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TWO DAYS HAD passed since Eden Kingsley’s visit to the villa, and she had heard nothing from Rafe, or from Nora and Gabri. She and Julia went to the music festival on Monday and Tuesday hoping to find Rafe in the crowd or get a glimpse of Nora and Gabri on stage, but neither had happened. Eden was getting worried because she would have to leave in a few days. Julia offered to pay so they could stay longer, but Eden was worried about how it would affect her job and being able to stay in Rafe’s house.
They had a late night so, while Eden was feeding Bronte, Julia was still asleep in her room next door. Everyone in the hotel had been so good to Bronte, and she was making out like a little princess. They brought her lots of sweets and treats. The au pairs competed to take care of her and take her to the carousel. When they finally decided to get out of the hotel for a while, the manager had recommended a lot of special places to take Bronte that were a lot of fun. The only thing they were missing was Rafe.
Eden wished she could share everything Gabri had told her with Julia or someone. It seemed like her life was being chained up with secrets. Secrets she had to keep and trusts she dare not break for fear of the consequences that always seemed to be as terrifying as the secrets themselves. Now on top of not being able to talk about the secrets Rafe had told her, she had to keep secrets from Rafe of all the information Gabri had told her.
Thinking about the photographs she saw of Rafe and the drawings she made when she was young unbalanced her. Eden knew Rafe had a lot of things happen to her in her past, but the level of trauma and the reality of what she lived through were overwhelming. Now Gabri said she couldn’t talk to Rafe about what he had told her, and she couldn’t look at Rafe with pity. She didn’t know how she could look at her with anything else at the moment.
Eden put a dab of Nutella on a breakfast roll and gave it to Bronte who decided to lick the chocolate off before eating the bread, getting it all over her face. As Eden laughed at Bronte and tried to wipe her face, there was a knock at the door.
“I wonder if Zia Julia is up,” she said as she put the napkin down and went to answer the door. “Good morning,” she said as she swung open the door with a smile.
“Buongiorno,” said the hotel bellboy with a smile. “For you,” he said and handed her a small envelope.
“Thank you,” said Eden as she took the envelope, curiosity burning in her. The boy smiled again then scurried away. Eden closed the door then opened the envelope and pulled out the crisp folded paper from inside. Her eyes widened in surprise as she read the note and recognized the handwriting. She rushed up and snatched Bronte from her chair then went out the door and knocked on the one next door. “Julia! Julia, wake up!” she called as she pounded on the door.
“What the hell?” said Julia as she jerked open the door and saw Eden holding on to Bronte. “What’s wrong?”
“I need your help,” Eden said excitedly and shoved the note into Julia’s hand.
Julia took the note as Eden walked into the room. Her eyebrows rose as Eden grinned excitedly. “Another note demanding something,” she mumbled and read the note.
Eden– Please, come with me today. Meet me on the left side of the Hotel toward the plaza. Get Julia to watch Bronte. She owes me. Bring a jacket. –Rafe
“It’s not a demand if she said please,” Eden pointed out happily. She knew Julia had been unhappy about having to wait around for Rafe or Gabri to call, but now she could stop being so gloomy about everything. Things were starting to look better, and she wasn’t going to let Julia’s mood bring her down.
“And why is it exactly I ‘owe’ her?” Julia asked with annoyance as she waved the note around.
“Will you come over and have breakfast and watch Bronte like she asked?” Eden grinned. “I need to hurry and get dressed.”
Seeing Eden’s excitement, Julia sighed. She wondered what Rafe was up to and if it was going to take away the light showing in Eden’s eyes right now. She had not told Eden about her conversation with Rafe or the fact she had seen her yesterday. She didn’t think it would help either of them. She also had a feeling Rafe’s comment about ‘owing her’ was probably because of their conversation.
“Fine, I guess this is why we’re here,” Julia relented and put her robe on. She followed Eden back to her room, not knowing which path of guilt to follow so she settled on staying at the crossroad balance at the edge of them all.
Inside the room, Eden put Bronte back into her seat at the table and hurried into the bedroom. Julia sat down at the table and poured a cup of tea. She read the note again. “She says to bring a jacket,” she called back to Eden then spoke to Bronte. “Your mama thinks everyone should jump when she shouts.”
“Mama lives in a garden,” said Bronte as she ate her fruit happily.
Julia sighed. “Brilliant.”
“Okay,” said Eden breathlessly as she came out of the bedroom. “How do I look?” she asked expectantly.
Julia rolled her eyes and shook her head thinking she looked very good in her jeans and form-fitting cap-sleeved blouse. She knew when Eden lifted her arms or moved in a certain way, the shirt would raise, and the skin of her trim waist would show.
“You look fine,” she said, cutting off her train of thought. Eden rushed into the bathroom to comb her hair and brush her teeth, and Julia looked over at Bronte again. “I hope your mommy isn’t getting her hopes up just to have them dashed,” she said and gave her a piece of pastry.
Bronte handed the pastry back to Julia, “I don’t like this one. I want the chocolate.”
Julia surveyed Bronte’s chocolate covered mouth. “I think you’re seeping chocolate out your openings.”
Eden came out of the bathroom and kissed Bronte. “Be good for Zia Julia.”
“I need chocolate,” insisted Bronte.
Eden quickly spread Nutella on a piece of bread for her then and kissed her chocolatey face again. She turned to Julia excitedly. “I have no idea when I’ll be back. Will you be okay?”
“Of course,” she said, though she was apprehensive about Eden’s excitement.
“Everything will be fine,” Eden assured Julia, looking into her worried eyes. “She’s here, she’s waiting for me.” Eden felt joy and excitement she hadn’t felt for a long time. “I know she loves me.” She saw Julia’s concerned look and smiled. “It’s a good start,” she said and grabbed her ID and some cash from her purse and put it in her front pocket. She turned back and hugged Julia. “Thank you,”
“No problem,” said Julia knowing she was holding Eden longer than she should. She was hoping Eden was right but at the same time not wanting her to go. “You’d better hurry before she changes her mind,” she said sarcastically to hide her jealousy of Eden’s excitement and then released her. Julia couldn’t help noticing the scent of the perfume in the air that had not surrounded Eden since Rafe had left.
Eden smiled happily at Julia then grabbed her jacket and headed out the door of her hotel room.
Julia looked over at Bronte who was licking the chocolate from her bread. “Your mommy indulges you with chocolate. You’ll be needing a good washing up, I suppose.”
Bronte laughed and held out her bread. “’Dulge me.”
Julia rolled her eyes at Bronte’s chocolate covered face then took the bread to add more Nutella. “Precocious yet impertinent. Not unlike someone else I know,” she mumbled.