The setting of this book is France. The characters are, for the most part, French with a few Italians in the mix. While some of the names are spelled the same as they are in English, they would be pronounced differently by French speakers. I invite you to hear the correct pronunciation in your head, as you read.

The Magniet Family

La Famille Magniet

La Fah-mee Man-yea

Louis le Baron de Beauvu     Lou-ee luh Bare-on duh Bo-voo

Richard René Louis Magniet     Ree-shard Ra-neigh Lou-ee Man-yea

Grégoire or “Grégré”     Grey-gwar or “grey-grey”

Robert     Ro-bear

Cybelle     Sea-bell

le Marquis de Castillon     luh Mar-kee duh Cass-ti-yawn

Mathieu     Mah-tweu

Cécile     “Céci”     Suh-seal     “Say-cee”

Thérèse     Thay-reese

Laurent Paulo Floriani “Lauro”     Low-ron Pow-low Floor-ee-ahnee

Denis     Den-ee

Ebert     E-bear

Madeleine     Mad-dah-lane

Delphine     Dell-feen

Albert     Al-bear

Henri     On-ree

Claude Gervais     Cloud Jher-vay

Monsieur Pagni     Muh-suheu Pahn-yee

Maryse Chabanier’s Household

Mah-reese Scha-bhan-yea

Christien     Chris-tee-en

Albert     Al-bear

Janine     Jha-neen

Béatrice     Bay-a-treece

La Famiglia DiClementi

La Fah-mee-lee-ya Dee-cla-men-tee

Christina Maria Antonia Sophia     (as written)

Marco     Mar-ko

Antonio     Ann-tonio

Catharine     Kath-ah-reen

Francesca     Fran-ches-ka

Sylvie Bret     (as written)

Espérance     Ess-pay-raunce

Guy Eugène Jonvaux’s Household

Ghee Ou-jhen Jhan-vo

Marcel     Mar-cell

Agnes     Ahn-yes

André     Ahn-dray

Julien     Jhew-lee-enn

Stefano Ferro     Stef-a-no Farrow

Sabine     Say-bean

Giuliana     Jew-lee-ahna

Benito     Ben-ee-toe

Giovanni     Geo-vahn-ee

Arabella Bonelli at the Cottage

Air-a-bella Bow-nellie

Alfredo     Al-fray-dough

Tomas     Toe-mahs

Luisa     Lou-eesa

Piero     Pea-err-o

The Establishment of Madame Dijol l’Hôtel Dijol Low-tell Dee-jhol

*French townhouses were called “hôtels” though they were private residences

Gabrielle Dijol     Gab-ree-el Dee-joel

Odile     Oh-deal

Claire     Clare

Geneviève     Juh-ne-vee-ev

Additional Characters

Monsieur Louvet     Muh-suheu Lou-vey

Gérard & Isabelle Layglon     Jhair-ard & Ee-sa-bell Lay-glon

Martine Tallendier     Mar-teen Tahl-ahn-dee-eh

Dom Siguero     Dohm See-gare-o

Cities and Towns

Arles     Ahrl

Tunis     Two-nee

Provence     Pro-vonce

Marseilles     Mar-say

Rhône     Roan

Montmajour     Maunt-mah-jhour

Trinquetaille     Trink-ah-tie

Fontvielle     Faunt-vee-el

Hôtel de Ville     Oh-tell Duh-veal     (the city offices)

Bonifacio en Corse (on Corsica)     Bow-nee-fass-see-oh on Course

Terms of Address, French and Italian

Madame     Mah-dahm

Monsieur     Muh-suheu

Mademoiselle     Mad-moi-zell

Signore     Sin-yoray

Signora     Sin-yora

Signorina     Sin-yor-eena

Monseigneur     Mon-sin yur

Macchia     Ma-kia

(Maquis in French)

fragrant combination of shrubs that cover the hills of Corsica