THERE is no need to describe here the care, pride, and joy that boil up inside every young bride when the first guest is due and his room is being made ready.

The first year of my marriage, I was lucky that my family lived near me and I could see them often. My luck continued, because the first visitor to spend some time with me was Emily Carr. She was coming all the way from the Coast. Was I the proud one! The fact that a west coast show was being held here in the East, and Miss Carr had been invited to exhibit and to come East to meet the members of the Group of Seven, did not slow me up at all!

A great box had arrived from her when I was married. It was a Treasure Chest such as we all dream of but few see. This was in the old days, when she was still well, and she made most of the things herself. There were several oddly shaped cream jugs (she knew so well my love for, and taste in, china!), a lovely, soft, brown rug, made by her, beautifully done, a supply of her own Mother’s table silver, and a lovely water colour, mostly blue, of a spot I was very fond of along the coast. There was a dear little pewter mug (I wept over this one; it had been given to her, when she was eighteen, by the soldier who had been killed.) There was also the fine nightie she had had for years; she loved it just for the vacant spot in her life that it represented, I think. I was proud, glad, and at the same time sad to have it. If I had had a little girl, it would have been one of the things she would have had.

There was a common can-opener, all wrapped up as fancy as you please, with a great big card tied to it. The card had a drawing of me, painting at an easel in the corner of a small kitchen, with a big clock on the wall, the hands pointing to twelve-thirty, and the face of the clock was drawn in, with eyes and so on, representing a “you’ll be sorry!” look! At the table sat a man, in overalls, the picture of disgust, as he stared at the clock, his elbows on the empty table! At this time Miss Carr had never met my husband. I had not referred in any way to his attitude toward my painting because we had been married only a month or so, and at that time there was no reaction to refer to. When, years later, I asked her how she knew in advance, her reply was only, “Human nature, Child, and different environments.” At that time this hardly made sense to me at all. But painting had stopped in the third year!

In another separate box was a little ginger-coloured Griffon. He was only a small pup, the sweetest little thing! The beautiful Sugar Plum was his mother. There had been five puppies. Miss Carr said that they were such heavenly little things, “there were no two ways about it!” and so she promptly named them Cloud, Sun, Moon, Planet, and Star. This was just like her! She sent me Sun, because, she said, he was the warmest and the brightest! Her easy way of tying things together, having the right thought in her heart and the right word on her tongue, was a gift, I think, even more valuable than her gift of painting. Indeed, in my heart I am sure it was because of this understanding of hers that her paintings are so loved today.

Sun was a dear little fellow; even when full grown he was no bigger than a small cat. The people of our northern country had never seen that particular breed before. He was a great favourite, and the butt of many jokes, with his funny little pop eyes and turned-up nose. I had had him only a little more than a year, when some tourists, going by, stopped, and put him in their car. That was the last time we ever saw him. Having to break the news to Miss Carr hurt me nearly as much as the actual theft.

Only a little more than a month after these things arrived, Miss Carr received the invitation to come East for the show. But we pretended she came to visit me; the exhibition would be “seen to,” later on, if time permitted. Her imagination worked all the time; in this case she wished to help a girl still not too sure of the road she had chosen. So we made a joke of her trip, and we laughed together, almost ready to cry because we were able to laugh together!

Miss Carr had so many sides to her nature that it seems impossible to describe even the smallest detail without getting involved in the biggest descriptions. Do you remember the story of the seven blind men and the elephant and how different their descriptions were? Well, if Miss Carr was being discussed by a group of people who had met her casually, in various circumstances, their impressions would be just as varied! It is because I loved her so, that it is hard for me to get my point across, with words alone; it is as if I need gestures very often to help me!

In the week before Miss Carr was to arrive, the menus were a great delight for me to ponder over. I had all sorts of delicious things in mind; her tastes were so familiar to me. Miss Carr, as well as my Mother, were both very good cooks; both had taught me a great deal, and I, too, loved to cook.

As it turned out the meals, for the first few days, were only snacks! We had so much to say to each other!

