Massive thanks to the fabulous team at Bookouture, without whose expertise, dedication and patience The Family Secret might have remained a secret! Special thanks to Helen Jenner for her faith in me and her amazing editing skills. Not only does Helen make my books shine, where my first draft might have been a bit lacklustre, but she is super-supportive, especially when life does what it does. Massive thanks to head of publicity Kim Nash, and publicity and social media manager Noelle Holten, who work their socks off to help get our books out there. I have no idea how they do all that they do. Thanks, too, to Alex Crow, Bookouture’s head of digital marketing, for the brilliant graphics, and also to the fantastic cover artists. I adore my book covers! To all the other wonderful, talented authors at Bookouture, I love you. Thanks for your shoulders when I needed them!
A special mention to Stuart Gibbon, former UK detective and author of The Crime Writer’s Casebook and Being a Detective, for his excellent police procedural advice. Thanks so much for answering my questions at short notice, Stuart.
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the fantastically hardworking bloggers and reviewers who have taken time to read and review my books and shout them out to the world. Your passion leaves me in awe.
Finally, thanks to every single reader out there for buying and reading my books. Knowing you have enjoyed my stories and care enough about my characters to want to share them with other readers is the best incentive ever for me to keep writing.