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Abruzzi, Duke of the. See Duke of the Abruzzi

Abruzzi Spur (or Ridge), 228–29

Adams, Ansel, 232

Adams, Jameson, 133, 141–43, 175, 179, 181, 190, 247–54

Adelaide, South Australia, 47–49, 53, 270

Adélie penguins, 130, 172

adventure-seeking, xv–xvi, 70, 296n6; Antarctic exploration and, 50, 60, 73, 127, 164, 175, 190, 267–69; Arctic exploration and, 4, 14, 24–25, 115–16, 286n4; mountaineering and, 74–87, 132–33, 217–20, 227

Africa, 56, 65, 75, 88–92, 193, 272

Ahngmalokto, 39, 41

Ahweleh, 151, 259–60

Alaska, 3, 88, 95, 117–18

Albert, Prince, 80

Alexandra, Queen, 189, 267

Allakasingwah (alternative spellings include Akatingwa, Alakahsingwah, Allikasingwah, and Aleqasina), 29, 34, 42, 149, 287nn15–16

Alpine Club (British), 81, 235

Alpine Journal, 236

alpinists, 78, 81, 88, 90, 226

Alps, xvii, 65, 75–88, 96, 228, 235, 279

altitude sickness, 186–88, 219, 229, 236

Amedeo of Savoy, Prince Luigi. See Duke of the Abruzzi

American Alpine Club, 94–95

American Geographical Society, 32–33, 98

American Museum of Natural History, 29–33, 100, 115, 154–55, 274

Amundsen, Roald, 42, 55, 131, 141, 267–68, 273–77, 280, 282

Anaukak (alternative spellings include Anaukaq), 42, 149

Andes Mountains, 66, 88

Andrée, S. A., 30

Antarctic (ship), 53–54

Antarctic Ocean. See Southern Ocean

Antarctic Peninsula, 51, 54–55, 65

Antarctica, attraction of, 47, 50, 54, 128–29; early exploration of, 9, 51–58, 103; incomplete knowledge of, 53–56, 102

Arctic: early exploration of, xv–xvii, 4–21, 279

Arctic Club, 94, 153, 263

Arctic Ocean, 6–21, 42–43, 56, 105, 156, 162

Armytage, Bertram, 138–39

Arrol-Johnston automobile, 48, 123, 168

Askoley, 223–25, 261

Associated Press, 274

Astrup, Eivind, 25–26, 28

Aurora Australis (book), 32

Austin, Jane, xi

Australia: Antarctica compared to, 64–65, 73; Antarctic expeditions stopping at, 57, 58, 122; Antarctic explorers from, 56–59, 64–73, 124–28, 269–72; support for Antarctic exploration in, 47–59, 267, 271

Australian Antarctic Exploring Committee, 48, 53

Australian Antarctic Territory, 271

automobile, xiv, 21, 48, 130–31, 136, 139, 168–69

Avatak, 149

Avery, Tom, 213

Axel Heiberg Island, 259

Backstairs Passage, 183, 241

Baffin, William, 4

Baines, A. C., 221–22, 225

Balti porters, 224–37, 261–62

Baltistan, 221–26

Baltoro Glacier, 218–19, 224–26, 232–33, 236–37, 261

Bareux, Ernest, 216

Barker, Elisa, 299n11

Bartlett, Robert, 104–5, 114–19, 146, 151, 157, 161–62, 191–208, 213, 255–56

Bay of Whales, 58, 124, 130, 268

Beardmore Glacier, 180–82, 186, 247–49, 268

Beardmore, William, 121, 123

Beaufoy, Mark, 79

Belgian Antarctic Expedition (1897–99), 103, 130

Belgica (ship). See Belgian Antarctic Expedition

Bennett, James Gordon, 272, 274

Berji Pass, 262

Bernacchi, Louis, 58–59

Biafo Glacier, 224

Big Lead, 44, 107–9, 112, 194–97, 258

Boaz, Franz, 31

Boer War, 56, 60, 267

Borchgrevink, Carson, 53–60, 124, 130–32, 280

Borup, George, 147, 159, 161–62, 192–205, 258

Botta, Erminio, 216

Bowdoin College, 147, 198

Bradley, John R., 117, 153, 295n59

Brainard, David, 9–10, 39

Braldoh River, 223

Bride Peak, 232–33. See also Chogolisa

Bridgman, Herbert, 34

Britain, 70; conception of manhood in, 63, 78–81, 85–87; exploration and, 6–9, 59, 64, 236, 268; government support for exploration in, 4, 55–57, 67, 165–66, 308n6; imperialistic reach of, 47, 50, 96, 185, 189; rivalry with other nations of, 99, 121, 267, 278

