Anyone will tell you that all kinds of things happen when you’re doing the reefer, and the cool thing is, the stuff everyone’s into doing is all over the map. Now we can’t say we’ve done it all, at least not yet, so we’re putting together this bucket list. And if you can think of something to do that we forgot to include, let us know and we’ll do it together.
Finger puppets
Stare at your face in the mirror
Make a snack
Pack another bowl
Watch TV
Have sex
Play with a yoyo
Call a friend and talk about random shit
Make a sculpture
Stare at the night sky till you see a shooting star
Check the refrigerator
Play video games
Walk through an art museum
Play bongos on paint cans
Go to an amusement park
Talk to your plants
Go to an empty playground to swing, slide, and climb
Watch a scary movie
Go hiking
Take a sauna
Give a massage
Jump on a trampoline
Close your eyes and spin around until you get dizzy
Stare at the night sky and make up new constellations
Roll another one
Walk through the grass barefoot
Drink fresh-squeezed juice
Just lay there
Watch The Three Stooges
See a band
Draw your pet
Watch a stoner movie
Look for faces in clouds
Walk around town—things will happen
Go to a Dead cover-band show
Draw a maze
Practice rolling joints
Do some tai chi
Walk the dog
Skinny dip in the ocean at night
Visit the zoo
Do some gardening
Write a strange letter and drop it on the sidewalk
Take a hot shower
Go thrifting
Bake cookies
See an IMAX movie
Write a haiku (see page 156)
Walk through a cemetery
Write a letter to Santa Claus
Write a letter to Mrs. Claus
Watch Wizard of Oz synched with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon
Play guitar
Hug a tree
Get a Slinky and go to the largest staircase in your town
Skype a stranger
Watch Wizard of Oz synched with Cheech & Chong’s Greatest Hit
Draw an original comic strip
Eat toast under a comforter, for toasted toasty toast
Go web surfing
Go ocean surfing
Go ghost-hunting
Drink red wine
Invent shit
Watch fireworks
Watch a 3-D movie
Learn card tricks
Take a mellow bike ride
Bash the bishop
Flick the bean
Build a bong
Go to the ocean and count the waves—see how high you can get
Finger paint
Start a web site
Walk deep into the woods and get naked
Talk in slow motion
Go to an aquarium
Redecorate your living room
Draw the perfect cannabis leaf
Turn off the lights and talk with flashlights under your chins
Write a song
Have sex again
Play buzbee
Clean the entire house
Make milkshakes
Bake bread
Visit a chat room
Write a country song
Get lost in an encyclopedia (ok, Wikipedia)
Watch a children’s movie
Learn some magic tricks
Play a kazoo
Paint the basement
Eat good chocolate
Arm wrestle
Sit in a hot tub
Have an impromptu talent show
Clean your stoner kit
Make hand shadows on the wall
And a Few Things Not to Do High
Tow your friends on a sled behind your car
Minor roofing repairs
Night kayaking
Get straight
Say tongue twisters
Call your family priest
Go to the DMV
Take a cold shower
Walk into a dark basement alone
Ask a cop for directions