I made it all the way
To the factory
Without finding
Papa or Leybl
Or their bodies.
Polish soldiers
Stood outside the factory doors
And I was too terrified
Of the soldiers,
Of the truth,
To ask
If Papa and Leybl
Were still inside,
Still alive.
I headed home,
Knowing Mama
Would be angry,
Would die of fright,
What had happened to
Papa and Leybl.
I had no answers for her.
Warm and welcoming,
Met me at the door.
Strong and supporting,
Surrounded me.
Scratchy yet soft,
Pressed against my face.
Papa and Leybl!
Hid in the factory’s basement,
Like Mama, Mushke, and I
Hid in the apartment basement.
I’d passed them
In the dark,
In the horror,
Never knowing
They searched for us,
Like I searched for them.