NAME: Yoon Sejun

EDM, Media Club, Music Promotions

Parent Occupations:
Soap opera actor; Wedding planner

Sejun: So, tell me, Jisu—what do you like to actually do outside of the boring school stuff?

Jisu: I recently got into photography, which—I know—are there any seventeen-year-olds with an Instagram account who don’t call themselves a photographer?

Sejun: Well, I can be the judge of that. Right now! Here, put in your Instagram handle.

Jisu: You’re really going to put me on the spot like that? Okay, here. Let me know what you think.

Sejun: These are actually really cool. People can put up basic landscape shots, but I like your eye. Like this one of the Namsan Tower. I feel like everyone takes the same boring photo, but I haven’t seen it from this angle. This is cool stuff.

Jisu: Wow, thanks! That’s really nice of you to say.

Sejun: Also this one. Is this Jeju Island?

Jisu: Yup! I was there last spring for vacation with my parents to see the canola flowers bloom.

Sejun: This photo reminds me so much of that Andrew Wyeth painting. I just learned it in my art-history class. It’s this painting of a woman in a field, but this is like the bright, happy version of it.

Jisu: Christina’s World?

Sejun: Yes! That’s the name. How did you know?

Jisu: I was actually thinking about it when I was shooting and trying different poses.

Sejun: So, that’s you in the photo? And you took it, too?

Jisu: Yeah, this was when I was first trying out self-portraits with my camera. I’m really just learning as I go.

Sejun: That’s impressive. Honestly. But wait, how are there only fifty-seven likes on this photo?

Jisu: Really? I feel like that’s a lot... It’s definitely been one of my more popular posts.

Sejun: That’s because you only have 259 followers.

Jisu: Only? I couldn’t think of 259 people to invite to a party, so it’s a lot, at least for me... How many followers do you have?

Sejun: I just hit ten.

Jisu: Ten...?

Sejun: Ten thousand. My goal is to hit fifty before the year’s end. I’m already getting lots of good free stuff to advertise.

Jisu: How do you have so many followers? Do you have a blog?

Sejun: No, people just like my face.

Jisu: That’s hilarious.

Sejun: No, I’m serious. Any post with my face in it gets three times more likes than a post of the crowds at a music festival, my car or my morning coffee.

Jisu: That’s good...I guess?

Sejun: Hey, do you ever take portraits or headshots? I was just thinking of getting some done.

Jisu: No, I haven’t really done that...

Sejun: I bet you’d do a good job. All your posts have a good sense of composition and lighting.

Jisu: Why do I feel like I’m being interviewed for a photography job?

Sejun: No, no. I don’t mean it to be like that. You’re just so obviously talented.

Jisu: Are you trying to act also, or...?

Sejun: Nah, I don’t need, like, those cheesy headshots or anything. Just figured it would be good to have some photos taken. At least while we’re still young and before the wrinkles and gray hairs set in, right?

Jisu: Yeah...totally. I bet your followers would eat it up.

Sejun: Exactly! Now you’re getting in the spirit. Okay, I’m going to regram your Wyeth self-portrait, and when you take my portrait, I’ll tag you. I can guarantee you that your following will triple.

Jisu: Thanks...I guess? Photography is really just a hobby for me right now. My parents are always saying I get too distracted and need to focus on school.

Sejun: My parents say the same thing, too. Keep telling me I spend too much time on my phone.

Jisu: Yeah...it’s like staring into a lake at your reflection.

Sejun: Yeah...wait...what?

Jisu: Nothing! So, where would you want to do these photos?

Sejun: Hmm, nowhere obvious like the Namsan Tower. Actually, do you have your camera on you?

Jisu: You want your photo taken now?

Sejun: Oh, ha. No! Not at all. That was a joke. Totally a joke.

Jisu: Here. Let me take one now with your phone. It doesn’t have to be a whole shoot to be Instagram-worthy.

Sejun: Are you...sure?

Jisu: Yeah, just don’t pose. Be natural. Look that way. Now take a sip of your coffee.

Sejun: I’ve never had this happen on a date before.

Jisu: You don’t say. Here, what do you think?

Sejun: Wow—even these are really good. None of my friends are good at taking photos. I should introduce you to my mom.

Jisu: Your mom? Sejun, we literally just met.

Sejun: No! Not in any serious way like that. Sorry. She’s a wedding planner and she could probably hook you up with her clients. Could be super profitable, and you can get more cameras and cool equipment.

Jisu: That’s actually not a bad idea. I’ll think about it! What does your dad do?

Sejun: He’s a retired soap opera actor. Everyone says I look just like him.

Jisu: Must be how you have all those Instagram followers.

Sejun: Yeah, actually. Half of the comments on my pages are middle-aged ladies, who are his biggest fans.

Jisu: I was just joking...but I guess I’m not surprised.

Sejun: These portraits are actually so good, Jisu. I’m glad we met!

Jisu: I’m glad you like the photos, Sejun.