I bow in deep gratitude to all my teachers along the way, including Osho, the Dalai Lama, Daido Roshi, Shugen Sensei, Pattabhi Jois, Mark Stephens, Richard Freeman, Tim Miller, Rolf and Marci, Vin Marti, Adarsh Williams, Chris Price, Sheshadri, BNS Iyengar and Cidananda, as well as my teachers at the Natural Gourmet Institute. There were many more formal teachers as well as informal, beautiful beings that were happy to share their wisdom with me over a cup of chai in India, a glass of wine in New York, a meal at Esalen, or while breaking bread in one of the many countries I’ve been fortunate to visit.
Thank you, Erica Goewey, for the first round of editing of this book, your friendship and your wisdom.
Thank you, Maria Kuzmiak, for being a master editor and sharing your amazing insights and eye for detail.
Thank you, Mom, for believing in me and encouraging me to stay true to myself, and thank you, Gil Hanoch, for the support throughout this book creation process.
Thank you, Lauren Anas, for all your help and support, and to all of my students for practicing, for asking questions, and for allowing me to share with you the wisdom of the ancient and the modern teachings that support each one of us on the way to liberation.
Lastly, thank you, the reader of this book, for taking the steps to learn and grow, for your willingness to embark on this beautiful journey that will hopefully not only bring you bliss and joy, but will also allow you to spread it on.