British Antarctic Expedition (1898–1900). See Southern Cross Expedition

British Antarctic Expedition (1907–09). See Nimrod Expedition

British Antarctic Expedition (1910–13). See Terra Nova Expedition

British Arctic Expedition (1875–76), 6–9, 26, 43, 105

British Empire, 47–50, 52, 86, 126, 185, 189, 217–23, 267, 282

British National Antarctic Expedition (1901–03). See Discovery Expedition

Broad Peak, 228

Brocherel, Alexis, 216, 228

Brocherel, Emil, 216, 235–36

Brocherel, Henri, 216, 235–36

Brocklehurst, Philip, 133–35, 138, 141, 246

Brontë, Charlotte, xvii

Brooklyn, New York, 22, 103, 273

Browning, Robert, 269

Brun, Frederike, 76

Buckley, Maclean, 127–28

Bull, Henryk, 53–54

Burton, Richard Francis, 89

Bury, J. B., 100

Byrd, Richard, 280–81

Byron, Lord, 5, 77–78

Cagni, Umberto, 13–21, 91, 273

Canada, 3, 88, 95

Canepa, Simone, 15, 20

cannibalism, practice of, 10, 71

Cannon, Henry, 34

Cape Adare, 54–59, 131

Cape Columbia, 158, 160–63, 191–96, 206, 214, 257–58

Cape D’Urville, 36, 42

Cape Evans, xix

Cape Hecla, 43, 105–6

Cape Hubbard, 151, 259–60

Cape Morris K. Jesup, 40, 99

Cape Royds, xix, 134, 142, 150, 247, 253–54; trek back to, 143, 175, 182–83, 244, 250; winter quarters at, 137, 139–40, 163–65, 239

Cape Town, South Africa, 122

Cape Union, 92–95, 105, 113–14

Cape York, 149–50

Carnegie, Andrew, 100

Carrel, Jean-Antoine, 83–84, 87–88

Carrel, Louis, 88

celebrity, appeal of, 23, 27, 60, 144; cult of, 2–3, 21, 265–72, 285–86nn48–50

Chamonix, France, 75–81, 85

Chesterton, G. K., 276

Chimborazo (mountain), 81, 88

China, 218

Chinaman (pony), 177–78, 251

Chogolisa (mountain), 232–36

Christchurch, New Zealand, 127

Christiania, Norway, 12, 20. See also Oslo, Norway

Christmas, 14, 62, 114, 182–84, 186

chronometer, 24

Churchill, Winston, 86–87

Clements Markham Inlet, 158

climate change, xviii, 54, 69, 137, 281–82

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 76–78, 279

Columbia University, 117

Columbus, Christopher, xvi, 20, 45

compasses, use of, 51–52, 107, 166, 207

Concordia Basin, 225–27, 232

Congo, 25, 90

Conway, Martin, 218–20, 225, 232–33, 267

Cook, Edith, 153

Cook, Frederick: Antarctic work of, 54, 102–4, 131; Denali expeditions of, 95, 103, 117–18, 274, 284n7; North Pole expedition of, 22–23, 28, 117–18, 145, 151–56, 259–60, 263, 272–73; public image of, 153, 156, 273–76; versus Peary, 259–60, 272–78, 282; with Peary, 25, 28, 42, 102–3

Cook, James, xvi, 51–52

Copenhagen, Denmark, 259, 272–73

Cornell University, 104, 146, 198

Cotopaxi, 88

Cowes Week, 121

crevasses, 142, 173, 175–82, 234, 241–44, 271, 311n43

Crocker Land, 113, 151

Croker, George, 100, 113

Crowley, Aleister, 219

Croz, Michel, 84–85, 87

Daily Mail (London), 266

Darjeeling, India, 96, 216

Darwin, Charles, 67–68

David, Cara, 68, 127, 270, 297n26

David, T. W. Edgeworth, 263, 282; as geologist, 64, 137–38; as glaciologist, 64, 129–30, 166; character of, 68–70, 127–28, 137–38, 164–67, 170–71, 184, 240–46, 270–71, 278–80, 290n51; joins Nimrod Expedition, 50–51, 64–69, 124–28; Mawson and, 69–70, 73, 165, 170, 184, 206, 269–72; Mount Erebus climb of, 132–36; northern sledge journey of, 141, 143, 163–74, 183–85, 213–14, 236–46

Davis, John King, 245

Day, Bernard, 168

De Filippi, Filippo, 216–37, 261–62, 266

De Long, George, 10

Dedrick, Thomas, 34–39, 41–43

Delta Kappa Epsilon, 116

Denali (mountain), 95, 103, 117–18, 274, 383–84n7

Denmark, 154, 272–73, 275, 277

Detroit Free Press, 275

Devon Island, 259

Dickens, Charles, xvi, 85

dip, compass needle, 185

Discovery (ship), 55

Discovery Expedition: Antarctic activities of, 51–64, 130, 139, 163–67, 186; planning for, 55, 59–61, 65–66; Shackleton and, 45, 60–64, 123–24, 132–34, 178, 189

dogs: advantages of for sledging, 141–42; Peary’s use of, 28–29, 36–44, 105–14, 141, 150, 157–62, 195–98, 255–56; Peary’s view of, 34, 209, 281; use of by British, 7, 61–63; use of for food, 16–21, 29, 37, 62–63, 110, 112, 195, 285n42; use of in Antarctic, 61–63, 123–24, 268; use of in Arctic, xix, 7, 11, 12–21, 150–52, 192, 198–208, 272–73

