Night had fallen once more.
Sebastian paced around his house, for that was all the building meant to him—a house, not a home.
A home should be filled with love and family and memories. This place contained none of those things. No family photographs filled the walls, no pets welcomed him home, and children’s laughter hadn’t been heard within the walls since Sebastian moved in.
The beautiful house had been filled with the finest furnishing and most expensive decor, but none of these things gave the building a soul. Like himself, the house was little more than a shell.
Loneliness had become a part of Sebastian. He thought he’d grown immune to the feeling. Loneliness and he walked hand in hand, joined together like Siamese twins. Only now the twin had become parasitic, the loneliness feeding on him to grow stronger.
As his solitude grew, Sebastian’s resolve to stay away from Serenity weakened.
He must be going crazy. He meant it when he’d told Serenity not to leave her husband for him. Their being together was inconceivable. He wouldn’t contemplate the events that needed to happen to make their union a possibility, yet he wanted to be around her. Being close to her healed his wounds but Sebastian knew his being there wasn’t good for her. He could bring her nothing but confusion, anguish and despair. With a single word, he would turn her whole idea of the world and what it contained upside down.
Serenity didn’t deserve any of this. She should be happily married with a couple of children, or have a high flying career or be traveling the world. She should be doing whatever she wanted to make her happy.
Frustration churned within him as he paced. He couldn’t stay indoors, the confining walls did nothing to help his pent up despair. He needed to be outside, be part of the night again.
Sebastian stepped out of the front door and headed down the driveway to the front gate. He hit the buzzer on his keys and the electric gates slid open before him.
An unused, silver Audi A6 sat in the drive. Despite having taught himself to drive many years ago, being behind the wheel made him nervous. Driving wasn’t in his nature. Anything involving technology and mechanics didn’t sit well with him.
What was the point in a car when he moved faster under his own power?
Sebastian didn’t intend to head down into the commotion of the city. Even at night, Los Angeles bustled with people. For every celebrity, several thousand wannabes lived in the metropolis. Every waitress, sales person, even the guy who pumped your gas, wanted to be an actor. Tourists intertwined with the dreamers, and dotted between them were the extremely rich who thought themselves famous. An undercurrent of kooks and weirdos also had their place in LA. Many could be found hanging out at Venice Beach. Sebastian found the area a good hunting ground. When that type of person went missing, it caused less of a stir. Those people disappeared all the time and normally had fewer people who cared about them
Even so, Sebastian hated to take life. He never killed unless necessary and he found he needed to feed once a month to survive. Even so, once monthly for centuries amounted to a lot of death. But he had grown used to it, dulled, anesthetized. He didn’t care about these people. Most of them were worthless pieces of space; drug addicts and dealers, lazy bums who never bothered to work.
But then who was he to play God?
He’d tried to starve himself, but the need grew overwhelming. The hypocrisy of looking down on drug addicts when, in many ways, Sebastian wasn’t much better himself didn’t evade him.
Tonight, he didn’t head down to Venice Beach. Instead, he turned away from the city and headed deeper into the hills toward the national park. He felt better being among nature, away from the bright Los Angeles lights. The giant, white Hollywood sign hung high above him.
I’ll go there, he decided. He would have space to think.
The cool October air bit at his skin but, immune to the cold, he didn’t react. He walked at a normal pace, at the speed of a man, up through the gravel paths where the joggers went through their paces and people took their dogs for walks. Tonight he was in no hurry, he needed time to think.
Sebastian had no reason to rush through time. He saw his future, the rest of eternity, stretching before him and Serenity wasn’t in it. He thought he had come to terms with being alone, made his peace, but the fact tormented him.
Sebastian scaled the wire fence surrounding the fifty feet tall letters of the famous sign. His fingers hooked into the wire mesh, pulling him up with ease and speed. Vaulting over the top, he dropped to the ground.
He walked up to the start of the sign, the letters towering over him. Someone had to paint the thing, he marveled. Perhaps a job for one of his kind?
He dropped to a crouch and sprung into the air, leaping to the top of the first line of the letter ‘H’. Steel girders held the structure in place and he stepped across them, balancing easily, until he reached the concrete and enamel frontage of the sign. He stood on the edge, the world dropping away before him. The view from the top always took his breath away; a sea of lights—reds, greens and yellows—the city with all its weird and wonderful inhabitants, living with no idea of what stood above, watching them.
Sebastian sat down, swinging his legs over the edge.
Normally, this was the only time he felt at peace with himself; alone in the night, seeing its beauty for all that it was. Yet tonight, he found peace only came with thoughts of Serenity, picturing her beautiful, haunted face in his mind.
The air moved behind him and he froze, no longer alone.
