1. Avoid excess.

Overdoing certain things can promote depression.

To prevent the onset of depression:

2. Eat mood-elevating foods.

L-tryptophane and L-tyrosine, two amino acids, are essential for the production of the mood elevator

seratonin. Two natural sources of L-tryptophane are pumpkin seeds and turkey, while L-tryosine can be found in dairy products, beans, meat, and fish. To support the nervous system and help resolve stress, take B-complex vitamins. Since low levels of magnesium can cause depression, eat green vegetables, since magnesium is part of the chlorophyll complex.

3. Exercise.

Take brisk walks or exercise vigorously. Strenuous exercise increases endorphin levels and elevates the mood. Activity also helps flush the lymphatic system and remove wastes that can adversely affect mood. Exercising outdoors in sunlight is also a mood enhancer.

4. Focus on the brevity of the holiday.

Even the longest day has only 24 hours.

5. Embrace the pain.

Instead of trying to avoid holiday activities (cooking, shopping, cleaning, traveling) or wallowing passively in your depression, actively embrace the very things you dread. This counter-intuitive approach will surprise others as well as yourself, and may shock your system into a better mood. It will also pass the time more quickly.