Douglas, Francis, 83–85

Doyle, Arthur Conan, xvii, 280

Dras Valley, 222–23

Dreadnought (ship), 121

Dry Valley, 164–65, 170–71, 239

Drygalski Glacier, 239

Drygalski Ice Tongue, 172–74, 183, 240, 243–45

Duke of the Abruzzi: Africa and, 90–92, 266, 282; Arctic expedition of, xvi, 12–21, 30, 40, 45–46, 74, 101, 123, 141, 149, 281, 285nn48–50; celebrity status of, xvi, 3, 21, 74–75, 92–95; character of, 12–14, 20, 75, 93, 95, 266, 279; Karakoram expedition of, 95–96, 143–44, 215–16, 218–37, 260–62, 280; Katherine Elkins and, 1–3, 94, 278; mountaineering by, xx, 74–75, 82, 86–88, 266, 292–93n45; naval service of, 93–95, 278; Peary and, 108–9, 266, 277–78

Eagle Island, 45, 146, 206, 263, 276–77, 279, 282

East Antarctic Ice Sheet, 163, 179, 163–67, 243. See also Great Ice Plateau; Polar Plateau

Eckenstein, Oscar, 219–20

Ecuador, 88

Edward VII, xv, 80, 93, 120–22, 219, 263

Edward VII Land. See King Edward VII Land

Edward VIII, 120

Egingwah, 205, 211–12

Elephant Island, 269

Elkins, Katherine, 1–3, 94, 219, 278

Ellesmere Island, 6–9, 36–43, 46, 99, 102, 106, 143, 148, 151, 259; exploration of, 113–14, 158

Encyclopedia Britannica, 221

Endurance (ship), 269

England, 120–22, 172, 209, 267, 276. See also Britain

Eratosthenes, 4

Erebus (ship), 52

Erik (ship), 42, 146, 150–54, 156

Eskimo, as Peary’s term for Inuit, xx, 24, 29, 33, 104, 192

Etah, Greenland, 39–43, 117, 149–53, 156, 194, 259–60

Etukishuk, 151, 259–60

Evening Post (New York), 2

Exploration, Age of, xvi, 144

Explorer’s Club (New York), 103, 274–75

farthest north, 9–10, 15–17, 44, 74, 108–11, 157

farthest south, 48, 52, 59–61, 166, 178, 190

Fenoillet, Alexis, 15, 20

Ferrar, Hartley, 66–67

Fort Conger, 9–10, 35–38, 41, 99, 104, 149

Fort Portal, Uganda, 91

Foundation for the Promotion of the Art of Navigation, 213

Fram (ship), 11–12, 19, 30, 36, 38, 100, 273

France, 51, 56, 99, 278

Franke, Rudolph, 117, 151–54, 156

Frankenstein (book), xvii, 5, 77

Franklin, John, 4, 267

Franklin searches, 4, 6–7, 82

Franz Joseph Land, 12–21, 101

Frobisher, Martin, 4

frostbite, 14, 16, 104, 143, 198, 240, 245, 248, 266

Funafuti Islands, 67–69, 127

Furious Fifties, 51, 126–27

Gagarin, Yuri, 281

Gasherbrum massif, 231, 233

geography, study of, 53–56, 65, 88–89, 101–2

geology, science of, 50, 65–71, 223; Antarctic research in, 132, 137, 164–65, 184

George V, 121, 163

Gerlache, Adrian de, 55, 280

Germany, 55, 87, 99

Giordano, Felice, 83

glaciers, 62, 90–92, 137, 166, 179–83, 218–19, 224–48, 281

Glasgow, Scotland, 74, 95

Glenn, John, 281

Godwin-Austin, Henry, 219

Godwin-Austin Glacier, 219, 226–28, 230–32

Goodsell, John, 147, 151, 159, 161, 194–98, 258

Great Ice Barrier, 52, 58–59, 61, 129–30, 166. See also Ross Ice Shelf

Great Ice Plateau, 179, 192–205, 214. See also Polar Plateau

Great Rift Valley, 65

Great Trigonometrical Survey, 96, 217–19

Greely, Adolphus, 9–11, 35, 38, 103, 273

Greely Expedition (1881–84), 19, 35, 39–41

Greenland, 38–43, 99, 104–6, 112, 117, 149–52, 272, 281; expeditions to, 6–10, 13–14, 22–31, 88, 154–55, 288n47