Among my horses at that time was a wild little buckskin mare that my husband had given me when we were married. Her main joy in life was to see how far, and how often, she could travel on her hind legs while waving her forefeet in the air. In Kinmount, where we were living then, the snow was quite deep, so we did our travelling in a cutter, complete with robes and bells, plus the little mare with the gay hind legs! Miss Carr, then about fifty-four, had not been in close contact with horses for nearly twenty years! But this fact did not daunt her at all. She would jump into the cutter, grab the robes gaily, and call, “All aboard, little Fly, wave bye bye!” Miss Carr would laugh aloud, as up would come the little mare. She would balance a minute, then the sudden jerk, as she plunged forward, to be off like a shot! She was a Standard bred mare, but a trotter, and speed was her middle name. Miss Carr remarked, after her first ride, that our Fly was very aptly named! There was never a word from Miss Carr about going too fast, and it did tickle me when she asked, “Baboo, do you think she would mind if I drove, it has been so long—” And did she drive? Of course, just as well as she did everything else. I do not think I was even surprised. I do remember being so happy that she enjoyed it. After being on the West Coast for so long, where the weather is so mild, and never enough snow for a cutter in the part Miss Carr came from, I had wondered what she would think of our means of transportation.

The barn was about a hundred feet from the house, and due to the number of animals we had there, it was a more even heat, warmer, than was our old farmhouse, heated as it was by stoves. My Springer spaniel bitch, a beautiful, well-bred animal, had been moved out there because she was nearly due to have puppies. She had come from the Avondale Kennels, in the West, and for that very reason, I think, Miss Carr loved her at once. Springers are, to me, the very tops in dogs, just as the big, hairy Bobtails were to her. But the spaniels have the same soft eyes and lovely disposition and, to my mind, are the closest thing to the Bobbies. Anyway, Miss Carr loved my Raggedy Ann. During the day Rags was in the house with us, but she went to the barn at night. She was very fond of the horses, and was very content there. She loved little Sun and was very good to him.

Often at night, especially if there was a storm blowing up or if the wind started to howl, Emily Carr would get up, put her coat on over her nightie, my husband’s over-shoes on over her slippers, then go out to the barn, through the snow, to sit with Rags for a while. I think she visited with the horses, too; often in the morning, after one of her busy nights, we would notice the oat bin open, and the horses would have a very self-satisfied air about them, and a gleam in their eyes!

There are several old Dutch families in Kinmount, whose parents or, in some cases, grandparents, had settled there many years ago. Nearly all of the old generation are gone, now, but they were great friends of our family. They had farms, and the usual livestock, though theirs was generally much fatter than that on most of the farms in the district. The homes of those I had come to know very well glowed with the warmth only genuine antiques can give. I had told Miss Carr of these lovely treasures many times, and of the gentle people, just as I had told them of my Artist friend, in the West. It seemed too good to be true that now these friends should meet. Not wanting to embarrass the kindly old people, by pointing out their treasures, I had told Miss Carr where to look, in the nice clean homes, for the lovely things. Their only value to the owners, who were in no way mercenary, was the fact that they had come from their homeland, with their parents. There were sterling silver articles, and cut glass, that would make any dealer itch to get his hands on, and a lover of fine old things sorry for them, that they were not loved for themselves alone. They were high on shelves, half-hidden, or in behind cheap china in a corner cupboard, when they should have had a prominent spot of their own. There were also some very fine pieces of old pewter; I knew Miss Carr would be especially interested in these.

Their own handiwork was beautiful too. The window blinds had the nicest pieces of work, not lacey, or frilly, but a panel of good, strong crochet, pictures of pastures, trees, cows and horses, all worked in with those strong, steady fingers, on the long winter evenings, and by lamp light. Their beds were covered with lovely, hand-made bed spreads, made of string, but long-wearing and beautiful to see. The floors, like Miss Carr’s, were covered with hand-hooked rugs, each design different. Miss Carr was as impressed as I had hoped she would be. She knew too well it would be an insult to offer to buy any of their treasures, though there were many I know she would have loved to have had. The old pieces are gone now, as are most of the dear old people. As very few ever married, I often wonder what became of the memories!

