dopamine-related genes: new evidence and a meta-analysis’, Development and Psychopathology, 23: 39–52.

Balint, M. (1964) Primary Love and Psychoanalytic Technique, London: Tavistock.

Balint, M. (1968) The Basic Fault, London: Tavistock.

Balint, M. (1986) ‘The unobtrusive analyst’, in G. Kohon (ed.) The British School of Psychoanalysis, London: Free Associations.

Barratt, B. (2012) What is Psychoanalysis? 100 Years after Freud's Secret Committee, London: Routledge.

Bartholomew, K. (1990) ‘Avoidance of intimacy: an attachment perspective’, Journal of Social and Personality Relationships, 7: 147–78.

Bateman, A. and Fonagy, P. (2009) ‘Randomized controlled trial of outpatient mentalization-based treatment versus structured clinical management for Borderline Personality Disorder’, The American Journal of Psychiatry, 166(12): 1355–64.

Bateson, G. (1973) Steps Towards an Ecology of Mind, London: Paladin.

Beck, A., Rush, A., Shaw, B. and Emery, G. (1979) Cognitive Therapy of Depression, New York: Guilford.

Beebe, B. and Lachmann, F. (1988) ‘The contribution of mother–infant mutual influence to the origins of self–object representation’, Psychoanalytic Psychology, 5: 305–37.

Beebe, B., Lachmann, F., Markese, S. and Bahrick, L. (2012) ‘On the origins of disorganised attachment and internal working models’, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 22: 352–74.

Bellos, D. (2012) Is that a Fish in your Ear? The Amazing Adventure of Translation, London: Penguin.

Belsky, J. (1997) ‘Attachment, mating, and parenting: an evolutionary interpretation’, Human Nature, 8(4): 361–81.

Belsky, J. (2001) ‘Emanuel Miller Lecture: developmental risks (still) associated with early child care’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 42(7): 845–59.

Belsky, J. and Nezworski, T. (1988) Clinical Implications of Attachment, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Belsky, J., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J. and Van Ijzendoorn, M. H. (2007) ‘For better and for worse: differential susceptibility to environmental influences’, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(6): 300–4.

Bettelheim, B. (1960) The Informed Heart, New York: Free Press.

Bion, W. (1978) Second Thoughts, London: Heineman.

Bifulco, A. and Brown, G. W. (1996) ‘Cognitive coping response to crises and onset of depression’, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 31: 163–72.

Birtchnell, J. (1988) ‘Defining dependence’, British Journal of Medical Psychology, 61: 111–23.

Bowie, M. (1991) Lacan, London: Fontana.

Bowlby, U. (1991) Personal communication.

Brazelton, T. and Cramer, B. (1991) The Earliest Relationship, London: Fontana.

Brennan, K. A., Clark, C. L. and Shaver, P. R. (1998) ‘Self-report measurement of adult romantic attachment: an integrative overview’, in J. A. Simpson and W. S. Rholes (eds) Attachment Theory and Close Relationships (pp. 46–76), New York: Guilford Press.

Bretherton, I. (1985) ‘Attachment Theory: retrospect and prospect’, in I. Bretherton and E. Waters (eds) ‘Growing points of Attachment Theory and research’, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 50: 3–35.

Bretherton, I. (1987) ‘New perspectives on attachment relations: security, communication and internal working models’, in J. Osofsky (ed.) Hand-book of Infant Development, New York: Wiley.

Bretherton, I. (1991a) ‘Pouring new wine into old bottles: the social self as Internal Working Model’, in M. Gunnar and L. Sroufe (eds) Self Processes and Development, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Bretherton, I. (1991b) ‘Roots and growing points of Attachment Theory’, in Attachment Across the Life Cycle, C. M. Parkes, J. Stevenson-Hinde and P. Marris (eds) London: Routledge.

Bretherton, I. (2010) ‘Fathers in Attachment Theory and research: a review’, Early Child Development and Care, 180(1): 9–23.

Brisch, K. H. (2002) Treating Attachment Disorders: From Theory to Therapy. New York: Guilford.

