Brian forced himself not to look over his shoulder when he heard the front door across the street open and close. “Brian,” he heard her call out.
Slowly, he turned around, putting on his best poker face. His heart was beating in overdrive, though. But he wouldn’t let Paige know it. His black eyes were emotionless as they peered into her golden ones. “What is it?” he asked calmly.
“I’m sorry.”
Brian continued walking toward the front porch. “Did you hear me?” she asked, her voice going up an octave.
“Paige, I don’t need what you bring to my life right now. If you can’t understand what I’m going through, then maybe you need to stay over there and I’ll stay over here.”
Paige nodded. “I deserve that. I was wrong for acting the way I did. I shouldn’t have left the park like that because you were just being honest.” She took a step toward him. Brian looked at her, still showing his poker face.
Paige continued. “I can’t say that I understand what you’re going though, because I’ve never loved and lost someone.”
Brian closed his eyes. She’d never been in love? He wasn’t really shocked. He doubted that Paige would let a man see her real self and her flashes of rage were enough to scare any sane man away. Why am I standing here, then? he thought.
“Just stop,” he said. “You know what I’m dealing with and my son is the most important thing in my life.”
Paige nodded. “Will you just let me make things right between us?”
Brian smirked. A thousand ideas danced through his mind as to how Paige could make things right. Quite a few of them involved her getting naked, putting her lips against his and pressing her hips into his. But Brian didn’t want an immediate physical relationship with Paige. He wanted to know her, find out who the real Paige Grayson was and why she drove so fast all the time. What he knew for sure was that she wasn’t the kind of woman that you casually romanced and occasionally had sex with. “And how are you going to do that, Miss Grayson?”
“I have my ways. It’s still early. How does a steak dinner sound?”
“I’ll pass. Mickey will be back soon and I need to spend some time with him.”
Paige nodded. “I understand.”
Brian smiled, and then looked at her. “If you toss in a few hamburgers with that steak dinner, maybe we can renegotiate,” he said.
“Consider it done,” she said. “And Brian, I’m really sorry that I acted like such a jackass at the park.”
Brian waved goodbye to Paige as she walked across the street. He couldn’t understand his attraction to Paige. Her temper was a fire he didn’t want to get burned by. She drove him crazy, but something about her stirred his insides and made him want to wrap his arms around her and never let go. She was nothing like Olivia, who hid her feelings or calmly talked about things. Paige wore her feelings on her sleeve and in her golden eyes. Her face was a road map to her heart. He knew what he said to her had hurt, but he had to be honest with her. The very last thing he wanted was to lead Paige on when he didn’t know if he was ready to be involved in another relationship. Brian sat in the living room, wondering if he should let Paige into his life.
Who am I fooling? She’s already in my life, he thought.
Paige placed the raw steaks in a bed of seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic and onion powder. She set the pan in the refrigerator, then grabbed a package of ground beef and began forming patties with fast food precision. She sprinkled a little salt and pepper on the patties, then wrapped them up in plastic wrap and put them in the pan with the steaks. Next, Paige pulled a can of baked beans from the cabinet, opened it and poured the beans in a pot and turned the stove on low. After cutting up a small onion, she dropped it in with the beans. As she sprinkled red pepper and salt in the pot, there was a knock at the door. Paige wiped her hands on a dishtowel before answering it. To her surprise, Brian’s sister Gabrielle was standing there.
“Hi,” Paige said.
“I’m sorry to barge over here like this. May I come in for a minute?”
“Sure,” Paige replied with a little trepidation in her voice.
Gabrielle walked in, flinging her hair back. She turned around and looked at Paige. “I know you’re wondering why I’m here.”
Paige smiled and nodded. “I’m a little curious.”
Gabrielle sat down on the sofa as if she had been invited. “Look, my brother likes you and I want him to be happy.”
“Gabrielle, I just met Brian and we’re getting to know each other.”
Gabrielle smiled. “There’s something you should know about Brian. He just doesn’t let people into his life. He sees something special about you. And so do I. I just don’t want you to hurt him. If you do, I’ll come after you.”
“Is that a threat?”
Gabrielle stood up. “Consider it a friendly warning. Paige, I’m not trying to be ugly. It’s just that after Olivia left him and Mickey, Brian was crushed. If I could have gotten my hands on her...let’s just say I don’t want to see my brother like that ever again.”
