Hello there!
Yo! (slang)
How are you?
How’s it going?
How’s it been?
How is everything?
How’s everything?
How have you been?
How’ve you been?
How you been? (informal)
How’s tricks? (informal)
What have you been up to?
What’s new? (informal)
What’s up? (informal)
What’s happening? (slang)
What’s going on? (slang)
Good morning.
How are you this bright morning?
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
I haven’t seen you in years!
Long time no see! (informal)
I haven’t seen you in an age!
I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays!
a month of Sundays = a long time
What a surprise to meet you here!
Imagine meeting you here! (clichés)
Fancy meeting you here. (clichés)
Never thought I’d see you here!
What are you doing in this neck of the woods?
neck of the woods = part of town; location
What are you doing in this part of town?
What are you doing out of the office?
Where’ve you been hiding yourself?
What have you been up to?
Shouldn’t you be in school?
Shouldn’t you be at work?
Have you been keeping busy?
You been keeping busy?
Been keeping busy?
Have you been keeping cool?
You been keeping cool?
We seem to keep running into each other.
Haven’t we met before?
We have to stop meeting like this. (clichés)
Didn’t we meet at that party last week?
I’m sorry; I’ve forgotten your name.
I’ve been meaning to call you.
I’m fine.
I’m cool. (slang)
Keeping cool.
Dandy. (informal)
Fine and dandy.
Couldn’t be better.
Happy as a clam. (clichés)
All right.
(I) can’t complain.
No complaints.
I have nothing to complain about.
Keeping busy.
Keeping myself busy.
Been keeping myself busy.
Keeping out of trouble.
Been keeping out of trouble.
Been up to no good. (informal)
Been keeping my nose clean. (informal)
Getting by.
Been getting by.
Fair to middling. (folksy)
So-so. (informal)
Plugging along. (informal)
Could be worse.
Could be better.
(Just) muddling through.
Same as always.
Same as usual.
Not good.
Not so good.
Not too good.
None too good.
Not well.
Not very well.
Not so well.
Not too well.
None too well.
Not so hot.
Not too hot.
None too hot.
Not great.
Not so great.
None too great.
Crummy. (slang)
Kind of crummy. (slang)
Lousy. (slang)
I’ve seen better days.
I’ve had better days.
I’ve been better.
I’ve been under the weather.
I’m busy.
Keeping busy.
Keeping myself busy.
Been keeping myself busy.
I’m swamped.
swamped = overwhelmed, as with a swamped boat
I’m snowed under.
snowed under = as if buried in snow
I don’t have time to breathe.
I don’t have time to think.
There aren’t enough hours in the day.
Not a moment to spare.
I’ve been running around with my head cut off. (informal)
I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. (informal)
Do you have time for coffee?
How about a cup of coffee?
Let’s go get coffee. Do you have any time?
Let’s go for coffee.
Let’s go for a beer.
Let’s go for a drink.
I’d like you to meet my friend Mary.
I’d like you to meet Mary.
John, (this is) Mary. Mary, John.
Mary, have you met John?
Mary, do you know John?
Mary, shake hands with John Jones.
Do you two know each other?
Have you met?
Have you two been introduced?
Haven’t you been introduced?
Oh, I’m sorry; how silly of me. This is Mary.
Mary, John is the guy I was telling you about. (informal)
You two have a lot in common.
Good to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Nice meeting you.
How nice to meet you. (formal)
How very nice to meet you. (formal)
What a pleasure to meet you. (formal)
It’s a pleasure to have finally met you. (formal)
I am pleased to make your acquaintance. (formal)
I’m happy to meet you.
I’m glad to meet you.
Glad to meet you.
Charmed. (formal)
A pleasure. (formal)
I’ve been wanting to meet you for some time.
John has told me all about you.
John has told me so much about you.
I’ve heard so much about you.
I’ve heard so much about you I feel I know you already.
So we finally meet face-to-face.
I’m sorry, what was your name again?
I didn’t catch your name. I’m terrible at names.
How are you?
How’s your family?
How’s the family?
How are you doing?
How are you doing today?
How you doing?
Are you doing OK?
How are you feeling?
How you feeling?
Are you feeling better today?
How have you been?
How you been?
How’re things?
How’re things with you?
How’re things going?
How’s with you?
How’s by you? (slang)
How’s business?
How’s tricks? (slang)
How’s it shakin’? (slang)
How’s everything?
How’s every little thing? (folksy)
How’s everything going?
How’s it going?
How goes it?
How are you getting on?
How are you getting along?
How’s the world (been) treating you?
Oh, look at the time!
It’s getting later.
Well, Tom, it’s really good to see you, but I really must go.
It’s been fun talking to you.
