The Sonderkommando

I thanked God

When we were assigned to a Kommando

Working inside the camp.

The Aussenkommandos,

Sent outside to do

Hard labor,

Were death sentences.

As I worked,

Laying cobblestones into the mud,

I watched.

The men of the Sonderkommando

Moved like ghosts

Among the living.

Carried corpses,

Ushered the selected.

Why do they do it?

I wondered.

The men of the Sonderkommando

Moved like ghosts

Among the dead.

Carried corpses,

Stoked the furnaces.

Doing dirty work for the Nazis,

I said.

They are monsters.

The men of the Sonderkommando

Moved like ghosts

Among themselves.

Spread the ashes,

And began again.