Book 3

Working with Integrated Circuits

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Introducing Integrated Circuits
    1. What Exactly Is an Integrated Circuit?
    2. Looking at How Integrated Circuits Are Made
    3. Integrated Circuit Packages
    4. Using ICs in Schematic Diagrams
    5. Powering ICs
    6. Avoiding Static and Heat Damage
    7. Reading IC Data Sheets
    8. Popular Integrated Circuits
  2. Chapter 2: The Fabulous 555 Timer Chip
    1. Looking at How the 555 Works
    2. Understanding 555 Modes
    3. Using the 555 in Monostable (One-Shot) Mode
    4. Using the 555 in Astable (Oscillator) Mode
    5. Using the 555 in Bistable (Flip-Flop) Mode
    6. Using the 555 Timer Output
    7. Doubling Up with the 556 Dual Timer
    8. Making a One-Shot Timer
    9. Project 21: A One-Shot 555 Timer Circuit
    10. Making an LED Flasher
    11. Project 22: An LED Flasher
    12. Using a Set/Reset Switch
    13. Project 23: An LED Flasher with a Set/Reset Switch
    14. Making a Beeper
    15. Project 24: An Audible Beeper
  3. Chapter 3: Working with Op-Amps
    1. Looking at Operational Amplifiers
    2. Understanding Open Loop-Amplifiers
    3. Looking at Closed Loop-Amplifiers
    4. Using an Op-Amp as a Unity Gain Amplifier
    5. Using an Op-Amp as a Voltage Comparator
    6. Adding Voltages
    7. Working with Op-Amp ICs