(It’s been) nice chatting with you.
It’s so good to see you again.
We have to make plans to get together sometime.
Let’s do lunch sometime.
I really have to go now. We’ll talk sometime.
There’s someone on the other line. I must say good-bye now.
The doorbell is ringing. I’ll call you back.
Can I call you back? Something has come up.
I have to get back to my work. I’ll call again later.
Can we continue this later? My other line is ringing.
I have to get back to work before the boss sees me.
I won’t keep you any longer.
I’ll let you go now.
I’m going to have to run.
I’m all out of time. I’ll have to say good-bye now.
Look at the time. I really must go.
It’s been great talking to you, but I have to go.
Wow! I’m late. Look, I’ll call you.
Sorry, but I have to leave now.
Let’s continue this another time. I really must go.
So long.
Ta-ta. (informal)
Hasta la vista. (Spanish)
Adios. (Spanish)
Auf wiedersehen. (German)
Sayonara. (Japanese)
Arrivederci. (Italian)
Au revoir. (French)
Adieu. (French)
Ciao. (Italian)
Good day. (formal)
Good evening. (formal)
Good night.
Good-bye until later.
Good-bye until next time.
Good-bye for now.
See you later.
See you later, alligator. (slang)
Later, gator. (slang)
Later. (informal)
I’ll catch you later.
Catch you later.
I’ll talk to you soon.
Let’s get together soon.
I’ll be seeing you.
I’ll see you real soon.
See you.
See ya. (informal)
See you soon.
See you real soon.
See you around.
See you in a little while.
See you next year.
See you then.
See you tomorrow.
Good running into you.
running into you = meeting up with you
Nice running into you.
Nice talking to you.
Take care.
(It was) good to see you.
(It was) nice to see you.
Nice meeting you.
It was a pleasure meeting you. (formal)
It is a pleasure to have met you. (formal)
It’s been a real pleasure. (formal)
Are we ready to leave?
Are you about finished?
Are you ready to go?
Ready to roll? (slang)
Are we away? (slang)
Let’s blow. (slang)
blow = leave
Let’s blow this pop(sicle) stand. (slang)
pop (sicle) stand = a cheap place; an undesirable place
Let’s get out of this taco stand. (slang)
taco stand = a cheap place; an undesirable place
Let’s blow this joint. (slang)
= Let’s leave this place.
Let’s go while the going’s good. (cliché)
Let’s = Time to, We got to
Let’s get while the getting’s good. (cliché)
Let’s head out.
Let’s beat a hasty retreat. (cliché)
Let’s make tracks. (informal)
make tracks = leave a trail (as we go)
Let’s motor. (slang)
to motor = to leave by automobile
Let’s hit the road. (slang)
Let’s boogie. (slang)
Let’s split. (slang)
Let’s make like a tree and leave. (jocular)
Let’s make like the wind and blow. (jocular)
Let’s make like a banana and split. (jocular)
Exit stage right.
Exit stage left.
Retreat! (slang)
I’ll call you when I get home.
Call when you get there.
Write me.
Let’s write.
Let’s do lunch.
I’ll be in touch.
Let’s keep in touch.
Yeah. (informal)
Yep. (informal)
Yup. (informal)
You’re right.
Right you are.
Right on!
You got it.
You bet.
By all means.
This is true.
That’s true.
You’re right.
Ain’t that the truth?
Ain’t it the truth?
That’s right.
That’s for certain.
That’s for darn sure.
That’s for damn sure. (mildly vulgar)
Damn straight! (mildly vulgar)
It works for me.
Well said.
I agree.
I agree with you 100%.
I couldn’t agree with you more.
I have no problem with that.
We see eye to eye on this.
I couldn’t have said it better.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
I’ll drink to that!
It’s fine.
I think it’s fine.
It’s good enough.
It’s satisfactory.
It’ll do.
It’ll serve the purpose.
I like it.
I love it.
I think it’s great.
I like the color.
I like the texture.
I like the flavor.
It’s got a good rhythm.
It’s wonderful.
It’s fabulous.
It’s ideal.
It’s a masterpiece.
It’s A-l.
This is second to none.
This is perfect.
This is far and away the best.
This is the ultimate.
It couldn’t be better.
Never been better.
There’s none better.
It doesn’t get any better than this.
I’ve never seen anything like it.
This is the cream of the crop. (cliché)
This is the pick of the litter. (idiomatic)
litter = a group of newborn pups
This is the crème de la crème. (cliché)
= This is the best of the best.
This is head and shoulders above the rest.
That suits me to a T.
= That suits me fine.
That’s the ticket. (idiomatic)
That’s just what the doctor ordered. (idiomatic)
That’s just what I needed.
