
Upwind from the chimneys

blue sky hung like a promise

in the air.

Bronia, Guta, Giza,

Fania, and I

held hands in the unexpected


It was easy to remember

the way life used to be—

the way life should be—

the way life could be—


I lifted my hand to the sky

toward the horizon.

Spring fluttered

warm and gentle

through my fingers

radiating to the others

a wave of hope

a current of belief

that this would not go on


Three other girls

holding hands

walked past us

toward the

shadow of the chimneys.

On the beautiful blue-sky day

when hope hung like

cotton-ball clouds

one girl lifted her hand to the fence

toward the signs that warned


Death rippled

through her fingers

radiated to the others.

A wave.

A current.

The end.