Does this count as crossing the boundaries? I mean, she did give me a key.
I straighten the tray on her bed with juice and fresh croissants, plus a rose that’s seen better days, but it was all they had at the grocery store first thing in the morning. Sitting at the end of the bed, I patiently wait, as the shower was on when I arrived, and I know Kelsey is in the bathroom getting dressed.
Can’t say I’ve planned the words about to pop out of my mouth, but I know the gist of what I’m going to say, and we’ll see where the mood takes us.
The moment the door opens, my head perks up and I look to her as she freezes, slightly startled. Her hair is curled, she’s wearing a long sweater dress, and her hands hold a tube of mascara.
“Bennett.” Her breath catches. “You’re here.” I can’t tell if she’s dismayed by that fact.
Standing slowly, I’m mesmerized by her early-morning beauty. “Sorry, I wanted to bring you breakfast, and you were in the shower so thought scaring you first thing was the way to go,” I attempt to joke.
Her upper lip twitches from my effort.
I slide my hands into the back pockets of my jeans. “Thought we could talk, and I have croissants from Olive Owl.”
She takes a few steps forward before taking a seat on the edge of the mattress. “Literally buttering me up, huh?”
I lick my lips because she seems willing to listen, and this feels natural between us, which is why I come to sit next to her and decide to jump right in.
“I was an asshole and words spewed out of my mouth before I even realized what I was saying. I’m worried—”
She cuts in, “About the baby, I know.”
Reaching out I take her hand in mine. “No, not just the baby. You.”
Kelsey shrugs and avoids my gaze. “I’m doing everything I can to make sure he’s healthy.”
Breathing in, I know I have to lay the hardest truth on the line for both of us. “We both want him to be healthy… but you are more important. A future with you in it is more important.”
Her eyes peer up to me with a softness that I haven’t seen before, and her eyes invite me to continue.
“I haven’t been completely open with you. My mom died giving birth, and I was there in the hallway in the hospital because she took me with her when she went into labor. Grayson was at football practice, and believe it or not, Knox had saxophone practice.” Her brows furrow at that fact, because that doesn’t fit with Knox’s persona. “Completely unexpected how it all happened, because she had an easy pregnancy.”
Kelsey scoots or rather wobbles closer and takes my other hand in hers too.
“I’m sorry, Bennett, so sorry. You know that the chance is so incredibly small, right?”
“I know. Then with my dad dying, I just feel like anything related to hospitals never ends well. But the more that I think about it, that’s not even the real issue. It’s so damn simple, and it’s you.” I squeeze her hands tighter.
A wave of confusion shows on her face. “I don’t understand.”
“You are the one I want everything with. Baby or no baby, but he is a great bonus. You are so much more than a hookup, what you and I have is something more. I love you, and I don’t want anything to happen to you or us. We have so many years ahead. You became my best friend, and who better to spend my life with than my best friend who I find incredibly sexy, smart, and who makes me think irrational but loving thoughts.”
Tears well in her eyes and her mouth gently parts as if a word got stuck. Only when a tear falls, and the corner of her mouth stretches, do actual sounds escape her lips. “I love you too, which is a revelation that I’ve been discussing all night… with the baby.” She looks down to her belly then back up. “And I knew something was bothering you, but I didn’t want to press and just thought you would eventually come around. Until then, you talking to my stomach seemed like the best way to let you process.”
A smile dances on my lips. “So you do hear me sometimes.”
She gently nods.
Leaning down, I kiss her forehead as I bring my hands to cradle her face.
“Bennett, you need to listen to me and listen real good. I promise you that I will do everything in my power so that baby boy and I are healthy. I’m channeling serious mother-bear protective vibes to ensure it’s an easy arrival for all of us. But in the end, he will come into the world the way he needs to, and we don’t know how that will be. You can’t freak out and you can’t push us away. You have to talk to me and just trust in whatever life throws at us.”
“You will do amazing. Everything you say, I’m nearly there in truly believing it too.” I kiss the tip of her nose then the trail of tears on her cheek.
“I was angry that you made me feel like I’m not taking care of myself or that the baby is more important, but now I feel stupid for even thinking it.” She glances to the side then back.
I pepper what feels like a thousand kisses on her cheek and lips. “Absolutely not, you are doing awesome. Trust me, this is all on me. You’re doing great, and I’m just so damn crazy about you.”
“Life has thrown a lot of things at you, Bennett, and I don’t want to sound too confident, but I feel like I may have been the best thing that unexpectedly landed in your lap, because you are definitely the best surprise for me.” Her smile curves into a wide grin.
“In my lap you certainly did land,” I reply before connecting our mouths for a deep kiss.