Gregory, J. W., 65–66

Grinnell Land, 45

Grizi (pony), 178, 246, 250, 252

Hadow, Douglas, 84–85

Hampton, Benjamin, 275

Hampton’s Magazine, 148, 211

Hanson, Nicolai, 58

Harmsworth, Alfred, 34–35

Harper and Brothers, 209

Harrow School, 86

Harvard College, 33, 86

Heart of the Antarctic, In the (book), 266

Henson, Matthew: 1898–92 expedition work of, 34–45; 1905–07 expedition work of, 104–11, 114–15; 1908–09 expedition work of, 97, 150–52, 159–62, 194–214, 256–60; Greenland expeditions work of, 25, 28–29; Inuit and, 159; relationship with Peary of, 25, 97, 146–49, 198–200, 210–12, 256–57, 306n58, 306n62, 308n90

Herbert, Wally, 37, 107, 110, 213, 255

Hillary, Edmund, 280

Himalaya Mountains: exploration of, 96, 102, 146; mountaineering in, xv, 3, 75, 88, 95–96, 143–44, 234, 280. See also Karakoram Mountains

Home of the Blizzard, The (book), 271

Hooker, Joseph, 54

Hörnli Ridge, 83–84

Howchin, Walter, 68–69

Hubbard Medal, 115

Hudson, Charles, 83–85

Hudson, Henry, 4

hunting, big game, 27, 30, 152, 158, 171

Hurst, William Randolph, 135

Hut Point, xix, 130–31, 139–43, 247, 253–54, 269

ice: fascination with, xvi, 5, 76–77, 127, 279

ice ages, 64–65, 69, 73, 137

ice pack, 40, 43, 51–52

ice sheet, 163, 281. See also East Antarctic Ice Shelf

icebergs, 128–29

igloos: use of, 34, 106–7, 112, 161, 192, 195, 201–3, 210, 256–58

Illustrated London News, 86

Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914–16), 268–69

imperialism, 89–92, 102, 121

Independence Bay, 25–27, 29, 41

India, 96, 217–26, 261

Indian Harbor, Labrador, 274

Indus River, 217, 222–23

industrialization, 75, 281

International Geographical Congresses, 26, 54, 98, 101, 112, 147

Inuit, 23, 272–76; American Museum of Natural History and, 31; Peary’s 1898–1902 expedition and, 33–45; Peary’s 1905–06 expedition and, 104–14; Peary’s 1908–09 expedition and, xx, 105, 157–62, 191–214, 257–59; Peary’s Greenland expeditions and, 24, 29; Peary’s view of 35, 104–5, 109, 146–55, 158–59, 301n55

Inukitosoq, 258–59

Ireland, 49, 282

Isserman, Maurice, 231

Italian Alpine Club, 83, 215, 266

Italian Geographical Society, 265

Italy, 12–21, 81–85, 90–95, 101, 111, 215–16, 229, 260, 278

Jackson, Frederick, 12

Jacot-Guillarmot, Jules, 219

Jammu and Kashmir, 220, 222. See also Kashmir

Jane Eyre (book), xvii

Jeannette (ship), 10, 11, 56, 272–73

Jesup, Morris K., 32–34, 46, 100–101, 115–16, 149, 210

Johansen, Hjalmar, 11–12

K2 (mountain), xx, 96, 116, 216–19, 221, 225–32, 262, 280; Duke of the Abruzzi’s expedition to, 215, 226–37

Kabru (mountain), 216

Kane, Elisha Kent, 25, 209

Karakoram Mountains, 95–96, 145, 216–19, 222–37, 260–61, 280–81

Kashmir, 217–23, 260–62

kayaks: use of, 11–12, 15–21

King Edward VII Land, 124

Klondike, 165

Kudlooktoo, 258–59

Labrador, 262, 266, 274

Lady Franklin Bay Expedition (1881–84). See Greely Expedition

Lake Tanganyika, 89

Lake Victoria, 89–91

Lapland, 23

Larsen Glacier, 174, 183, 241

Lauder, Harry, 168

“Lead, Kindly Light” (hymn), 169, 246

leads, sea-ice, 8, 16–21, 40, 199–208, 257–59; Peary halted by, 44, 106–8, 193–96

Lee, Hugh, 29

lecturing, public, 27–28, 48–51, 63, 209, 276–77

Leopold II, 90

Libya, 278

Liguria (ship), 21

Lincoln Sea, 156

Lindbergh, Charles, 281

Lion Ridge, 83–84

Livingstone, David, xvi, 56, 90, 272

Lockwood, James, 9–10, 39

London, 56, 65, 80, 122; explorers’ reception in, 26, 54, 263

London, Jack, 3

London Daily News, xviii, 273

longitude, measurement of, 23, 206–7

Longstaff, Llewellyn W., 60–61

Luigi Amedeo, Prince. See Duke of the Abruzzi

Lyttelton, New Zealand, 122, 125–27

Mackay, Forbes, 133, 138, 254; northern sledge journey work of, 143, 164–67, 183–85, 214, 238–46

