Delete your account

Protecting your account can also mean maintaining access to it. If you cannot get in to your account then you cannot make sure that no one else is. If you no longer need an account, delete it completely from Google’s services. Ghost accounts are a security threat.

Please make sure that the account you are about to delete is not used to login to any sites or as security verification for a service. You will not be able to use those again if it is. In addition, all information will be deleted and you will not be able to get it back. You can however download your information before clicking on the fateful button.

To delete your account, pleas follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on your profile picture on the top right of your screen

Step 2: Click on My Account

Step 3: Click on Delete your account or services under My preferences

Step 4: Delete Google Account and data

Step 5: Login and read the page.

Step 6: Click on DELETE ACCOUNT