

November 6 Abraham Lincoln elected U.S. president
December 20 South Carolina becomes the first state to secede from the Union
February 18 Jefferson Davis inaugurated as provisional president of the Confederacy
March 4 Lincoln inaugurated
March 21 Confederate capital transferred from Montgomery, Ala., to Richmond, Va.
April 12 South Carolina shells Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor
April 15 Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteer troops
April 19 Blockade of Confederacy begins
April 27 Lincoln suspends writ of habeas corpus
July 21 Battle of First Manassas (Bull Run), Manassas, Va. (C.S. victory)
August 5 Union enacts first national income tax
August 6 Union passes the Confiscation Act
August 10 Battle of Wilson’s Creek, Mo. (C.S. victory)
November 8 Beginning of Trent Affair
February 6 Battle of Fort Henry, Tenn. (U.S. victory)
February 14–16 Battle of Fort Donelson, Tenn. (U.S. victory)
February 25 U.S. Congress makes greenbacks legal tender
March 5–8 Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark. (U.S. victory)
March 9 Ironclads CSS Virginia and USS Monitor fight to a draw, Hampton Roads, Va.
March 23 At Kernstown, Va., Stonewall Jackson experiences his only defeat
April 5–May 4 George B. McClellan takes a month to siege and take Yorktown, Va.
April 6–7 Battle of Shiloh, Tenn. (U.S. victory)
April 16 Confederate Congress enacts first national Conscription Act
April 25 New Orleans, La., falls (U.S. victory)
May 8, 23–25 Jackson chases Nathaniel Banks out of Shenandoah Valley, Va.
May 20 U.S. Congress passes Homestead Act
June 25–July 1 Seven Days’ battles on Virginia Peninsula (U.S. wins five of six battles but retreats)
July 1 U.S. Congress passes Pacific Railway Act
July 2 U.S. Congress passes Land-Grant Act
August 30 Battle of Second Manassas (Bull Run), Manassas, Va. (C.S. victory)
September 17 Battle of Antietam, Sharpsburg, Md. (U.S. victory)
September 22 Lincoln announces his Emancipation Proclamation
October 8 Battle of Perryville, Ky. (U.S. victory)
December 13 Battle of Fredericksburg, Va. (C.S. victory)
December 30 Beginning of battle of Stones River, Murfreesboro, Tenn.
January 1 Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect
January 2 Conclusion of battle of Stones River, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (U.S. victory)
March 3 Union has its first wave of conscription
April 24 Confederate Congress passes Tax-in-Kind Measure
May 1–4 Battle of Chancellorsville, Va. (C.S. victory)
May 10 “Stonewall” Jackson dies
May 18 Union siege of Vicksburg, Miss., begins
June 9 Battle of Brandy Station, Va. (stalemate)
July 1–3 Battle of Gettysburg, Pa. (U.S. victory)
July 4 Besieged Vicksburg falls to Union
July 10, 18 Union assaults repelled at Battery Wagner, S.C.
July 13 Draft riots break out in New York City
September 19–20 Battle of Chickamauga, Ga. (C.S. victory)
November 23–25 Battle of Chattanooga, Tenn. (U.S. victory)
February 17 Submarine CSS H. L. Hunley sinks USS Housatonic outside Charleston Harbor
February 20 Battle of Olustee, Fla. (C.S. victory)
March 6 Grant becomes general in chief of Union army
April 12 Massacre of Union troops at Fort Pillow, Tenn.
May 5–7 Battle of the Wilderness, Va. (C.S. victory)
May 8–21 Battle of Spotsylvania, Va.
May 11 Jeb Stuart mortally wounded at Yellow Tavern, Va.
May 31–June 12 Battle of Cold Harbor, Va.; Union siege begins at Petersburg, Va.
June 10 Battle of Brice’s Crossroads, Miss. (C.S. victory)
June 27 Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Ga. (C.S. victory)
September 1 Atlanta, Ga., falls to Union army
November 8 Lincoln reelected
November 30 Battle of Franklin, Tenn. (U.S. victory)
December 15–16 Battle of Nashville, Tenn. (U.S. victory)
January 31 U.S. Congress sends Thirteenth Amendment to the states for ratification
April 1 Richmond, Va., falls
April 9 Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House, Va.
April 14 Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
April 15 Lincoln dies
April 26 Joseph E. Johnston surrenders near Durham, N.C.
May 10 Jefferson Davis captured near Irwinville, Ga.