WHEN he pushed his bush of black hair off his brow:
When she lifted her mop from her eyes, and screwed it in a
knob behind
— O act of fearful temerity!
When they felt their foreheads bare, naked to heaven, their
eyes revealed:
When they felt the light of heaven brandished like a knife
at their defenceless eyes,
And the sea like a blade at their face,
Mediterranean savages:
When they came out, face-revealed, under heaven, from the
shaggy undergrowth of their own hair
For the first time,
They saw tiny rose cyclamens between their toes,
Where the slow toads sat brooding on the past.
Slow toads, and cyclamen leaves
Stickily glistening with eternal shadow
Keeping to earth.
Cyclamen leaves
Toad-filmy, earth-iridescent
Spumed with mud
Low down.
The shaking aspect of the sea
And man’s defenceless bare face
And cyclamens putting their ears back.
Long, pensive, slim-muzzled greyhound buds
Dreamy, not yet present,
Drawn out of earth
At his toes.
Sub-delighted, stone-engendered
Cyclamens, young cyclamens
Waking, pricking their ears
Like delicate very-young greyhound bitches
Half-yawning at the open, inexperienced
Vista of day,
Folding back their soundless petalled ears.
Greyhound bitches
Sending their rosy muzzled pensive down,
And breathing soft, unwilling to wake to the new day
Yet sub-delighted.
Ah Mediterranean morning, when our world began!
Far-off Mediterranean mornings,
Pelasgic faces uncovered,
And unbudding cyclamens.
The hare suddenly goes uphill
Laying back her long ears with unwinking bliss.
And up the pallid, sea-blenched Mediterranean stone-slopes
Rose cyclamen, ecstatic fore-runner!
Cyclamens, ruddy-muzzled cyclamens
In little bunches like bunches of wild hares
Muzzles together, ears-aprick
Whispering witchcraft
Like women at a well, the dawn-fountain.
Greece, and the world’s morning
Where all the Parthenon marbles still fostered the roots of
the cyclamen.
Pagan, rosy-muzzled violets
Among squat toad-leaves sprinkling the unborn
Erechtheion marbles.