MacMillan, Donald, 147, 159, 161, 195–98, 258

magnetic observations, 165–66, 185

magnetic poles, 165–67. See also south magnetic pole

magnetism. See terrestrial magnetism

Maigaard, Christian, 23–24

Maine, 45, 104, 146, 263, 276–77

Mallory, George, 236

Manfred (epic poem), 78

manliness, conceptions of, 32, 85–87, 147–48, 279, 299n11

Marble Point, 239

Markham, Albert H., 7–8, 26, 40, 43, 267

Markham, Clements R., 6–9, 55

Marsdon, George, 138

Marseilles, France, 215, 262

Marshall, Eric, 133–35, 141–43; religious views of, 138, 181; Shackleton and, 138, 142, 179, 206, 297n34; southern sledge journey work of, 175–82, 186–90, 246–54

Marvin, Ross: 1905–06 expedition work of, 104–5; 1908–09 expedition work of, 146, 153, 159, 161, 194–205, 258–59

Mathews, Shailer, 276

Matterhorn, 3, 12, 78, 81–88, 116, 226

Mawson, Douglas, xvi, 227, 282; character of, 58, 70–72, 241, 271, 278, 280; geological work of, 69–73, 137–38; Nimrod Expedition and, 50–51, 64, 124–25, 133–35, 254, 263, 269–70; northern sledge journey work of, 141, 143, 164–74, 183–85, 206, 213–14, 238–46, 267

McKinley, William, 32, 98

McMurdo Sound, 130–31, 140, 164–65

Meditations (book), 70

Melbourne, Australia, 47–49, 53, 59

Melbourne Observatory, 58

Melville, George, 273–75

merchant marine, 60

Messines, Battle of, 272

meteorites, recovered by Peary, 29–32

meteorology, study of, 55, 58, 73, 128

Mexico, 69

Mill, Hugh Robert, 123

Minik (or Mene), 154–55

Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (book), 56

Mont Blanc, 75–83, 87, 216, 226

Monte Rosa, 86–87

Montgomerie, Thomas, 217

Monzino, Guido, 146

Moore, Charles, 32

Morgan, Pierpont, 100

motion pictures, 144, 262

Mount Erebus, xix, 52, 131–36, 267

Mount Everest, 218, 236, 280

Mount Harmukh, 217

Mount Hope, 179

Mount Illampu, 95

Mount Kangchenjunga, 75, 96

Mount Kenya, 65

Mount Larsen, 174, 183, 241

Mount Lindesay, 53

Mount Saint Elias, 3, 12–13, 75, 88, 91, 93, 230

Mount Stanley, 92

Mount Terror, 52

Mount Vernon, Virginia, 94

mountaineering, xvi–xvii, 3, 75–96; Antarctic, 132–36; criticized, 85–86; elitist aspects of, 74–75, 78–81, 85–87, 291n17; guided, 76, 79–85, 91–92, 219, 229; Himalayan, 95–96, 217–19; popularization of, 80–81, 86–88

Mountains of the Moon, 89–90. See also Ruwenzori Range

Mumbai, India, 216, 220, 262

Mummery, Albert, 86–87

Murchison, Rodney, 89

Muslim, 220–22, 224

Mussolini, Benito, 278

Mylius-Erichsen, Ludvig, 154

Nansen, Fridtjof, 53, 121–24, 182, 209, 267, 270, 281; Arctic exploration by, 10–14, 16–20, 30, 34, 45; Peary and, 24–26, 33, 40, 44, 46, 105–9, 286n6

Nansen Sound, 151

Nares, George, 6–9, 43, 105, 273–74, 280

Nares Expedition. See British Arctic Exploration of 1875–76

Nares Strait, 104, 156, 259

Nathorst, Alfred, 30

Nation (London), 267

National Geographic Society, 45–46, 115, 213, 274–77

National Weather Service (United States), 9

nationalism: American, 33, 45–46, 98–99, 115–16, 214, 258, 312n88; British, 49–50, 185, 189, 267; Italian, 14, 17, 92

Natural History Museum, 65

Negrotto, Federico, 215, 227, 233

Nepal, 96, 218

Nevado Huasearán (mountain), 95

New Hebrides Islands, 71–72

New South Wales, Australia, 64, 67, 70

New York City, 29–30, 103–4, 120, 145–46; explorers’ reception in, 45, 93–95, 97, 114–15, 153, 263

New York Evening Globe, 265

New York Herald, 56, 90, 277; Cook and, 118, 153, 260, 272–74

New York Times, xv, 2, 20–21, 46, 93; Peary and, 118, 213, 260–63, 265, 274–77

New York World, 154

New Zealand, 127–28, 243, 253–54, 270; Antarctic expeditions stopping at, 59, 122, 125–26, 247, 263, 266–67

Newfoundland, 104

Newnes, George, 56–57

newspapers: exploration coverage of, 25, 56, 117–18, 149, 265–66, 272–78; Peary criticized in, 153–56, 274–76

