115 A preface to asking a question

Excuse me …

Pardon me …

Excuse me for asking …

If you don’t mind my asking …

It’s none of my business, but …

116 A preface to making a statement — formal

If I may say so …

If I may be so bold …

If it’s okay with you …

If it pleases you …

Please be advised that …

For your information …

It is a pleasure to inform you that …

We regret to inform you that …

As you are aware …

As you are no doubt aware …

As you know …

As you might know …

As you may already know …

117 A preface to making a statement — informal

(To make a) long story short …

What I would like to say is …

But I just wanted to say …

By the way …

If you ask me …

Not that it’s any of my business …

118 A preface to making a statement — very polite

As you requested …

For your convenience …

We apologize for the inconvenience …

With your safety in mind …

With your comfort in mind …


119 Asking if someone speaks a particular language

Do you speak French?

French ≈ Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, etc.

Do you know any French?

Do you speak any French?

120 When you do not speak a particular language

I’m sorry. I don’t understand.

I’m sorry. I don’t speak French.

French ≈ Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, etc.

I’m sorry. My French isn’t very good.

I only speak a little French.

121 When you do not understand what was said

Pardon me?

Excuse me?

Again(, please).

I’m sorry?

I’m sorry. I missed that.

missed that = failed to hear what was said

I didn’t quite get that.

to get that = to hear or understand what was said

What did you say?

I’m sorry. What?


What was that?

Come again. (folksy)

Huh? (informal or rude)

Could you please repeat yourself?

Could you please repeat that?

122 When you do not understand what a foreign visitor has said

I don’t understand you.

I can’t understand you.

I can’t hear you.

Please speak more slowly.

Could you please speak slower?

Could you please speak louder?

Could you write it down, please?

Please write it out.

Could you spell that?


123 Asking the time of day

What time is it?

Could you tell me what time it is?

Could you please tell me the time?

Could you give me the time?

Do you know what time it is?

Do you know the time?

Do you happen to have the time?

Do you have the correct time?

Do you have the time?

Could I bother you for the time?

124 The time is 12:00 o’clock

It’s twelve noon.

It’s noon.

It’s twelve midnight.

It’s midnight.

125 The time is on the hour

It’s three.

It’s three o’clock.

It’s three o’clock sharp.

It’s three o’clock on the dot.

It’s three o’clock on the nose. (informal)

It’s exactly three o’clock.

126 The time is approximate

It’s almost three.

It’s not quite three.

It’s just after three.

127 The time is ten minutes past the hour

It’s ten after three.

It’s ten after.

It’s ten minutes after three.

It’s ten past three.

It’s ten past.

128 The time is fifteen minutes past the hour

It’s three fifteen.

It’s a quarter past three.

It’s three thirty.

It’s half past three.

It’s half past.

129 The time is forty minutes past the hour

It’s three forty.

It’s twenty of four.

It’s twenty to four.

It’s twenty till four.

It’s twenty minutes till four.

130 The time is forty-five minutes past the hour

It’s three forty-five.

It’s quarter to four.

It’s a quarter of four.

It’s quarter to.

It’s a quarter of.

It’s a quarter till.

It’s a quarter till four.

131 The time is fifty minutes past the hour

It’s ten minutes to four.

It’s ten to four.

It’s ten to.

It’s ten of.

It’s ten till.

132 When a timepiece is not accurate

Is this clock right?

I think my watch needs a new battery.

This clock is fast.

This clock is slow.

My watch is running fast.

My watch has been running slow.


133 When your moving about may bother someone

Excuse me.

Pardon me.

Coming through.

I beg your pardon.

Could I get by, please?

Watch your feet!

134 Offering to let someone enter in front of you

After you.

Ladies first.

You first.

Age before beauty. (jocular cliché)

Be my guest.

135 Apologizing to someone you have bothered

I’m sorry.

Forgive me.

Sorry to be a bother.

Sorry to be a pest.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please forgive the inconvenience.

136 Returning someone’s good wishes

Same to you.


Likewise, I’m sure. (cliché)

Thank you.

137 Agreeing to something — polite

Of course.

Be happy to.



Super. (slang)

138 Explaining that you will attend to someone soon

I’ll be there in just a moment.

Be there in a minute.

I’ll be right with you.

I’ll be with you in a moment.

139 Asking for permission to leave a place — polite

Could I be excused?

May I be excused?

Might I be excused? (formal)

140 Saying good-bye — polite

Good afternoon.

Good evening.

Good morning.

Good day.

Good night.

Have a nice day.





Good-bye until later.

Good-bye until next time.

Good-bye for now.

141 Saying good-bye — informal

So long.




See you later.

See you later, alligator. (slang)

Later, gator. (slang)


I’ll try to catch you later.

I’ll catch you later.

Catch you later.

See you.

See ya.

See you around.

Take care.


142 Announcing your arrival for an appointment

Mr. Smith to see Dr. Jones.

I’m here to see Mrs. Hodges.

Could you please tell Mr. Smith I’m here?

I have an appointment with Mrs. Jones.

143 Expressions used in business letters

We trust you will find the above to be of assistance.

We trust you will find everything in order.

Thank you for your attention to the above.

If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask.

If we may be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to call.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call.

144 Being assertive — polite

I’d like my check now, please.

I’d like my payment now, please.

