It was late at night. Far at the edge of Jump City stood a military storage building with a large barbed-wire fence surrounding it. But tonight there was a gaping hole in the fence. From deep within the building, a soft thump could barely be heard. Then another, but louder. Suddenly, the door to the building was thrown open. The five members of the H.I.V.E.—a notorious team of super-villains—emerged. Gizmo, the pint-size leader of the group, was the first to appear. Close behind him were Mammoth, See-More, Billy Numerous, and Jinx. Each villain was holding a large radioactive tube. The team members chuckled with delight as they carried the dangerous tubes to a nearby van.
Just then, a harsh voice filled the air.
“This ends today, H.I.V.E.,” called out the mysterious voice.
The five villains gasped and spun around. Their archenemies, the group of super heroes known as the Teen Titans, were standing nearby. Beast Boy, Starfire, Cyborg, and Raven glared at the villains. The leader of the Titans, Robin the Teen Wonder, took two steps forward. He pounded his fists together as he continued to yell at the H.I.V.E. team.
“Today, justice will reign,” Robin said triumphantly. “Today, evil will…”
Robin was interrupted by the sound of a loud fart. It came from one of the Teen Titans standing behind him.
Robin sighed deeply, cleared his throat, and continued to speak.
“Today, evil will fall to its knees. Today…”
Robin turned around to glare at his teammates. He was annoyed to see that all four of them were giggling.
“Shh, shh,” whispered Starfire. “Robin is looking.”
Robin turned back to the villains and resumed his speech.
“Today, hope for the city is renewed…”
Robin spun around again, just in time to catch Beast Boy with his tongue extended far beyond his mouth, creating the loud fart noises. The other Titans were doubled over with laughter.
“Excuse me for just one moment, please,” Robin said politely to the five villains, as he slowly backed away to approach his teammates.
“Titans, a word…” Robin said through clenched teeth.
When he was just inches away from the other Titans, Robin started yelling, “How many times do I have to tell you to not make fart noises when I am striking fear into the hearts of the enemy and…”
Beast Boy fell to the ground with laughter. He had just created his best fart sound ever!
Robin shouted, “This is supposed to be the final showdown, and you’re ruining it!”
Cyborg sighed and said, “Dude, why do you always take yourself so seriously?”
“Yeah, have a laugh once in a while,” suggested Raven.
“We are the last line of defense for this city,” Robin argued passionately. “And if we can’t be serious about being super heroes, then who can? It’s up to us to…”
Robin was interrupted by the sound of three super heroes zooming above his head. As the Teen Titans stared in astonishment, the grim-faced teenagers flew past them and landed next to the H.I.V.E. villains.
“Wow, it’s some of the heroes from Young Justice,” said Cyborg. “There’s Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Superboy!”
“What are they doing here?” asked Robin.