“You and Brian must be really close,” Paige said.
Gabrielle had a far-off look in her eyes. “When my dad died, Brian took up the slack, even though he’s only a few years older than me. He’s loved one woman his entire life and she broke his heart and that little boy’s heart. All Mickey talked about today was his mother. He hasn’t seen her since she left. What kind of mother is that? I watched their marriage sink into the toilet and it wasn’t pretty.”
Paige shuddered as Gabrielle’s words sank in. “Gabrielle, you love Brian and I know you want to protect him and Mickey, but we’re just friends. I’m not going to hurt him and you’re not going to have to come after me.”
“I hope not,” she said. “Besides, I see you in Brian’s life for a long time. Mickey likes you too.”
Paige smiled. “He’s a precious little boy.”
Gabrielle nodded. “And I don’t want him hurt behind all of this.”
The last thing Paige would ever do was cause Mickey any more pain. “You know what?” Paige said. “I’m cooking dinner for Mickey and Brian tonight. Why don’t you join us?”
“No, but thanks for the invite. I have to work this evening. You guys have a good time.” Gabrielle opened the door. “And remember what I said. Brian, despite all of his macho bravado, is fragile.”
Paige found that hard to believe. Brian and fragile didn’t seem to belong in the same sentence. She waved to Gabrielle as she flounced out of the house.
When she was gone, Paige dashed into the kitchen to check on her beans, which were about two seconds away from being overcooked. She quickly moved the pot from the burner, poured the beans in a serving bowl and garnished them with a sprig of parsley, just as she’d seen on the Food Network.
Next, Paige pulled the ingredients for a salad out of the refrigerator. She shredded the lettuce, cut tomatoes, onions, and cucumbers, and then tossed them in a salad bowl. She sprinkled a little pepper and herbs over the salad, covered the bowl with plastic wrap and then slid it in the vegetable crisper.
Just as she was about to place the steaks in the oven, there was another knock at the door. Paige furrowed her brows as she walked to the door. “What is this, Grand Central Station?” she muttered as she walked to the door and pulled the curtain back. She didn’t see anyone, so she opened the door and looked down. Mickey was standing there with tear tracks staining his face.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, pulling him into her warm embrace.
“I can’t find my daddy,” he said in between sniffles. “He’s gone, just like Mommy.”
Paige gently stroked the nape of Mickey’s neck. “I’m sure Brian just didn’t hear you. Come inside with me so I can turn the stove off and then we’ll find your daddy.”
Mickey nodded and cried silently. Paige shut the oven off and turned to him. Brian didn’t seem like the irresponsible father that would leave his son alone in the house.
Where is that man? she thought as she and Mickey headed out the door.
Brian banged his wrench on the water heater, hoping he wouldn’t wake his napping son. This was the third time in a week that the piece of junk had conked out on him. Brian knew he was going to have to break down and buy a new one. He stepped out of the storage room and walked over to his truck to get a bigger wrench from his toolbox. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Paige and Mickey walking across the street. Running over to them, he could see Mickey had been crying. “What happened?”
Mickey ran into his father’s arms. “Where did you go, Daddy?” Mickey asked.
Brian looked down at his terrified son. “I was in the storage room. I thought you were sleeping.”
Mickey shook his head. “I couldn’t find you.”
Brian looked at Paige. “He came over and he was really upset.”
“Thank you,” Brian replied, his voice a near whisper.
He hoisted Mickey into his arms. “Champ, I’m never going to leave you. You were sleeping and I had to check on the water heater.”
“But Mommy left.”
Brian looked deep into his son’s teary eyes. “We’re always going to be together, champ.” He hugged Mickey tightly.
Paige touched Brian’s shoulder. “If you need to be with your son tonight, I understand.”
Brian nodded. “Paige, thank you so much.”
“Miss Paige,” Mickey called out. “Will you stay too?”
She smiled warmly and mussed Mickey’s wooly hair. “I think you and your dad need some alone time.”
“Nah, Miss Paige, if the boy wants you to stay, then stay. And I want my steak medium well.”
Paige smirked and clicked her tongue against her teeth. “All right. I’ll be right back.”