That hits the spot. (idiomatic)
That fits the bill. (idiomatic)
That’s it.
That’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. (cliché)
It’s in a league of its own.
I give it four stars.
It gets two thumbs up. (idiomatic)
I’ve hit the jackpot.
jackpot = sum of money to be won in gambling
Bingo! (slang)
= I did it!
= I did it!; It is good!
Bull’s-eye! (slang)
Bonus! (slang)
I hear you.
I hear you, man.
I hear what you’re saying.
I see what you’re saying.
I can see what you’re saying.
I can see that.
I see what you mean.
I see where you’re coming from.
I know.
I know what you mean.
Point well-taken.
I know what you’re talking about.
I understand what you’re saying.
I dig it. (slang)
I can dig it. (slang)
I got you.
(I) got it.
I follow you.
I’m with you.
I’m there with you.
I’ve been there.
Read you loud and clear.
Roger, wilco.
wilco = will comply
Roger Dodger. (slang)
Do you know what I mean?
Do you know what I’m talking about?
Know what I mean?
Does that make any sense?
Am I making sense?
Are you following me?
Know what I’m saying?
You know?
Do you see what I mean?
See what I mean?
Don’t you see?
Do you get the message?
Do you get the picture?
Get the message?
Get the picture?
Get my drift?
Do you get it?
Get it?
Do you follow?
Do you follow me?
Dig? (slang)
= Do you understand?
Do you understand?
Do you hear what I’m saying?
Do you hear me?
Do you see where I’m coming from?
where I’m coming from = what my position is
Do you agree?
You’re with me, right?
Are you with me on this?
Do we see eye to eye on this?
No way.
Not a chance.
Not! (slang)
I don’t think so.
That’s not true.
That’s not right.
You’ve got that wrong.
You’ve got it all wrong.
You missed the boat. (idiomatic)
You’re missing the boat. (idiomatic)
Wrong on both counts.
You’re wrong.
You’re dead wrong.
You’re off.
You’re way off base.
I disagree completely.
I couldn’t disagree (with you) more.
Bullshit. (taboo)
Bull. (mildly vulgar)
Baloney. (slang)
That’s a load of crap. (mildly vulgar)
That’s a lot of bull. (mildly vulgar)
That’s a lot of baloney. (slang)
That’s a bunch of baloney. (slang)
That’s a bunch of malarkey.
That’s a lie.
That’s a big, fat lie. (informal)
You’re lying through your teeth.
Look me in the eye and say that.
That’s out of the question.
That’s unthinkable.
That’s insane.
That doesn’t even merit a response.
I’ll give that all the consideration it’s due.
I can’t stand it.
I hate it.
I don’t care for it.
I don’t like it.
It’s not my style.
It’s not for me.
It stinks. (informal)
It sucks. (mildly vulgar)
It reeks. (informal)
My kid could do that.
It’s awful.
It’s terrible.
It’s ugly.
It’s hideous.
It’s dreadful.
It’s hell on earth. (informal)
I don’t get it.
Don’t quit your day job.
Nope. (informal)
No way.
No way, Jose. (informal)
No can do. (informal)
No, sir.
No sirree. (folksy)
No sirree, Bob. (folksy)
Nothing doing.
You’re out of luck.
In a pig’s eye. (idiomatic)
When pigs fly. (idiomatic)
When hell freezes over. (informal)
There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell. (informal)
Not a chance.
No chance.
Not if I can help it.
Not likely.
Not bloody likely. (mildly vulgar)
Absolutely not!
It will be a cold day in hell before I do that. (informal)
Only in your dreams.
Dream on.
Save your breath.
Save it.
You’re barking up the wrong tree. (idiomatic)
Over my dead body. (idiomatic)
Forget it.
If you think that, you’ve got another think coming.
Not in a million years.
Not for a million dollars.
Not in your wildest dreams.
You wish.
I’ll be damned first. (mildly vulgar)
I’ll be damned if I do. (mildly vulgar)
Damned if I will. (mildly vulgar)
Like hell. (mildly vulgar)
I’ll see you in hell first. (mildly vulgar)
You’re S.O.L. (vulgar)
S.O.L. = shit out of luck
What are you talking about?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
You don’t have a leg to stand on.
You haven’t got a leg to stand on.
You don’t know the first thing about it.
You’re really stretching the truth.
You’re way off base.
You can lay that notion to rest.
You’ve got it all wrong.
You’ve got the facts wrong.
You’ve got your facts wrong.
You haven’t got the facts.
You haven’t got the facts right.
I don’t think you’ve got your facts straight.
Don’t speak until you’ve got your facts straight.
Next time get the facts straight. (informal)
Next time get the facts first. (informal)
Don’t jump to conclusions.