Change of Government

We’ve got a change of government
if you know what I mean.
Auntie Maud has come to keep house
instead of Aunt Gwendoline.

They say that Auntie Maud, you know,
is rather common; she’s not
so well brought up as Aunt Gwendoline is,
so perhaps she’ll be more on the spot.

That’s what we hope: we hope she’ll be
a better manager; for Oh dear me
Aunt Gwen was a poor one! but Aunt Maud, you see,
was brought up poor, so she’ll have to be

more careful. Though if she’s not
won’t it be awful! what shall we do?
Aunt Libby’s really a feeble lot,
and I simply daren’t think of Aunt Lou!

I’ve never seen her, but they say
she’s a holy terror: she takes your best frock
and all your best things, and just gives them away
to the char, who’s as good as you are, any day.

And she makes you go to work, even if
you’ve got money of your own.
And she shuts you in the cellar for the least little tiff,
and just loves to hear you sob and groan.

Oh I do hope Aunt Maud will manage all right!
Because they say, if she doesn’t
Aunt Louie is almost bound to come
with all our horrible cousins

that we’ve never seen, coming stamping and swearing
and painting the woodwork red
just to show how dangerous they are!
Oh, Aunt Louie’s the one I dread.