Results of SS Cavalry Division's Operations Weichsel I and II
May-June 1943

[Matériel and persons captured, confiscated, and/or destroyed]


Civilians “evacuated”: 10,422.

Villages destroyed: 61.

Bandits and suspected bandits “dealt with” (erledigt, i.e., killed): 1,114.

Bandits and suspected bandits captured: 16.

Forest camps: 12.

Bunkers: 46.

Panje vehicles taken: 162.

Mines discovered: 21.

Explosives: 50 kg + 1 satchel charge [?] (Beutel).

Saddles: 5.

Enemy operation center(s): 1 + various medical facilities.

Axes: 15.

Spades: 20 + various hand tools.


Machine-gun ammunition drums: 3 with rounds + large amounts of other ammunition and rifles.

[Livestock taken]


Cattle: 5, 676.

Calves: 1,073.

Sheep: 3,153.

Horses: 1,223.2

Foals: 40.

Swine and piglets: 1,398.


Chickens: 1,588.


Geese and ducks: 633.


Large quantities of rye and flax also seized.

1. Zusammenstellung Über [sic] Beuteergebnis im Zuge der Unternehmen “Weichsel” im “Nassen Dreieck.” NARA Microfilm Publication T-354, Roll 642, Frame 1190. Translation by the author.

2. In the general withdrawal of German forces to the Dnepr following the Battle of Kursk in July 1943, more than 150,000 horses, 200,000 head of cattle, and 270,000 sheep were driven ahead of the retreating armies. See Earl F. Ziemke, The Soviet Juggernaut (New York: Time-Life Books, 1980), 74.