Brian smiled as he watched Paige’s retreating figure. “Hey, little man, want to help me fix this water heater?”
Mickey nodded and they bounded to the storage room. A few moments later, Mickey and Brian emerged from the storage room, dusty and hungry. As if she could read their stomachs, Paige was heading across the street with their dinner. Brian rushed to open the door for her when he saw her struggling with the pan and bowls. He took the bowl of beans from her hands as she walked up the steps.
“Smells good,” he said. “Thank you.”
Brian smiled as he held the door open for her. “You could have cooked over here, y’know.”
“Well, I still need to stick the steaks in the oven before we can actually eat. But I have burgers, beans and salad ready to go.”
Brian ushered Paige into his ultra modern kitchen. He’d had the kitchen remodeled for Olivia because she complained about the old gas stove, the lack of a dishwasher and the small refrigerator. He’d replaced everything with state of the art stainless steel. Paige ran her hand admiringly across the smooth marble counter top. “Who are you, Bobby Flay?”
“I did this for my wife. She said the old kitchen was outdated.”
Paige chewed on her bottom lip as she arranged her dinner on the counter. Mickey dashed into the kitchen, peering at the food Paige had prepared.
“Mickey, go wash up for dinner,” Brian said.
“Yes, sir,” the little boy replied as he walked out of the kitchen, leaving Paige and Brian alone. She looked at him then down at the half broiled steaks.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, taking note of Paige’s silence. “Nothing.”
Brian grunted knowingly. “I know I said my wife, but Olivia and I are divorced.”
“Yes, but will you ever get her out of your heart? Brian, I like you, but I don’t want you to see me as a rebound fling.”
How could Brian tell her that he was falling for her and that it shook him to his core? In a perfect world, he would be able to love Paige with everything in him. He saw how good she was with Mickey. His little boy was already growing attached to her. But how long would a woman like Paige stay in a place like Elmore before she started feeling trapped and run away?
“What was that look?”
“Paige, let’s just take this for what it is. You’re a beautiful woman and I’m extremely attracted to you. But I know this town isn’t going to hold you here. I can’t let you blow in and out of my life.”
“You think you know me, Brian Jackson?”
“It’s not that. I just don’t want to be hurt again,” he said.
Paige rubbed her forehead. “So, this is you striking first, then?”
Brian walked over to her and looked her deep into her golden eyes. “This is me being honest, that’s all.”
Paige rolled her eyes, walked over to the stove and slid the pan of steaks into the oven. “This is you being afraid, Brian.” Sighing, she thought about what his sister said. Fragile.
Brian leaned against the counter and watched Paige. “I’m not afraid,” he said. The lie burned in his mouth. He was terrified that another woman had gotten close enough to him to burrow into his heart. He couldn’t bear another failed chance at love. Obviously he couldn’t sustain love; Olivia had left. What would stop Paige from doing the same thing?
Paige stepped up to him and focused her golden gaze on him. “Prove it.”
“How? By taking you in my arms and making slow love to you? It won’t change anything. Paige. If we go there, it would only be temporary.”
“Is that what you want? Just a temporary love affair? A summer fling? I gave those up in college,” she snapped.
Brian grabbed her around the waist. “There’s nothing holding you here. You’re telling me that if a better opportunity came along that you would still stay?”
She bit her bottom lip as Brian’s mouth came close to hers. She looked up at him. “Brian, I finish everything that I start.”
“Meaning what?”
She licked her lips, sending shivers down his spine. “Take it any way you want.”
Brian leaned in to kiss her rose petal soft lips. Paige parted her lips slightly, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth, search each crevice, and take control of her.
“Ooh,” Mickey exclaimed when he spotted Brian and Paige embracing. They quickly parted.
“I’d better warm the beans,” she said.
Brian walked over to Mickey and squeezed him on the cheek. “You didn’t see that.”
Mickey giggled with delight, a sound Brian hadn’t heard since Olivia left. Mickey hugged his father tightly. “May I go watch TV?” he asked.
“Go ahead but don’t sit too close to the set.”
Brian turned his attention to Paige, who had made herself at home in the kitchen. She found the pots, flatware and dishes without his help. Watching her stirring the beans, he felt as if she belonged there.
Paige turned around, catching him staring at her. “What? Did I use the wrong pot or something?”
