Abandoning the sleigh should be a last resort. If the sleigh is headed for imminent peril, however, you will need to jump.

1. Move to the edge of the sleigh.

Remain seated until the last moment, holding on to the seat or railing.

2. Stuff your clothing with blankets or seat cushions to reduce the impact.

Give yourself as much protective padding as is readily available.

3. Open the sleigh door, if there is one.

4. Pick your landing spot.

If you can, wait until the horse rounds a bend, since it may slow down. The ideal landing spot will be well covered with soft snow and free of trees, rocks, and bushes.

5. Crouch low to the floor of the sleigh.

Bend your knees.

6. Jump perpendicular to the sleigh.

Leaping at a right angle away from the sleigh will make it much less likely for you to fall under the runners. Leap as far away as you can.

7. Cover your head.

Use your hands and arms to protect your head.

8. Land flat.

Do not attempt to land on your feet or do a somersault. Keep your body straight and try to land so that all parts of your body hit the ground at the same time. This will spread the impact over a wider area.

9. Roll like a log.