It’s the type of kiss that is mixed with messy tears and a smile worth a hundred more. Her head tilts so I can capture more of her mouth as her murmurs get lost in our mixed breaths.
“I’m so sorry for the way I handled the other day.” I can’t apologize enough.
She kisses me again before speaking. “I was hurt, but I get it. This is our lesson learned on communication.”
“We’re figuring things out, but that’s good, because we have a future ahead of us.”
Kelsey smiles to herself at my reference. I’m not saying the two words that have always flown out of my mouth with ease because she’s my one. Marriage proposals are going to have to wait.
“Now tell me again how we ended up here.” She grabs the fabric of my shirt and curls her fingers into a grip to keep me in her hold.
“The ‘we couldn’t keep our hands off of one another’ version or the ‘friends who puzzle-pieced together’ version?” I tease her, because watching her elated with tears is pure beauty.
“I’ll take both.” She lets me loose. “The candy corn that I spot in the corner of my eye. Was that your back-up plan if I was still mad?” Her eyes give me a knowing look.
My hands slide down her arms until her fingertips are loosely interlaced with my own. “Nah, it’s because I love you and I noticed you snacking on them again the other day.”
Kelsey tips her nose up and moves to nuzzle my cheek and chin. I notice her breathing in my scent. “Promise me something else?”
“Anything,” I whisper.
Her arms encircle my neck. “Promise that we can enjoy the next few weeks just you and me. If you feel overwhelmed, just talk to me.”
“Sounds like a plan I can follow.” I brush my lips along hers. “I’m lucky to have you.”
“I know.” Her tone is even, but I hear the humor behind it.
Moving the tray of breakfast to the side, we lie down on our sides to stare at one another and keep our bodies close.
“Since we’re on life-changing topics and you are stuck with me, can I broach the living-situation subject?” I ask.
“We can take my dad’s house, I mean, if you like it. That is a good middle ground in terms of distance, plenty of space, and we can arrange it before the baby comes.” My hands can’t get enough of her and roam around her body.
Her eyes form big circles, and she wiggles her nose in this cute way that only she can do. “That could be a solution. I mean, we have enough time to go, I’m allowed to sub-let my place, and I suppose the Blisswood men can move everything, so I don’t need to lift a finger.” She seems to be considering the idea.
“Sounds all positive to me.”
“Is it not a place of memories for you?”
“No. I never lived there. He moved there with Lucy a few years ago, and we can make it our own,” I promise her as I stroke a few loose strands of her hair behind her ear.
An almost devious grin erupts on her face. “But you do know something about that wonderful plan of yours…” Her finger jabs my chest.
“Surprise me.”
“My parents live like two blocks away. We would be signing up to be neighbors… with my parents.”
Oh man, I forget that in Bluetop that is an easy probability.
“No shit.” I let the info sink in. “Maybe it’s not that bad of a thing?” I’m highly doubtful.
She hums in thought. “Actually, it could be an olive branch. My father was here yesterday, and my mom will babysit, for sure. I don’t know, I’ll be caffeinated again after the baby comes so I guess I’m up for anything.”
That makes my mind run wild.
“I’m going to quote you on that one day,” I warn her.
She responds by nipping my neck. “Bed rest is, well… no acting on any of those thoughts that I know your mind is thinking.”
My eyes narrow as I think about a possible loophole. “I beg to differ. The doctor mentioned you just need to relax, and I happen to know a great method where you lie there and my mouth does all the work.”
She playfully slaps me. “Nope”
“I’ll call the doctor’s office to double-check if you want.”
Rolling her eyes, she wiggles her body before grabbing a pillow to place between her legs, as lying down has taken on new dimensions lately.
“Baby boy and I are hungry. How about you feed me some croissants,” she demands more than she suggests.
Laughing at her, I lean behind me and pick up the pastry. Ripping a piece off, I bring it to her mouth which she takes in one go.
My eyes go bold when I see the bounce of the fabric near her navel, because the kick from the baby is hard. “Yikes, he is a little feisty today.”
“You have no idea. Barely slept all night,” she speaks while she chews.
“We probably need to come up a with a name, we haven’t really discussed it.”
Kelsey’s lips quirk out. “I kind of want to meet him before deciding. See what vibes he’s giving.”
I love how she always comes up with the most ridiculously cute ideas that put me in a good mood. No day is boring with her.
She pinches my cheeks before bringing my mouth toward her lips, but she keeps us an inch apart.
“We’re going to be okay, Bennett Blisswood.”
In response, I kiss her, and I believe wholeheartedly what she says.
But that little flame of fear still flickers inside of me.