No, I don’t think so.

= I totally reject your assertion.

Excuse me?

= Did you really say what I think you said?

May I have your name, please?

I’d like to speak to the manager.

I’d like to speak to your supervisor.

I intend to stand my ground.

I’m not leaving until I’m satisfied.


145 Sincere apologies


So sorry.

I’m (so) very sorry.

I’m (so) sorry.

I’m really sorry.

I’m terribly sorry.

I’m sincerely sorry.

I apologize.

My apologies. (formal)

My sincere apologies. (formal)

You have my sincere apology. (formal)

Please accept my apology.

Please accept my apologies.

Please accept my heartfelt apology.

I offer my most sincere apology. (formal)

146 Offering a very polite apology

You cannot believe how sorry I am.

Words cannot describe how sorry I am.

I am just mortified.

Please send me the bill, and I’ll take care of it.

147 Accepting the blame for something

It’s my fault.

It’s all my fault.

I’m fully responsible.

I take full responsibility.

I take the blame.

I blame no one but myself.

Mea culpa. (Latin)

= I am guilty.

Mea maxima culpa. (Latin)

= I am completely guilty.

148 Admitting your errors

My mistake.

I shouldn’t have said that.

I shouldn’t have done that.

I should have asked you first.

I didn’t mean it.

I honestly didn’t mean it.

I didn’t mean it, honest.

I didn’t mean to do it.

I didn’t mean to do that.

I didn’t mean to say that.

I didn’t mean it that way.

I didn’t intend it that way.

I don’t know how that could have happened.

149 Promising never to repeat a particular mistake

It won’t happen again.

It will never happen again.

I’ll see (to it) that it never happens again.

I won’t do it again.

150 Offering to make amends

How can I make it up to you?

How can I ever make it up to you?

Is there anything I can do (to make it up to you)?

I promise I’ll make it up to you.

151 Asking for forgiveness

Please forgive me.

Can you forgive me?

Can you ever forgive me?

Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?

How can you ever forgive me?

I ask your forgiveness.

I beg your forgiveness. (formal)

I throw myself upon your mercy. (formal)

I ask for your mercy. (formal)


152 Simple forgiveness

I forgive you.

You’re forgiven.

All is forgiven.

That’s all right.

It’s okay. (informal)

That’s okay. (informal)

Don’t worry about it.

Think on it no more. (formal)

Think of it no more. (formal)

Think no more of it. (formal)

Don’t give it another thought.

To err is human, to forgive divine. (cliché)

153 Forgiveness — informal

Forget it.

Forget about it.

Forgive and forget.

Don’t worry about it.

Write it off.

I’ll let you off this time.

I’ll let it slide this time.

I’ll give you another chance.

I’ll turn the other cheek.

I won’t hold it against you.

154 Encouraging someone to end a dispute

Let’s drop the subject.

Let’s bury the hatchet. (idiomatic)

Let’s bring this matter to a close.

It’s time to kiss and make up. (cliché)


155 Saying “thank you” — formal

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you so much.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for all you’ve done.

Thank you for everything.

You have my thanks.

You have my gratitude.

I’m deeply grateful.

I’m in your debt.

I’m indebted to you.

Thanks ever so much.

Thanks very much.

156 Saying “thank you” — informal


Thanks much.

Thanks for everything.

Thanks so much.

Thanks a lot.

Thanks a million.

Thanks a bunch.

Thanks a bundle.

Thanks heaps.

I owe you one.

I owe you big.

I owe you big-time.


157 Acknowledging someone’s thanks — formal

You’re welcome.

You’re most welcome.

You’re entirely welcome.

My pleasure.

It was my pleasure.

The pleasure was mine.

The pleasure was all mine.

The pleasure was entirely mine.

158 Acknowledging someone’s thanks — informal

It was nothing.

Don’t mention it.

No problem.

No sweat. (slang)

Any time.

No trouble.

No skin off my nose.

No skin off my teeth.

No skin off my back.


159 Seeing a new baby

Oh, isn’t he cute!

Isn’t he the sweetest thing!

Oh, isn’t she darling!

She’s beautiful.

She’s so big!

What an adorable baby!

His eyes are just like his father’s.

Her nose looks just like her mother’s.

She has her father’s eyes.

He’s got his mother’s nose.

160 Asking about a new baby

How much does he weigh?

Was he early?

Was she late?

What’s his name?

Who is she named after?

Has he been sleeping well?

Is she sleeping through the night?

Does he sleep through the night yet?

Can I hold her?

May I hold him?

161 Congratulating someone for doing a good job


Good going!

Good job!

Good work!


162 Wishing someone well

Happy Birthday!

… and many (many) more!

Many happy returns!

Happy Anniversary!


Good luck!

Best wishes!

All our best!

Bon voyage! (French)

(said when someone is leaving on a sea voyage)

Have a good time!

Have a good trip!

163 Expressing sympathy at a funeral or wake

I’m sorry.

I’m so sorry.

I’m very sorry.

You have my sympathy.

You have my deepest sympathy. (formal)

Please accept my sympathy. (formal)

My heart goes out to you.

I share your sorrow.

I share your pain.

How are you doing?

If you need anything, please let us know.

If there’s anything we can do for you, please let us know.

You’re in our prayers.

We’ll keep you in our prayers.