Let Google know where you live

Keeping your personal information up to date is important for your overall Google security. If you let Google know where you currently live then they can inform you if your account has been accessed from elsewhere. If you are living in Florida but your account was accessed from Mexico, you know something is up!

Google likes to use your IP address to locate you but they sometimes get this wrong. To put your address in manually, go to Google Calendar:

Menu (button with 9 squares in 3 x 3 square format) > Calendar > Gear wheel (top right of browser) > Settings

Scroll down to Location and type in where you live.

There is also an option in Google+ to update your address but you need to make sure that it is only visible to you as you don’t want everyone to know where you live.

If you follow most, if not all, of the suggestions in this book you will have secured your Google account from all but the most dedicated hacker. All that is left to say is keep an eye on your account for suspicious activity every now and again and you have done everything you can.