“So sarcastic,” he said.
“That’s my cross to bear in life,” she replied as she held out a spoonful of beans for Brian to taste. She slid the spoon in his mouth, watching his reaction as he savored the spicy beans.
“I never would have guessed you could cook. This is awesome.”
Paige smiled. “There’s a lot about me you don’t know.”
He didn’t doubt that one bit. Paige was more than he’d thought she was when they first met. Now he knew she was a woman he could fall in love with. That fact intrigued and frightened him at the same time. The last woman that found a place in his heart had left him. His son had hardly gotten a moment’s peace since his mother walked out on them and he didn’t want Mickey to grow attached to Paige and then have her leave them high and dry. Brian looked away from her so his eyes wouldn’t betray his heart.
“So,” Brian began. “What else do you have over there cooking?”
“A little of this, a little of that. Let’s just say you won’t be disappointed.” Paige sauntered over to the freezer. “Do you have any fries? Mickey might want some to go with his burger.”
Brian nodded and pointed Paige in the right direction. She pulled out a bag of curly fries and headed back to the stove. Brian showed her where the vegetable oil was before she asked. They stood side by side at the stove, stealing glances at each other like teenagers playing house.
Mickey bounded into the kitchen. “When are we going to eat?” he asked, pouting his lips slightly. “I’m hungry.”
“Just as soon as the fries are crispy,” Paige said as she squeezed Mickey’s round cheek.
“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes,” Brian said.
Mickey dashed out of the kitchen as Paige began setting the table. Brian couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a home cooked meal. Watching her maneuver around the kitchen reminded him of another thing he missed about having a wife.
Earlier in their marriage, Olivia and Brian had cooked together all the time. That was why she’d complained about the old cramped kitchen. Before Mickey was born, they’d burned many meals because they ended up making love on the counter.
Seeing this side of Paige warmed his heart and shocked him at the same time. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. If ever there was a domestic goddess, it was Paige.
“All right,” she said as she clasped her hands together. “Dinner’s ready.”
“I’m going to get Mickey,” Brian said as he headed down the hall.
A few minutes later, the Jackson men and Paige were sitting at the table getting ready to dig into their meals. Mickey devoured his hamburger, fries, and beans. Paige smiled proudly when he asked for seconds.
“This is good,” Brian said as he finished his steak. “I never would have taken you for the cooking type.”
“I should be offended,” she scoffed.
“No, no, it’s just that I had you pegged as the leader of the Georgia Woman’s Liberation Movement. I could hear you giving a speech about burning bras and how pots and pans are your shackles.”
Paige rolled her eyes. “I actually like to cook.”
Brian threw his hands up in mock surrender. “I stand corrected,” he said with a grin.
“Can you cook for us every day?” Mickey asked innocently.
Paige and Brian laughed nervously.
“Now, son,” Brian began. “Miss Paige does have a life. She can’t cook for us every night, but once a week would be nice.”
“Whatever, Robocop. Mickey, you can have dinner with me anytime you would like.”
Brian pretended to pout. “What about me?”
Paige threw her hand up in his face. “Forget about it,” she said jokingly.
After dinner, Brian sat down in the den with Mickey while Paige cleaned up the kitchen. She wouldn’t let Brian help, despite his sincere offer. Mickey looked up at his father. “I like her,” he said in a small voice.
“Miss Paige is nice.”
Brian smiled. He totally agreed with his son. But he had broken every rule he set after Olivia left. He’d let Paige into his heart and into Mickey’s life. He couldn’t push her away now if he wanted to.
“All right, all done,” she said as she walked into the den.
“Come sit down,” Brian said as he patted the sofa cushion between himself and Mickey.
Paige plopped down on the sofa as if she was worn out, and Mickey leaned his head against her thigh. Brian smiled, but it was bittersweet. He and Olivia used to sit like that when they finished dinner.
“Somebody’s sleeping,” Paige said, tapping into Brian’s thoughts.
“I’ll put him to bed,” he whispered as he stood and scooped the little boy up in his arms. Paige stood up as well.
“Are you leaving?”
She nodded.
“Wait,” he said. “Don’t go yet.” He waited until she sat down before he walked down the hall to put Mickey in the bed. One thought ran through his mind. What am I getting myself into?