Nicaragua, 24–25

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 87

Nile River, 89–90

Nimrod (ship), 120–22, 124–25, 167, 183, 191, 239–40, 247, 250

Nimrod Expedition (1908–09), 268–69, 174, 191, 243–44, 253–54; 263, 266; at sea, 51, 122, 125–31; at winter quarters, 130–44, 163–67; launching of, 47–51, 64, 120–26, 146. See also northern sledge journey; southern sledge journey

Nobel Prize, 281

Nooktah, 31

Nordenskiöld, Adolf, 23–24, 286n4

Norgay, Tenzing, 280

North Pole: American claims to, 98, 101, 210–14, 259–60, 273–77; as goal, xv, 3–24, 30–34, 43, 101, 115–16, 175, 258, 268, 280; in cultural imagination, 77, 82, 117–19, 276; race to, 46, 60, 99, 277

North Star Bay, Greenland, 152

northern sledge journey (Nimrod Expedition), 139, 163–74, 182–85, 238–46

Northwest Passage, xvii, 4–6, 282

Norton, Edward, 236

Norway, 9–13, 25, 30, 33, 53, 88

Nova Scotia, 104

Ollier, Cesare, 91–92

Oogueah, 205

Oomanui, 151

Ootah, 205, 212, 258

Osborn, Bradley, 153

Oslo, Norway, 12. See also Christiania, Norway

Oyster Bay, New York, 97, 118, 146

Pacific Ocean, 65–66, 71

pack ice. See ice pack

Pakistan, 218

Panama Canal, 116

Panikpah, 194

Paris, France, 278

Paris Geographical Society, 101

Parish, Henry, 34

Parker, Herschel, 118

Parr, Alfred, 9

Parry, William, 4, 5, 209, 267

Peary, Josephine (Jo), 34; correspondence with Robert Peary, 38, 41–42, 300–301n37; in Arctic, 25, 28–29, 42, 45, 118, 147–49, 152, 155

Peary, Marie, 28, 42, 45, 148–49

Peary, Mary P., 23–25, 27, 42, 45

Peary, Robert E., xvi, xx, 123, 171, 175, 182, 227; 1898–1902 expedition of, 32–45, 154; 1905–06 expedition of, 97–114; 1908–09 expedition of, 116–20, 143–62, 191–214, 255–60, 262–63; character of, 23–27, 37–38, 44–46, 116, 198, 209, 273–79; claims questioned of, 24, 26, 108–13, 154, 201, 205–9, 213–14, 255–56, 273–77, 286n6, 286n10, 307n88, 312n77; Cook and, 22–23, 259–60, 272–82, 300n27, 300n29, 300n32, 300n37; Duke of the Abruzzi and, 95, 215–16; Greenland expeditions of, 10–11, 13–14, 23–31, 149, 154, 288n47; leadership skills of, 158–59, 161, 192, 194–96, 198–201, 256, 299n6, 306–7n67; physical handicaps of, 32–38, 158, 161, 256–57; public image of, 153–56, 265–66, 274–77

Peary Arctic Club, 32–34, 38, 46, 100, 105, 116–18, 153, 274

Peary System, 105, 109, 146, 161–62, 191–92, 195, 201, 294n23

Peck, Anne, 95

penguins, 171–72, 244. See also Adélie penguins

Persuasion (book), xvii

Peter (Peary’s Inuit grandson), 149

Petigax, Joseph, 15, 20, 91–92, 216, 235–36

Petigax, Laurent, 216

Pittsburgh Press, 275

Polar Plateau, 163, 179, 182, 186–90, 247, 268. See also East Antarctic Ice Sheet

Pole of Altitude, ix, 3, 21, 103, 143, 283–84n7. See also Third Pole

Polo, Marco, 20

Pond, James, 27–28, 30

ponies: Antarctic use of, 123–28, 136, 139–42, 163, 167–81, 268, 281; Himalayan use of, 221–23, 261

porters: native, 221–37, 261–62, 308n12

Portland, Maine, 265

Possession Island, Antarctica, 42

pressure ridges, 8, 16–18, 40, 44, 170, 192, 199, 241–42, 248

Priestley, Raymond, 137–38

Ptolemy, Claudius, 89

Pulitzer, Joseph, 154

Quan (pony), 136, 178

Queen’s Hall, 93

Queensland, Australia, 53

racism, 24, 35, 109, 202, 206, 294n18, 301n55

Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 220–22

Rdakass. See Urdukas

Regina Elena (ship), 21, 95

religion, 67–68, 219; of polar explorers, 68, 70–71, 149, 202, 247, 251, 301n42, 311n62

Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The (poem), 279

Ritenbeck, Greenland, 23

Roaring Forties, 51

Robeson Channel, 104, 156

Rocky Mountains, 65, 88

Rome, Italy, 93

Roosevelt (ship), 112, 118, 143, 150–52, 194, 255, 258–60, 263; Peary’s vision for, 99–101, 282; performance of, 97, 104–5, 114, 116, 146–48, 156–57, 160, 282

