I used to think that writing was a solitary activity and didn’t require the input of others. How very wrong I was!

I am indebted to all whom I’ve met at the Manchester Writing School at Manchester Metropolitan University: firstly, to Sherry Ashworth for offering me a place and setting the writing exercise that gave birth to Jesobel; and secondly, to my cohort, Chrissy Dentan, Jason Hill, Kim Hutson, Matt Killeen, Luci Nettleton, Alison Padley-Woods, Katy Simmonds and Paula Warrington — the most talented and supportive of writers. The North West Scooby Group were also hugely helpful when I was redrafting the middle section and they are just generally the best critique group around.

Next, I have to thank my husband, Dave, for bringing wine to the study and helping me in my many hours of technical need. My children did occasionally get in the way of writing. My younger daughter once said, “I want to help you to be a better writer.” I replied, “Half an hour of peace would help.” She snorted and said, “Well, that’s never going to happen.” Thank you also to my mother, Anne, and sister, Sarah, who have always been the most faithful of cheerleaders.

This novel would never have seen the light of day without the support of my agent, Anne Clark. She saw the potential in Jesobel and helped me find the heart of the story. Without her and Margot Edwards championing me, I would never have been published.

Similarly, huge thanks are due to Kate Egan, Lisa Lyons and all at KCP — the Loft imprint in particular — with a special mention to Emma Dolan for her cover. Kate, like Anne, saw some something in Jesobel she liked. It took a while to find the current story arc, but I learned so much about craft from her: she is the queen of the editing process!

Finally, my thanks go to all the students I’ve taught over the years, in particular 11–5 (my 29 extra ‘daughters’ — we never did quite get that family ticket to Alton Towers). I would never have been able to write this without you.

Anna Mainwaring