Sebastian turned to find a figure balanced on the steel girders, as he had been only moments before. Moonlight shrouded her face but he recognized her immediately. He could tell by her scent alone; a mixture of blood and darkness and night. Someone he’d hoped to never see again.
Pale skin caught the moonlight, long red hair springing around her face in ringlets. Her green eyes glowed in the darkness, taking him in with a knowing, sly stare. She looked good; beauty had never been Madeline’s problem. Her exterior was perfect; doll-like, exotic, but poison churned on the inside. Her heart lay black and still inside her chest. Nothing gave her greater pleasure than messing with people, playing the puppet master. Madeline manipulated everyone to get what she wanted.
Sebastian knew all about her.
Long ago, she’d hurt the people he loved. He thought he’d escaped her but now, here she was again.
“What do you want, Madeline?” he regarded her coolly. “What are you doing here?”
She gave him a lop-sided smile and glanced up from under her eyelashes, her full red mouth pouting. “I missed you, Sebastian. I thought I’d see if you had changed your mind about me?”
The sight of her made him tremble with anger. “You’re insane. Get out of here.”
“But I thought you might have changed,” she said. “I thought you were interested in women again?”
“You’re not a woman.”
“Oh, not me, Sebastian,” she said with a light tinkle of laughter. “The other woman.”
His blood froze. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
She laughed again. “I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. Dark hair? Big, sad-looking eyes? I would have thought her a bit plain for your liking, Sebastian, but then you never did have taste in women.”
She stopped and took a step closer, looking at him carefully, studying his face.
“Wow,” she said, her green eyes wide. “You really care, don’t you?” She smiled again, her false, bright smile. “Well, I guess that makes things easier for me.”
“What do you want, Madeline?” he asked again.
She sidled up to him, her long, lean body close, leaving only a sliver of air between them.
“I want what I’ve always wanted. I want you.”
Sebastian reached out and shoved her away. The other vampire stumbled back, but didn’t fall. She glared at him, eyes now yellow with fury, burning in the dark.
“Don’t test me, Sebastian,” she spat. The seductive woman had gone, replaced by a vicious wild cat. “Don’t forget I can always take something away from you.”
Rage soared through him. “So we’re here again, Madeline?” he said, eyes narrowed with hatred. “The only way you can get someone to be around you is by blackmailing them?”
She looked at him with scorn, forgetting herself for a moment. “There are plenty of others to choose from. It’s easy enough for me to get who I want, and Sebastian, I always get who I want.”
Then she seemed to remember herself and turned again, meek and mild. “I just want a companion, Sebastian, you must understand? I get so lonely. I know you do too.”
“Why me? Why can’t you leave me alone?”
She placed a hand against his chest and he shuddered at her touch. “Maybe I only want you because you’ve made it so clear you don’t want me. I’ve always loved a good chase.”
He tore her hand away from his chest and stepped back. Inches from where they stood, the edge dropped fifty feet to the ground.
“Obviously not clear enough.”
Madeline turned away, her shoulders sagging. “I don’t know why you hate me so much.”
He barked laughter into the night. “You did this to me! You made me what I am and you wonder why I hate you for it?”
“You are strong and beautiful,” she breathed. “You will live forever. How can you hate me for that?”
“You took away everything I loved. Who wants to spend eternity alone?”
“So give in.”
Instantly, she stood directly in front of him, her long slim fingers touching his cheek. “Stay with me and you won’t be alone.”
Sebastian took a small step back, the solid concrete, enamel and steel no longer beneath his feet. He plummeted through the air, the cool wind whistling past his ears. His stomach lurched, like hitting turbulence on an airplane, and his feet hit the ground. Every muscle tensed to take the impact and he dropped to a crouch.
Within moments, Madeline was by his side again, dropping lighter than he had. She was more agile, faster than him.
He rounded on her. “Get out of my life, Madeline. I would rather spend eternity alone than one more minute with you.”
She glared at him, yellow eyes like beacons. “It’s that woman isn’t it?” she snarled, flashing her canines at him. “A fucking human! What do you want with another human? They’re weak, pathetic.”
“They have feelings, they care, they love.”
“I can love,” she pretended to be hurt.
“You only love yourself.”
He turned from her and started to walk away. His ears listened for the sound of her following but only silence greeted him. When he reached the chain-link fencing, he risked turning around. The space behind him was empty but Sebastian knew it wouldn’t be for long. Now she had found him again, she wouldn’t leave him alone.
Madeline must have searched every city to find him, or maybe she just got lucky? He thought by leaving Europe he’d escaped her. The other vampire thought America to be crass and uneducated, a new world version of ‘new money’. He thought Los Angeles was the one city Madeline would avoid, but he’d been wrong.
He needed to leave again, to lose himself in a world that was quickly becoming too small.