
Aber, Adolf 143
Achron, Joseph 96
Achsel-Clemens, Wanda 49, 122
Adorno, Theodor
academic career
crisis points 789, 1745, 1845
music or philosophy? 44
postgraduate at Oxford 211, 215, 216
prepares for qualification 31, 35, 556, 67, 78, 923, 109
seeks Cambridge post 197
thesis problems 11415, 11819, 152
Vienna Circle and 197, 198
applies for critic’s post 143, 150
Berg’s death 231, 232
in California 239
car accident 11516, 117, 118
film projects 1945, 196
hears Lulu in London 2202
ill health 30, 46, 912
introductions 34
joins Anbruch 910
leaves Anbruch committee 15961, 1648, 2457
loss of aunt 226
on Lulu 2202
marriage to Gretel Karplus 239
musical compositions
counterpoint studies 195, 196
Four Poems by Stefan George 129
Four Songs for middle-register voice 110, 111, 117, 118, 119, 1258, 130, 133, 165, 21415
libretto for Tom Sawyer 194
publishing 128, 133, 181
Seven French Popular Songs 867
Six Bagatelles for voice and piano 67, 68
Six Short Orchestral Pieces vii, 135, 136
String Trio 243
Two Pieces for String Quartet 3, 60, 67, 86, 87, 88, 91, 243
Nazi politics and 202, 203
operation 98, 101, 103, 109
romantic involvements 9, 70, 767, 109, 111, 197, 207
stagnant in music 1845
studies with Berg viiviii
Against Epistemology 216
Alban Berg 31
‘Atonales Intermezzo?’ 135, 1434, 168
on Alfredo Casella 155, 166
‘Die Instrumentation von Bergs
Frühen Leidern’ 148, 1512, 1545
introduces Lyric Suite 226, 227
on Kierkegaard 162, 1745, 198
on Lyric Suite 237
on Mahler 52
‘Nachtmusik’ 55, 59, 63, 72, 76, 77, 86
‘On the Social Situation of Music’ 1901
recollections of Berg 31, 2356
Adorno, Theodor (cont)
writings (cont)
Reich monograph on Berg 232, 235
on Schönberg 13, 15, 22, 71, 73, 98100, 104
‘Die stabilisierte Musik’ 108, 110, 111
on Webern 545, 56, 57, 203
on Wozzeck 39, 41, 434, 46, 158, 169, 170, 172
Alban Berg (Adorno) 31
Albert, Eugen d’
Der Golem 82
Allgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein 182
Altenberg, Peter (Richard Engländer) 7, 15, 16, 22
Anbruch (journal) ix, 911, 31
Adorno leaves committee 15961, 1648, 175
Adorno’s Wozzeck article 51
conductor portraits 71
Heinsheimer to Adorno 2457
Lulu essay 224
restructured 128, 141
Schönberg and 166, 168
Webern essay 57
in Austria 199, 2289
Dent’s letter 24851
effect on music 2013
Prague’s view of Berg 85, 89
Aravantinos, Panos 162
art, truthfulness of 379
Engelbert Dollfuss and 206
ethnicity in 199, 2289
German culture and 200
Bach, David Josef 86, 87
Bahr, Hermann 119
Bareuther, Herbert 104
Baudelaire, Charles 92, 93, 95, 206
Békessy, Imre 66
Bekker, Paul 248
Benjamin, Walter 227
on Hofmannstal 63, 64
‘Karl Kraus’ 186, 187
opening of Wozzeck 334, 356
Berg, Alban
Adorno’s birthday wishes for 207
Adorno’s studies with vii
on Adorno’s quartet 91
affair with Hanna Fuchs-Robettin 2336
Akademie der Künste 178
asthma 10, 24, 122, 155
ethnicity 2289
fiftieth birthday 2057, 21011
financial position 21112
Hauptmann’s Und Pippa tanzt 435
health of 24
ill health 17, 81, 191
last letter to Adorno 2278
Nazi Germany and 200, 201
portrait of 1789
sells scores 21314, 21618, 2223
Allegretto gioviale (1st movement of Lyric Suite) 25, 26
Chamber Concerto 79, 80, 86, 95, 96, 97, 103, 119, 18990
Four Pieces for Clarinet and Piano 169, 172
Lyric Suite 15, 91, 93, 95, 97, 107, 110, 140, 2267, 2336
Piano Sonata op. 1 212