Roosevelt, Theodore: as adventurer, 86–87, 193, 279, 282; Duke of the Abruzzi and, 1, 94; Peary and, xx, 97–101, 115–19, 146–48, 153

Ross, James Clark, 51–53, 132, 163, 166–67, 267

Ross, John, 4, 267

Ross Ice Shelf, xix, 52, 59–64, 131; traversing of, 61–63, 139–43, 163, 176–80, 246–54, 268. See also Great Ice Barrier

Ross Island, 51, 175, 186; winter quarters on, 120, 124, 130–31, 165, 268–69

Ross Sea, 52–56, 127–30, 166, 172, 254

Royal Danish Geographical Society, 273–75

Royal Geographical Society (London), 89, 93; Arctic exploration and, 6–9, 32; Antarctic exploration and, 55, 60, 123, 267; Scott and, 49, 66, 124

Royal Navy, 4, 6–9, 60, 121–22, 125, 141

Royal Scottish Geographical Society, 74–75, 95

Royal Society, 6, 50, 67–68, 137

Rudolph Island, 14, 19–20

Ruskin, John, 85–86

Russia, 30, 96, 217

Ruwenzori Range, 3, 75, 89–93, 230

Sabine, Edward, 6

Sagamore Hill, 97

San Francisco Chronicle, 276

San Francisco Examiner, 153

Saturday Evening Post, 275

Savoia (or Savoy) Glacier, 229

Savoie, Albert, 216

Savoy, House of, xvi, 1, 17, 21, 82, 278, 282

science: practical value of, 49, 71–72; religion and, 67–68; role of in polar exploration, 9–11, 31, 49, 58, 105, 128, 132–37, 165–66

Scotland, 56, 74–75, 95, 133, 168, 172, 185

Scott, Robert Falcon, 48–49, 55–56, 59–60, 64–65, 105, 166, 273, 278; Shackleton and, 61–64, 123–24, 130–33, 138, 176–78, 190, 267, 268

Screaming Sixties, 126–28

scurvy, 8–9, 42, 55, 62–63

sea ice, 7–8, 11–12; traversing, 40, 43–44, 106–14, 273

seasickness, 126–27, 167

Sella, Quintino, 83

Sella, Vittorio, 91, 144, 216, 227–33, 262

Seneca, 37

Shackleton, Emily, 123, 130, 175, 269, 279

Shackleton, Ernest, xvi, xx, 55, 185, 227, 263, 270, 274; Cape Royds activities of, 130–44, 163–67, 175, 239; character of, 60, 123, 181, 190, 265–69, 278–80; health of, 62–64, 142, 178, 186–88, 246–50, 269, 304n77; leadership style of, 58, 120, 128, 131–32, 137, 158–59, 246–48, 269, 280, 298n52; Nimrod Expedition launched by, 47–51, 120–30; Scott and, 57, 61–64, 123–24, 130–33, 178, 268, 290n42, 297n34; southern sledge journey work of, 175–82, 186–91, 195, 206, 214, 236, 246–55

Shebelle River, 278

Shelley, Mary, xvii, 5, 77, 279

Shelley, Percy, 77–78

Shetland Islands, 272

Shigar, Baltistan, 223, 261

Siberia, 10–11, 56

Sigloo, 197, 205, 210

Sind Valley, 222–23

Singh, Pratap, 221

Skardu, Baltistan, 222–23

skiing: Nordic, 10, 12, 62, 70, 124

sledging: Antarctic, 58–59, 61–63, 123, 133–34, 139–43, 163–91, 240–53; Arctic, 11–12, 36–37, 43–44, 158–62, 191–201, 255–59, 272–73, 181; dogs and, 11–20, 36–37, 43, 61–62, 123–24, 158–62, 191, 195–98, 208–14, 255–57; man-hauling and, xix, 62–64, 124, 133–34, 139–43, 163–65, 169–74, 179–90, 240–53, 281; ponies and, 123, 139, 175–81; relaying in, 169, 181

sleeping bags, 134, 139, 170, 266

Smith, Albert, 78–82

Smith Sound, 10, 35–45, 104, 116–17, 146–52, 156

snow blindness, 18, 62, 180, 240–41, 271

Snowy Mountains, 64, 70–71

Socks (pony), 136, 178–81

Somalia, 89, 92, 278, 282

Somervell, Howard, 236

Sorko La (or Pass), 261

South Africa, 60

South African War. See Boer War

South Australia, 69, 73

South Georgia Island, 269

south magnetic pole, 267; as goal, xv, 51–52, 54–55, 58, 124, 163–67, 170–71, 280; route to, 131, 139, 163–64, 183–84; shifting location of, 52, 163, 185, 238–39

South Pacific, 50, 67

South Pole: as goal, xv, 51, 59, 124, 166, 175, 280; dash to, 55, 58–59, 61; race to, 47–51, 101, 268; route to, 124, 131, 139, 163, 176–80, 268