Just after we had moved into the big farmhouse my father-in-law had given us as a wedding present, quite often at night we would hear funny, high, squealy noises. We were unable to identify them. They were like the wind at times, but they sounded when there was no wind, like canaries singing in the night. We became used to them, and soon forgot them. Not long after Miss Carr came, the noises started again. She listened a minute. “O Baboo, what lovely mice you have!” she said. I was very surprised. Mice? We had seen no traces of them; they evidently stayed in the walls, which were very thick. And I had never heard of mice singing. I was sure she was fooling us, but she explained that mice always sing, but in a tone so high that our ears are usually not able to hear them. These little Kinmount mice must have been the basses. We got a great laugh from our singing mice! Later, people came from all around, just to hear them. And, as is generally the case, on these nights the mice never sang!

There was never a dull moment during her visit; our only grump was that the time went so quickly, it was over too fast. But I think you know now how nice my guest was to get along with. Rearing horses, howling winds, inexperienced housekeepers, and singing mice, none of these daunted Emily Carr.

Her next visit was in the summer about two years later. My son Joe was the attraction then, and we had fun then too, though not nearly as much as we had had in the country. At that time we lived in Oshawa. We had had on our list, for years, several things that we must do, if ever we were in Toronto together. One was to visit the Art Gallery, and the Museum and, of course, the Zoo. We got to the Zoo just at feeding time one afternoon, and because I knew Dr. Campbell and some of the officials there, we were allowed to stay and follow along. The animals were eager for their food and worried lest they miss their share, and at times the keeper was completely mobbed. Miss Carr asked him, when he stepped out into the aisle to refill his basket, “Can you tell me, please, are they following you, or chasing you?” He did not seem to have an answer, but Dr. Campbell laughed.

Three times she came East. She always said she came to visit me, always continuing her little joke. We had great fun together when she came. Then her heart got worse and she was unable to travel. After 1935, on three occasions she sent me a return ticket, to go and visit her. About that time my health was bad too. I had had several operations and attacks of pneumonia. The fourth time she sent tickets, things were a little better with us, and I returned the ticket to her, but we got others and my husband went West with me. It was his first visit and he loved it.

Each time that I was with her I would rent a “U-drive” car and take her far out into the woods she loved so. When she was too ill to walk we would get a strong man to carry her to the car. These trips were against the doctor’s orders, but she did enjoy them so, and would beg me to take her. When she was out, she would sketch furiously when she was able to; then, at home, her board propped on her knee, she would paint at her leisure. One sketching trip would keep her painting for weeks.

When she was able, we would go off for long walks, Miss Carr in her wheelchair. Her resentment and hatred for the chair were understandable, but it was comical to hear the things she would say about, and to, and at it! Her great love for the outdoors overcame her “chair phobia” as she called it. “Anything is better than nothing,” she would say, “bring on the chair. On James!” She would grin in spite of herself, as we set off.

As we went we carried on what, to others, must have sounded like a very odd conversation. She was always worrying about me, and suggesting stops, so that I could rest, very tactfully of course. Perhaps she would say, “Stop just a minute; the bloom there in the shadow, I must study it a minute.” And again, “Tired, Baboo? Get in for a while, it is your turn now.” We would both laugh; you couldn’t stay tired, pushing her. “What colour is your horse today, my Pet?” she would ask, which meant, of course, where were we going? There are so many steep little hills around Victoria that the number of places that one can journey to in a chair is limited. And the fact that we were both so fond of horses, just to talk about them seemed to give me strength and make the trips easier.

If the weather was good, we would sometimes take a lunch, and she would plan and rewrite the menu as carefully as if it was for a seven course dinner! Being idle after so many active years was harder for her than the nights of pain. She got much more satisfaction out of the thought and planning she put into the lunch than she ever got from the actual eating.

“Baboo,” she said one day, “I had no idea you were so fond of picnics; nearly every day you suggest we have one. I feel badly as I think of all you have missed, but we’ll make up for them.” She meant the days we had spent sketching and painting, when we were loaded down with material and never gave a thought to food, partly, I guess, because we were completely immersed in our work. She was referring to times twenty-odd years before. I was pleased to think she interpreted my suggestion that way! My worry was that she would see through me and the joy would be gone from her planning!