recordings 228
Seven Early Songs 11618, 1223, 126, 1401, 146, 212
String Quartet op. 3 312, 48
Symphonic Pieces 212, 213
Violin Concerto 213, 225, 228, 235
‘Wein’ aria 155, 1756, 181, 191, 216, 218
see also Lulu; Wozzeck
Berg, Helene (née Nahowski) 18, 22, 53, 229
Adorno’s consolation 231, 232
burned in explosion 191, 195, 200
neck cyst 104, 105
nickname for 61, 62
Berliner Zeitung am Mittag 1435
Bernhardt, Sarah 47
Blei, Franz 119
Borchardt, Rudolf 207, 20910
Born, Claire 123
sings Berg’s Seven Early Songs 1467
Boult, Adrian 210, 217, 221, 227
Brand, Max 157
Brecht, Bertolt 247
Büchner, Georg
Woyzeck 32, 202, 203
Calvelli-Adorno, Agathe 18, 225, 226, 232, 235
Carls, Ludwig 194
Carnap, Rudolf 197, 198
Casella, Alfredo 65, 66, 82, 1434, 145
Adorno’s essay on 166
Berg declines to respond 2445
La Giara 82
‘Scarlattiana’ 134, 1356, 137
Cerha, Friedrich 241
Christie, John 223
Claassen, Eugen 198, 199
Clark, Edward 217, 219, 223
Claudius, Matthias 50
Coates, Albert 65
Cocteau, Jean 175, 177
Connor, Herbert 69
Cornelius, Hans 31
Cortot, Alfred 214, 215, 2223
Däubler, Theodor
‘Verloren’ 117, 118
Debussy, Claude 251
Delden, Maria van (Liselotte Reifenberg) 101, 102
Dent, Edward 197, 198, 199, 201, 2056, 209
letter to Berg about Jews 24851
Dick, Marcel 48
Döblin, Alfred
and Karl Kraus 1012
Doblinger Publishers 185
Dranishikov, Vladimir 105
Dreyfuss, Carl 94, 195
Dreyfuss-Herz, Ellen 73, 90
Dubislav, Walter 197, 198
Dubost, Jeanne 122, 123
Ebert, Carl 223
Eger-Berg, Smaragda 23941
Ehrenburg, Ilya 61
Eisler, Hanns 10, 79
Eisner, Stella 171
Elkan, Benno 74, 76
Engel, Carl 213
Engländer, Richard (Peter Altenberg) 7, 15, 16, 22
Felber, Erwin 160, 162
Ferand, Emmy 82, 83
Frankfurter Kammermusikgemeinde 21, 23, 76
Franzos, Karl Emil 202, 203
Frey, Walter 96, 97, 100
Fritsch (R.) Film Inc. 194
Fuchs-Fayer 150
Fuchs-Robettin, Hanna viii, 54
Berg’s affair with 6, 2336, 237
Fuchs-Robettin, Herbert 6
Furtwängler, Kurt 71
Gál, Erna 98, 100
Gál, Hans 182
General German Music Society 182
George, Stefan
‘Litanei’ 226, 227
censorship 194
effect of Nazism 2001, 208, 2489
failed Steierische Heimwehr coup 188
Geyer, Stefi 95, 96, 100
Gielen-Steuermann, Rose 190
Gieseking, Walter 251
Glatz, Hertha 219
Glyndebourne Festival 223, 224
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 206, 209, 234
Goldbeck, Frederick 141, 142
Grab, Hermann viii, 9, 11, 25, 49
in Prague 21
pretext for affair 235
Graener, Paul 190
Graf, Herbert 160, 163, 183
Greisle, Felix 86, 87
Gropius, Manon 213
Grosz, Wilhelm 76, 77
Hába, Alois 247
Hartleben, Otto Erich
‘Liebesode’ 116
Hauptmann, Gerhart
Und Pippa tanzt 43, 46, 11213
Hauptmann, Karl
‘Nacht’ 116
Hauser, Kasper 63
Heger, Robert 122, 123, 131
Heifetz, Jascha 222
Heinsheimer, Hans 910, 11, 22, 86, 137
and Adorno 15961, 1645
Berg on Casella article 2445
as editor 55, 60, 144
letter edges Adorno out 2457
against Willi Reich 173
and Wozzeck 34
Herbert, Kurt 140
Herbert, Walter 135, 136, 194, 218
Herlinger , Růžena 123, 150, 152, 164, 171
sale of ‘Der Wein’ aria score 218
‘Der Wein’ aria 1756, 191
Hertzka, Emil 10, 17, 18, 22, 145, 147, 150, 161
Herzberger, Else 227
Hindemith, Paul 107, 185, 2001, 218
Hinnenberg-Lefèbre, Margot 128, 131, 133, 159
performs Adorno’s songs 137, 138, 140
Hirsch, Paul 60
Hirschland (pianist) 35
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
