


IN THE LARGE industrial kitchen, Eden Kingsley had done her best to open up to Nora and answer her questions while Bronte enjoyed her chocolate gelato. Nora could tell it was hard for Eden. At times, it seemed like she was asking for help, but Nora wasn’t sure exactly how much help they could actually be for her. They would not force Rafe to see Eden if she didn’t want to see her.

As Gabri walked into the kitchen, Nora could see he was agitated. “Is Rafe okay?” she asked.

Eden looked up at Gabri hoping that he had good news.

“She says she is,” said Gabri clearly not believing it.

“Is she coming to have gelato with us?” Eden asked hopefully.

“No,” said Gabri and saw Eden’s disappointment.

Gabri knew he would have to tell her about Rafaella. He did feel it was right she knew because of the baby. He also knew Rafaella’s reasons for not saying anything at all about her childhood were not the best, though he understood her.

He would never know why Rafaella’s father chose not to tell Eden anything. Rafaella had been well for so long, maybe Ettore thought she was finally happy and would never have any more problems. But she has issues now, and Rafaella hadn’t told him that he couldn’t tell Eden what happened to her when she was young.

Gabri sighed because Nora was right again. He decided he would have to do what Rafaella’s father did not do and tell Eden everything. Maybe then it would make her understand why she should go home and let Rafaella heal. “I need to talk to Eden,” he said firmly. He could see Nora understood what he was going to talk with her about.

“I can watch Bronte,” said Nora and looked at Eden. “We’ll be fine down here for a while.”

Eden looked at Gabri nervously and wondered if something was wrong. “Okay,” she said softly.

“Come,” said Gabri. “We must go to my office.”