I do hope readers will take a few moments with what follows, for while whatever deficiencies there are in this work remain mine alone, a number of individuals and organizations provided important support to me in the writing of this book. My colleagues in the Department of History at Western Carolina University, notably my Head of Department, Richard Starnes, sustained me throughout with research assistance, kindness, and good humor. CuChullaine and Basha O'Reilly of The Long Riders' Guild gave unfailing encouragement in many ways and opened doors that I did not even know existed. Jeremy James, in The Byerley Turk, wove a tale that has, for reasons of my own, touched me more deeply than he knows. Serena Herter, Tenzin Frisby, and Don Wood placed great trust in me over the years in many ways. They exhibited unfailing generosity to me and my family, and I shall always be grateful. Adam Kane of the Naval Institute Press saw something worthy in this undertaking. To him I owe a particular debt of gratitude, as I do to both Chuck Grear for his fine cartographic skill and Wendy Bolton for her sharp eye and keen instinct for the best words. Seven Meadows Archery of Tacoma, Washington, and Cold Steel, Inc., of Ventura, California, allowed me access to extraordinary mounted weaponry both for this book and for my university course, “The Horse in European History.” Ashley Evans and Mark Haskett at WCU's Office of Public Information supplied valuable photographic assistance. Much closer to home, Cheri and India endured my equine enthusiasms with more patience, grace, and equanimity than I deserve. I love them dearly and thank them with all my heart. Finally, there are the horses: Grey Action (Frosty), a gentle soul of a Quarter Horse; PMX Tuxedo Junction (Buster), the quintessential Morgan; Midnight's Roxanne (Roxy), a delightfully headstrong Anglo-Arab; and—standing above them all—My Victory (Buddy), a magnificent Irish Thorougbred. As only a horse can, Buddy sees clearly what remains hidden from my sight. He already knows, as of old, what lies beyond those horizons I have yet to cross. His voice comes to me from that distant place, gently urging me on. When the time comes, I pray that I may follow after him and that he will remember me.