Der Schwierige 186
‘Der Turm’ 63, 66, 67
Hohenberg, Paul ‘
Schöne Sommertage’ 116, 117
Holl, Karl 3, 5, 21, 71, 73
Holle, Hugo 182
Horenstein, Jascha 123, 140
Horkheimer, Max 177, 239
Hubermann, Bronislav 200, 201
Husserl, Edmund 219
Adorno’s Against Epistemology 215, 216
Ihlert, Heinz 201, 203
Institut für Sozialforschung 239
Internationale Gesellschaft für Neue
Musik 45
Jalowetz, Heinrich 48, 49, 195, 196, 200, 225, 226
Jarnach, Philipp 182
Jemnitz, Alexander 110, 246
Johansen, Sigrid 33, 35, 149
Jokl, Otto 185
Jüdischer Kulturbund 202, 203
Kahn, Erich Itor 202, 203
Kapp, Julius 22
Karplus, Margarete/Gretel (later Adorno) 111, 192, 193, 197, 239
Kastner, Rudolf 120, 121, 143
Keller, Gottfried 10
Kestenberg, Leo 150
Khuner, Felix 93, 106, 190
Kierkegaard, Søren
Adorno’s thesis on 162, 1745
Kleiber, Erich 27, 65
Berg’s Seven Early Songs 145, 147
Berg’s Symphonic Pieces 213
forced out of Germany 208
opening of Wozzeck 32, 33, 34
Klein, Fritz Heinrich 14, 15, 17, 28, 31
Klemperer, Otto 60, 120, 143, 246
Klenau, Annemarie von 8, 153
Klenau, Paul von
Michael Kohlhaas 200, 201
suggests song settings 116, 117, 118
Kodály, Zoltán 246, 250
Kolliner, Else 61, 62
Kolisch, Rudolf 48, 75, 82, 92, 168
Adorno’s Four Songs 128
Berg’s Chamber Concerto 96, 103, 105, 106
Frankfurter Musikfest 107, 108
Lyric Suite 141
programmes Adorno’s op. 2 86
useful connection 214, 216
Korngold, Julius 48, 49, 156
Koussevitzky, Serge 213
Kracauer, Siegfried viii, 130
Ginster 127, 136, 138
travels in Italy 14, 15
Krasner, Louis 213, 225, 236
Kratina, Valeria 82, 83
Kraus, Else C. 96, 106
Kraus, Karl 7, 8, 137, 189
and Matthias Claudius 50
and Alfred Döblin 10
Offenbach celebration 1567
response to Walter Benjamin 186
on Shakespeare 202, 203
truth of art 37, 39
Die Unüberwindlichen 130
Krauss, Clemens 29, 30, 60
Berlin Opera 208, 210
Der Golem 82
Wozzeck 158, 162
Krenek, Ernst 1334, 137
Adorno’s songs 21415, 223
loyalty 218
monograph on Berg 232, 235
Preussner’s article on 160, 162
‘Verloren’ 213
hears Wozzeck with Adorno 149
Krips, Josef 197, 199
Kurzmann, Rita 212
Lange, Hans 3
Lebert, Anna (née Nahowski) 18
Lebert, Arthur 16, 18
Lehmann, Lotte 122, 123
Leibowitz, René 2401
Lenau, Nikolaus ‘
Schilflied’ 116
Library of Congress 213
Lopez-Vito, Maria Luisa 4
Lothar Stark-Gesellschaft 196
Löwenthal, Leo 78, 80
Lukács, Georg 9, 11
Lulu (Berg)
Adorno on 2202, 224
Berg’s finances and 193, 21112
or ‘Pippa’? 11112
posthumous orchestration 23941
production planned 196
progress of 128, 131, 138, 152, 158, 188, 199
Symphonic Pieces 212, 217, 218, 2201, 225, 226
text 1623
twelve-tone technique 215
Mahler, Gustav 218, 250
Adorno’s book on 52
Das Lied von der Erde 186
Third Symphony 29
Mahler-Werfel, Alma viii, 6, 66, 167
and Soma Morgenstern 104
Prague Wozzeck performance 85, 89
Malipiero, Francesco 222
Mangeot, André 214, 215, 216
Mann, Thomas
Felix Krull 9, 11
Marx, Josef 38
May, Karl 156
Mengelberg, Josef Willem 141, 142
Meyer, Kathi 248
Meyrink, Gustav 8
Milhaud, Darius
Le boeuf sur le toit 82
Modern Music (magazine) 1789
Moholy-Nagy, Lászlo 162
Morgenstern, Dan 200
Morgenstern, Soma 9, 11, 29
Adorno’s Wozzeck article 43, 44
Frankfurt and 110
on ‘Gedeikitztes’ 62
and injured Adorno 116
and Alma Mahler-Werfel 104
‘Personenwaage’ 68
struggles with text 152
suffers from silence 69, 70, 74, 75