Brown, G. and Harris, T. (1978) The Social Origins of Depression, London: Tavistock.

Brown, G., Ban, M., Craig, al. (2012) ‘Serotonin transporter length polymorphism, childhood maltreatment and chronic depression: a specific geneenvironment interaction’, Depression and Anxiety, 29: 1–9; DOI 10.1002/da.21982.

Bryer, J., Nelson, B., Miller, J. and Krol, P. (1987) ‘Childhood sexual and physical abuse as factors in adult psychiatric illness’, American Journal of Psychiatry, 144: 1426–30.

Bufalino, G. (1992) ‘An island between heaven and hell’, Guardian, 21 May.

Byng-Hall, J. (1980) ‘Symptom bearer as marital distance regulator’, Family Process, 19: 335–65.

Byng-Hall, J. (1985) ‘The family script: a useful bridge between theory and practice’, Journal of Family Therapy, 7: 301–5.

Byng-Hall, J. (1991a) ‘Memorial service for John Bowlby: address’, Tavistock Gazette (Autumn).

Byng-Hall, J. (1991b) ‘The application of Attachment Theory to understanding and treatment in family therapy’, in C. M. Parkes, J. Stevenson-Hinde and P. Marris (eds) Attachment Across the Life Cycle, London: Routledge.

Byng-Hall, J. (1991c) ‘An appreciation of John Bowlby: his significance for family therapy’, Journal of Family Therapy, 13: 5–16.

Byng-Hall, J. (1998) ‘Family and couple therapy: towards greater security’, in J. Cassidy and P. Shaver (eds) Handbook of Attachment, 1st edn (pp. 625–45), New York: Guilford.

Byng-Hall, J. and Stevenson-Hinde, J. (1991) ‘Attachment relationships within a family system’, Infant Mental Health Journal, 12: 187–96.

Carlson, E. A. (1998) ‘A prospective longitudinal study of attachment disorganization/disorientation’, Child Development, 69(4): 1107–28.

Carlson, V., Cicchetti, D., Barnett, D. and Braunwald, K. (1989) ‘Disorganised/disoriented attachment relationships in maltreated infants’, Developmental Psychology, 25(4): 525–31.

Casement, P. (1985) On Learning from the Patient, London: Tavistock.

Caspi, A., Sugden, K., Moffitt, T. E. et al. (2003) ‘Influence of life stress on depression: moderation in the 5-HTT gene’, Science 301: 386–9.

Caspi, A., Bem, D. and Elder, G. (2006) ‘Continuities and consequences of interactional styles across the life course’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57: 375–406.

Cassidy, J. (1988) ‘The self as related to child-mother attachment at 6’, Child Development, 59: 121–34.

Cassidy, J. (1994) ‘Emotion regulation: influences of attachment relationships’, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 59(2/3): 228–49.

Cassidy, J. (2001) ‘Truth, lies and intimacy: an attachment perspective’, Attachment and Human Development, 3: 121–55.

Cassidy, J. and Kobak, R. (1988) ‘Avoidance and its relation to other defensive processes’, in J. Belsky and T. Nezworski (eds) Clinical Implications of Attachment (pp. 300–23), Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Chodorow, N. (1978) The Reproduction of Motherhood, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Cicchetti, D., Rogosch, F. and Tooth, S. (2006) ‘Fostering secure attachment in infants in maltreating families’, Development and Psychopathology, 18: 623–49.

Coan, J. A., Schaefer, H. S. and Davidson, R. J. (2006) ‘Lending a hand: social regulation of the neural response to threat’, Psychological Science, 17(12): 1032–9.

Craik, K. (1943) The Nature of Explanation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crittenden, P. M. (1985) ‘Maltreated infants: vulnerability and resilience’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 26(1): 85–96.

Crittenden, P. (1988) ‘Maternal antecedents of attachment quality’, in J. Belsky and T. Nezworski (eds) Clinical Implications of Attachment, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Crittenden, P. M. (2006) ‘A dynamic-maturational model of attachment’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 27(2): 105–15.

Crowell, J. A., Treboux, D. and Waters, E. (2002) ‘Stability of attachment representations: the transition to marriage’, Developmental Psychopathology, 38(4): 467–79.