Southern Cross (ship), 57–60, 130–32

Southern Cross Expedition, 56–60, 124, 130

Southern Ocean, 49, 51, 269

southern sledge journey (Discovery), 61–63, 142, 163–64

southern sledge journey (Nimrod), 139, 175–82, 189–91, 246–54

Spanish-American War, 34, 147

Spectator (London), 267

Spitsbergen, 5, 12, 30

Srinagar, Kashmir, 220–22, 261–62

Staircase Peak, 231

Standard (London), 267

Stanley, Henry Morton, 25, 27, 56, 90, 272

starvation, 10, 19–21, 62–63, 112, 171–72, 247–54, 266, 271

Stella Polare (ship), 14, 20

Stephen, Leslie, 87–88

Stewart Island, 266

stoicism, 37–38, 70

survival of the fittest, concept of, 6, 16, 35, 75, 87, 159–60

Sverdrup, Otto, 30, 36, 46

Sweden, 30, 55

Switzerland, 81–87, 219, 221

Sydney, Australia, 47–49, 72–73, 263, 270, 282

Sydney, Nova Scotia, 146, 149, 262–63

Sydney Morning Herald, 48–49

Taft, William Howard, 193, 273

Talilanguaq (Peary’s Inuit grandson), 149

Taylor Valley. See Dry Valley

technology, xv, 4, 75, 145, 220, 265, 280–82; use of in Antarctic exploration, 136; use of in Arctic exploration, xiv, 30–36, 45–46, 99, 148, 156–57

telegraph, 145, 260, 263, 272, 274, 276

Terra Nova Expedition, 268, 280

terrestrial magnetism, 51–55, 58, 73, 164–67

Terror (ship), 52

Third Pole, 280, 283–84n7. See also Pole of Altitude

Thomas, Lowell, 256

Thus Spoke Zarathustra (book), 87

Tibet, 96, 218, 223

Tilman, Bill, 216

Times (London), 1–2, 7, 63; on mountaineering, 81, 85

Titanic (ship), 169

traditional methods: use by Peary, 11, 34, 105, 147–49, 171; use of in exploring generally, xix, 221–23, 236, 244, 279–81

Trans-Antarctic Mountains. See Victoria Land Mountains; Western Mountains

Trollope, Antony, 86

Turin, Italy, 215

Turner, J. M. W., 76

Twain, Mark, 27

Uganda, 89–92

United States, 51, 95, 260

United States Army Signal Corps, 9–10

United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 23

United States Navy, 23, 26–27, 98, 117, 159

University of Adelaide, 50, 68, 270

University of Cambridge, 66, 76, 100, 219

University of Chicago, 276

University of Glasgow, 66

University of Oxford, 68, 79, 127

University of Sydney, 270

Upernavik, Greenland, 259

Urdukas, 225–26, 237, 261

Urubama River, 66

Ussher, James, 68

Vanuatu, 71

Varese (ship), 94

Venice, Italy, 129, 221

Victor Emmanuel II, 1, 82

Victor Emmanuel III, 20

Victoria, Queen, 80, 85

Victoria Land: coast of, 54, 57, 62, 131, 163–64, 172, 176, 239, 243; exploration of, 52–53, 166

Victoria Land Mountains, 53. See also Western Mountains

Vigne Glacier, 226

volcanoes, 131–36

Voyage of the “Discovery” (book), 63

Wales, 64, 90, 137

Washington, Booker T., 27

Washington, D.C., 23–24, 98, 193, 277

Watertown, Maine, 263

Weaver, Stewart, 231

Weddell Sea, 268–69

Wellman, Walter, 30

West Virginia, 2

Western Mountains, 52, 65, 131, 163, 166, 174–82, 247. See also Victoria Land Mountains

whaling, 51, 53

White House, 1, 94, 115

Whitney, Harry, 152, 259–60

Whymper, Edward, 12, 82–88

Wild, Frank, 141–43, 268–69; southern sledge journey work of, 175–82, 188–90, 246–54

Wilson, Edward, 61–64, 176

Windward (ship), 34, 36, 39, 42, 45

Windy Gap, 231–32

Wolf, Louis, 104–5

women: Arctic expeditions and, 12–13, 147–49, 299n11; mountaineering by, 80–81, 86–87, 95, 218

Wordsworth, William, 76–78

Workman, Fanny Bullock, 218

Workman, William, 218, 236

World Geological Congress, 69

World War I, xviii, 169, 189, 220, 265, 269–72, 277, 280–81

World War II, 281

yachting, 3, 21

Yale University, 147, 198

Yeager, Chuck, 281

Younghusband, Francis, 218, 221

Zanzibar, 89–90

Zermatt, Switzerland, 78, 83–85

Zhak, 226

Zoji La (or Pass), 222

zoology, study of, 10, 57–58

Zumtt Ridge, 3, 86

Zurbriggen, Matthias, 219