
I would like to thank all my colleagues at the Tavistock Clinic and the Institute of Family Therapy who provided the opportunity and support necessary to develop the personal and professional development (PPD) modules in both centres.

The original idea for the PPD modules stemmed from discussions between myself and my colleague Dr. Arnon Bentovim. We had previously worked together as co-therapists and as group leaders and were actively involved in the training of family therapists. I would like to acknowledge the importance of his contribution both in the development of the PPD concept and in his role as co-leader of the large group, as discussed in Chapter 3.

I am indebted to Colette Richardson and Frankie Zimmerman for undertaking the unique trainee survey described in Chapter 8 and for all their hard work, enthusiasm, and ideas.

A special thank you not only to the trainees who gave their time to participate in the consumer survey but also to all those trainees who have taken part in a module and thereby helped to fashion it.

I am grateful to Bebe Speed for her invaluable comments which were both constructive and encouraging at the draft stage. Thanks also to Brenda Cox from The Family Institute in Cardiff and Barbara Warner from the Prudence Skynner Unit in London for sharing their ideas about trainees' personal and professional development during training.

Finally, I would like to thank Helene Curtis for her continuing support and encouragement.