travels 58, 108, 109, 200
Berg’s unfinished works 23940
jazz 60
metronome markings 42, 55
‘New Classicism’ 65
variation theory 28
see also twelve-tone technique
Nahowski, Franz Josef 241
National Socialist German Worker’s
Party (Nazis) 178
Nemeth, Maria 197, 199
Nessy, Julia 212
Offenbach, Jacques 1567, 162
Oppenheim, Gabrielle 70, 121, 124
Oppenheim, Paul 70
Ostrĉil, Otakar 85
Pabst, Georg Wilhelm
Pandora’s Box 194
Pisk, Paul A. 176, 178, 213
Pisling, Siegmund 78, 80
Prerauer, Curt 248
Preussner, Eberhard 160, 162
Pringsheim, Klaus 39, 41
Proust, Marcel 127
Pult und Taktstock 34
Adorno’s Wozzeck article 434, 46
metronome questions 42
Schönberg issue 98, 100
Stein edits 11
Quer, Jens see Schönberg, Arnold
Radlov, Sergei 105
Ravel, Maurice
Daphnis et Chloë 221
Rebner, Adolf 4, 248
Recka, Erna 178
Redlich, Hans Ferdinand 141, 142, 160
meaning of name 225
as mediator 164
Reger, Max 69, 70
Reich, Willi 173, 178, 2078, 21011, 218, 224
monograph on Berg 232, 235
Reifenberg, Benno 101
Reifenberg, Liselotte (Maria van Delden) 101, 102
Reinhardt, Max 186
Reinhart, Oskar 105
Reinhart, Werner 96
Réti, Rudolf 45
Riemann, Hugo 171
Rilke, Rainer Maria ‘
Traumgrekrönt’ 116
Rosanska, Josefa 106
Rothschild, Fritz 48
Rückert, Friedrich 94
Rudinsky, Arthur 96
Ruyneman, Daniel 159
Salmhofer, Franz 87
Schäfke, Rudolf 69
Scheler, Max 119, 122
Scherchen, Hermann 4, 63, 96, 249
Berg’s Chamber Concerto 103
Berg’s Violin Concerto 236
as conductor 71
Schlaf, Johannes ‘
Im Zimmer’ 116
Schlick, Moritz 197, 198
Schmid, Josef 35, 36
Schmidt, Leopold 33, 34
Schnéevoigt, Georg 65
Schneiderhahn, Franz 65
Schnoor, Hans 143
Schoen, Ernst 172
Schönberg, Arnold viii, 248
Adorno and 110, 195
analysis of Variations for Orchestra 183
Anbruch and 1601, 166, 168
Jens Quer pseudonym 39, 41
Modern Music article 17980
‘Problems of Harmony’ (lecture) 94, 95
Pult und Taktstock 98, 100
refuses Lulu orchestration 23940
school of 28
Suite op. 29 1213
teaches in Boston 200
truth of art 379
twelve-tone technique viii
Four Pieces for Mixed Choir op.27 26, 99
George songs op. 15 133
Gurrelieder 146, 148
‘Litanei’ (String Quartet no. 2) 226, 227
Pelleas und Melisande op. 5 94, 95
Piano Pieces op. 11 45
Piano Suite op. 25 22
Quartets 712, 110, 119
Serenade op. 24 21
Suite op. 29 26, 58, 72, 119
Variations for Orchestra op. 31 183
Von heute auf morgen op. 32 1612, 163
Wind Quintet op. 26 64, 131
Schreker, Franz
Der Ferner Klang 150, 151
Schumann, Robert 180
Schützendorf, Leo 33, 35
Sekles, Bernhard vii, 3, 4, 32
‘10 Küsse’ 51, 53
Adorno on 29
Berg’s letter to 243
Seligmann, Anita 110, 11112
Seligmann, Milton 11112
Seligmann, Walter Herbert 11112
Sievert (artist) 162
Sigmund-Freud-Institut 104
Simon, Heinrich (Heinz) 101, 102, 169
Slezak, Leo 71
Starke, Ottomar 72, 73
Stefan, Paul 910, 38, 168
Stein, Erwin 9, 11
borrows from Adorno 55
publication of Adorno’s Four Songs 128
questionnaire 22, 234
receives Adorno’s songs 132
Stein, Fritz Heinrich 182
piano reduction 57, 58
Steinberg, Hans Wilhelm (William) 82, 83, 164, 185, 202, 203
Steuermann, Eduard viii, 9, 96, 97, 218
Adorno’s songs 128, 137, 140
Adorno’s Wozzeck article 44
Anbruch and 160
Berg’s Chamber Concerto 103, 105, 106, 190
Berg’s fiftieth birthday concert 212
irate 6, 7
Stiedry, Fritz 190
Stokowski, Leopold 95, 96, 210
Storm, Theodor W.
