STONE BARRINGTON LAID in a flight plan, guided his Citation CJ3+ down the runway, and took off.
In the back of the luxurious jet, Teddy looked across the Hudson at the receding New York City skyline. “How long’s the flight?”
“About an hour,” Dino said.
Dino grinned. “We’re going to D.C.”
“This is a nice plane, but it can’t fly nonstop to Paris. We’re trading up.”
“For what?”
“You’ll see.”
“It better not be a CIA plane. That would not be funny.”
“Never fear. No one even knows you’re going. The plane’s for me and Stone.”
“Who’s providing it?”
Dino grinned. “Viv. One of the perks of being married to a company bigwig.”
Dino’s wife was the chief operating officer for Strategic Services, the second-largest security agency in the country. They maintained a number of aircraft capable of international flights.
An hour later Stone set down at Dulles International Airport, and they emerged from the plane to see a familiar figure walking down the runway.
“Mike,” Dino said. “What are you doing here?”
Mike Freeman, the head of Strategic Services, operated from his office in New York City, so his appearance in D.C. was a surprise.
“I had a meeting with a few select clients. Politicians who like to feel important. They don’t really need protection, but it strokes their egos to have it.”
“And to be seen having lunch with the CEO of Strategic Services.”
“Exactly,” Mike said. “You wouldn’t believe how many people were called over to our table for an introduction. Anyway, I was in town, and I heard a rumor one of our executives was abusing her privileges by flying her husband around in company aircraft, so I thought I’d check it out.”
“I’m afraid you’ve been misled,” Dino said. “She’s not flying me around. Stone batted his eyes at her, and she can’t deny him anything.”
Mike turned to Teddy. “I won’t ask who this is. I’m sure the answer would be less than illuminating.”
Mike had offered Teddy a job once, anytime Teddy wanted to take it. The offer was still standing.
“Good to see you, too, Mike,” Teddy said.
Mike dropped the bantering tone and said, “Is this anything you might need a little help with?”
“I appreciate the offer, Mike, but at the moment, I have no idea,” Teddy said.
Mike nodded. “Viv was a little vague on details. How long do you need the plane for?”
“It’s open-ended,” Teddy said. “We’re going for a joyride, and we’ll be back when the thrill wears off.”
“Sounds like just the type of deal I’d like to get one of my best aircraft involved in. Seriously, though, if you need help, whistle.”
“Thanks,” Teddy said.
Mike walked them to the plane. The huge Gulfstream G650 was indeed imposing. “It’s not as luxurious as Air Force One, but I hope it will do. I also have to apologize for making you come all the way down here to get it. It flew in from England this morning carrying a couple of diplomats, and they might have been grumpy if we tried to divert them to New York. Anyway, I hope it will be to your liking.”
“I think I’ve flown it before,” Stone said.
“Yes. That was a business trip when Viv actually had a legitimate reason to go to Paris and you got to tag along. I believe this will be its first actual joyride. Anyway, it should be wheels up in half an hour.” Mike put up his hands. “Look, I know you like to fly, Stone, but if you don’t mind, our flight crew will handle this one. Insurance purposes, you understand. If you were to drop it in the drink, we wouldn’t be covered.”
Stone snorted.
“Anything else I can do for you?” Mike said ironically.
“Does this hunk of junk have Internet service?” Teddy said.
“Not if you’re planning on committing a felony.”
“Forget I asked.”