
LANCE WAS NOT pleased to see Millie, even if this time she came to him. He walked up to her on the lawn and said sardonically, “So, are we talking seven figures?”

“He doesn’t want any money.”

“Really? I wouldn’t have thought you could surprise me anymore, but you just did. What does he want?”

“A dog.”

Lance gave her the most marvelous deadpan. “What?”

“He needs you to find a dog and a handler and get them on a plane to Paris at once. Mike Freeman will supply the aircraft. You just have to get the dog.”

“He really needs a dog?”


“Why can’t he get his own dog?”

“It has to look like this.”

Millie held up her cell phone so Lance could see the attached photo Teddy had texted her.

“First he wants a rhino, now he wants a dog?”

“That’s it in a nutshell.”

“And what is the dog for?”

“He hasn’t told me.”

“I assume it’s to catch the mole. He does realize mole is a figure of speech.”

Millie smiled.

Lance eyes narrowed. “He said I’d say that?”

“You two seem to be in mind-meld. Put your best men on it. This is a high-priority, need-to-know, eyes-only op. Under no circumstances does it leak to anyone at the French embassy.”

“He hasn’t found the mole.”

Millie smiled.

Lance looked pained. “He knew I’d say that, too?”

“He told me to say: ‘Did you think it was going to be easy?’”