Breaking news from The Babbler

Is Jesse Mala Already Cheating?

Tin Gods Sex Tape Scandal

Exclusive Details

Tonight, a video showing Jesse Mala having sex with a brunette leaked on social media. As yet, there is no word on the identity of the brunette, but most are assuming it’s not his new squeeze and bandmate’s sister, Ella Robinson, since Ella is known for her purple-tipped blonde hair.

To say that the tape drop is scandalous is putting it mildly. Just earlier today Mala was linked to his bandmate’s sister, and sources say Mala and Chase Robinson exchanged punches over the news.

Just before the concert—and the sex tape leak—band member, Noah Hawker, toasted the happy couple backstage and gave Mala and Robinson his blessing for their union in a moment that has been widely shared on social media.

No word yet on what the leaked sex tape means for the couple, but we can’t imagine Robinson—either Robinson—is thrilled with the sudden publicity. Sources are trying to piece together when the video was filmed, and if there’s any timeline overlap between the mystery woman and Ella Robinson.

We’ve reached out to the Tin Gods, and are waiting for comment.

Stay tuned…