“ WITHOUT shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.”
What does it mean?
Does it mean that life which has gone ugly and unliving is sin
and the blood of it must be spilt?

O spill the blood, not of your firstling lamb, without spot or blemish,
but kill the scabbed and ugly lamb, that spreads contagion.
O slay, not the bright proud life that is in you, that can be happy,
but the craven, the cowardly, the creeping you, that can only
be unhappy, kill it, the unliving thing.

O sacrifice, not that which is noble and generous and
spontaneous in humanity
but that which is mean and base and squalid and degenerate,
destroy it, shed its unclean blood, kill it, put it out of existence.
O shed the unclean, mean, cowardly, greedy, egoistic, de —
generate blood
and let mankind make new blood, fresh and bright.