Darwin, C. (1872) The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, London: John Murray.

Dawkins, R. (1977) The Selfish Gene, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Diamond, D., Blatt, S. and Lichtenberg, J. (eds) (2007) Attachment and Sexuality. Hillsdale, NJ: Academic Press.

Dixon, N. (1971) Subliminal Perception: The Nature of a Controversy, London: McGraw-Hill.

Dixon, N. and Henley, S. (1991) ‘Unconscious perception: possible implications of data from academic research for clinical practice’, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 79: 243–51.

Dozier, M., Manni, M., Gordon., M. K., Peloso, E., Gunnar, M. R., Stovall-McClough, K. C. and Levine, S. (2006) ‘Foster children's diurnal production of cortisol: an exploratory study’, Child Maltreatment, 11: 189–98.

Eagle, M. (1988) ‘Psychoanalysis and the personal’, in P. Clark and C. Wright (eds) Mind, Psychoanalysis and Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Eagle, M. (2007) ‘Attachment and sexuality’, in D. Diamond, S. Blatt and J. Lichtenberg (eds) Attachment and Sexuality (pp. 27–50), New York: Analytic Press.

Eagle, M. (2013) Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis: Theory, Research and Clinical Applications, New York: Guilford.

Fairbairn, R. (1952) Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality, London: Tavistock.

Feeney, B. C. and van Vleet, M. (2010) ‘Growing through attachment: the interplay of attachment exploration in adulthood, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27(2): 226–34.

Ferenczi, S. (1955) Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psychoanalysis, London: Hogarth.

Figlio, K. and Young, R. (1986) ‘An interview with John Bowlby’, Free Associations, 6: 36–64.

Fonagy, P. (1991) ‘Thinking about thinking: some clinical and theoretical considerations in the treatment of a borderline patient’, International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 72: 639–56.

Fonagy, P. (2001) Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis, New York: Other Press.

Fonagy, P. and Target, M. (1997) ‘Attachment and reflective function: their role in self organization’, Development and Psychopathology, 9: 679–700.

Fonagy, P., Steele, H. and Steele, M. (1991a) ‘Maternal representations of attachment during pregnancy predict organization of infant-mother attachment at one year of age’, Child Development, 62: 891–905.

Fonagy, P., Steele, M., Steele, H., Moran, G. and Higgins, A. (1991b) ‘The capacity for understanding mental states: the reflective self in parent and child and its significance for security of attachment’, Infant Mental Health Journal, 12: 201–18.

Fonagy, P., Steele, M., Steele, H., Leigh, T., Kennedy, R., Mattoon, G. and Target, M. (1995) ‘Attachment, the reflective self, and borderline states: the predictive specificity of the Adult Attachment Interview and pathological emotional development’, in S. Goldberg, R. Muir and J. Kerr (eds) Attachment Theory: Social, Developmental and Clinical Perspectives (pp. 233–78), New York: Analytic Press.

Fonagy, P., Gergely, G., Jurist, E. and Target, M. (2004) Affect Regulation, Mentalisation and the Development of the Self. London: Karnac.

Fraiberg, P., Adelson, E. and Shapiro, V. (1975) ‘Ghosts in the nursery: a psychoanalytic approach to the problem of impaired infant-mother relationships’, Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 14: 387–422.

Fraley, C. and Spieker, S. (2003) ‘Are infant attachment patterns continuously or categorically distributed? A taxonomic analysis of Strange Situation behaviour’, Developmental Psychology, 39: 387–404.

Frank, J. (1986) ‘Psychotherapy: the transformation of meanings’, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 79: 341–6.

Freud, A. (1960) ‘Discussion of Dr John Bowlby's paper’, Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 15: 53–62.

Freud, A. (1936) The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense. London: Hogarth.

Freud, A. and Burlingham, D. (1943) Infants without Families, London: Allen and Urwin.

Freud, S. (1905) Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, SE 9, London: Hogarth.

Freud, S. (1910) ‘Leonardo da Vinci and a memory of his childhood’, SE 9, London: Hogarth.

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