‘Nachtigall’ 116
‘Der Schimmelreiter’ 1945
Strauss, Richard 251
controls Germany’s music 200
Fanfare for Brass and Timpani 54
Stravinsky, Igor 207, 218
Berg delighted with 689
disappoints Berg 48, 49
Else Kolliner on 61, 62
Oedipus Rex 120
Strindberg, August 83
Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 34, 143, 150
Stutshevsky, Joachim 48, 92, 93
Sundell, Stina 106
Sutter, Otto Ernst 102
Swinburne, Algernon Charles 206
Szell, George 226
Szendrei, Alfred 160, 163
Szenkar, Eugen 60, 61
Szymanowki, Karol 160, 162
Talich, Václav 213
Tasso, Torquato 234
Tillich, Paul 177
Toch, Ernst 182, 2501
Toscanini, Arturo 150
Turnau, Josef 65, 66
Twain, Mark
Tom Sawyer 194
twelve-tone technique viii, 25, 28
Adorno’s use of 67, 141
Adorno’s writings on 86, 119
Berg on 578
Lulu and 215, 240
Schönberg’s use of 712, 99, 110
Stein borrows Adorno on 55
Ullstein 143, 145, 147
Urbar 150
Van Geuns, Co 65
Veselá, Marie 149, 151
Vienna Circle 197, 198
Wagner, Richard
Parsifal 29
Wallerstein, Lothar 82, 160, 163, 164
Walter, Bruno 186, 200, 201
Waterhouse, Lady 214
Webern, Anton von viii, ix, 35, 36, 122
Adorno’s writings on 54, 60, 203
altruism 249
Anbruch and 160
as conductor 54, 63, 71, 170, 1712
fiftieth birthday 200
Five Orchestral Pieces op. 10 56, 64
Modern Music article 178, 180
and Nazi Germany 200
objectivity of art 37
success 65, 66
Wedekind, Frank 1867, 188, 189, 194, 222
Weill, Kurt 140, 143, 207, 250
Weingartner, Felix von 208, 210
Weisman, Julius 120, 121
Weissmann, Adolf 22, 23, 143, 150, 156
Werfel, Franz 39, 66, 85
Paulus unter den Juden 104, 105
Westphal, Kurt 141, 160, 163
essay on Schönberg 168
Wiener Streichquartett 48
Wiesengrund-Adorno, Maria 17, 32, 901
on Adorno’s car accident 115
Wilde, Oscar Salome 47
Wlach, Leopold 212
Workers’ Symphony Concerts 87
Wozzeck (Berg) viii, 14, 60, 79
Adorno’s later experience of 14951
Adorno’s lecture on 170
Adorno’s writings on viii, 39, 41, 434, 467, 169, 170, 172
Berlin production 94, 95
Bruchstücke 97
Brussels production 189
chords 72
Darmstadt production 180
Frankfurt production 158, 164, 166, 167, 176
and German politics 208
Erich Kleiber and 147
London performance 208, 210, 212, 250
Alma Mahler-Werfel and 85, 89
metaphysical perspective 501
Oldenburg production 139
opening performances 24, 324
Prague controversy 839
in Russia 105, 108, 109
sale of score 216
Rudolf Schäfke’s essay on 69
score at American National Library 212
twelve-tone music 28
Vienna production 158, 162
Zeitschrift für Musik 3
Zemlinsky, Alexander von 6, 49, 83
Ziegler, Heinz 86
Ziegler, Oscar 96
Zillig, Winfried 66