She had me find some stringy crochet cotton, which she had put away years before “in case of an emergency—never thinking I would be the emergency,” she said, with the old twinkle! With this she spent several days, when her strength permitted, crocheting a little string bag, complete with a pocket, that could be tied to the back of the chair. The pocket was for the thermos. She derived no pleasure simply from “making”; there had to be a use, a purpose, in having the article, before she would start it. And her strength had failed so that holding her hands up, with the hook and string or wool, was often too great an effort.

With the lunch that she had so carefully planned packed, away we would go, up the Gorge perhaps. That was a favourite route, through Victoria’s Chinatown, with the quaint little stores, odours (not all little), signs, and little people. Mom was very fond of the Chinese and they, like the Indians, respected, admired, and loved her.

We would often stop at the doorways and she would talk for a minute with this one, and that. “Hello Charlie, today no rainie, today lots sunie,” and they would laugh together while a youngster would be sent into the shop hurriedly for a handful of the paper-shelled, raisiny nuts they always seem to have on hand.

One day a small boy had been playing at the roadside and his parent had failed to notice his dirty hands. As the gift was offered, the dirty little hands were very prominent! “Ho, no good, Boy, no good,” said the father, in reproach, carefully taking them from his son’s hands. He proceeded to spit on each, carefully, then from his large and flowing sleeve produced a linen cloth with which he polished them and, in great pride, handed them over! I stayed directly behind her chair! To have caught her eye then would have been fatal to us both!

A trip up the Gorge meant a trip into the Chinese Gardens, where there were always birds and animals that enjoyed our newly received presents, polished or not!

Miss Carr loved the tall hills, and the deep shade, which made the shadows purple, and the tree tops that shimmered with almost yellow lights. When we had reached a spot with a particularly fine view, I would say, “The old horse needs his girth loosened,” and would sit at her feet, pretending to puff! If I did not seem to need the rest, she hated to ask me to stop. I never could make it clear to her how much I enjoyed our walks until once, only a year or so before she died. The sister, Middle, had been all her life a school teacher, and one day I happened to pick up one of her school books. It was beautifully illustrated, printed on rich paper, but the printing was in German! It was the simile I needed! I put it away, saying nothing at the time about it. But, only a short time after, there was something on at Beacon Hill Park, which she wished to attend. “If only I did not have to rob you of your time, Child,” she said. Quickly, I got the book. She looked at it a minute. “Yes?” she said. “Well, Mom, going places alone is like looking at this book; nice views, rich surroundings, but the meaning is not clear. With you along, the picture is complete to me, the meaning solved and waiting. Don’t ever say any more about it, Mom.” “Bless you, Child,” she said, and kissed me, and gently took the book from me. It was on her table nearly two years later when I went out to see her for the last time.

Before becoming so ill, Miss Carr had loved to cook and was a wonderful cook. Curry, spiced dishes of any kind, and sponge cakes were her specialties, I think, but anything turned into a most delightful meal when she was in the kitchen, whether it was yours or her own. When she was painting hard, her meals were scanty, but between pictures each meal was a masterpiece, an event to be remembered by those lucky enough to share it.

The oldest Carr sister, who was Big in Miss Carr’s stories, was really a little bit of a person, weighing, I am sure, not a hundred pounds. She was a trained nurse, with some special degrees, and very efficient. When she became ill herself, she was quite sure that it was nothing serious. All her life she had looked after others, and she resented others trying to care for her. Middle always made the bread for her own use, as well as for Big and Small. Mom, trying to help and knowing junket to be good for people needing extra nourishment, got a supply of tablets and made up one bowl, which she proudly presented. But Big resented the effort, saying she did not care for it just then. While they were discussing it, her doctor called and he was pleased to see the junket. He said how good it would be for her and that she should have a pint of milk made up every day, as well as the rest of her diet. Mom was pleased. Big was cross. At last Big grudgingly said, “Well, leave the tablets here; I know when I feel like it, you don’t. I will use them, I promise. You are very good.” Mom never did forget her resentment, because Big never did make any junket! But every day she took a tablet then drank her pint of milk!

They were wonderful days, all of them. First, receiving the training from Miss Carr, in her home, then having the opportunity of doing it in reverse, and entertaining her in mine.