As we enter the hotel I linger by the twinkling reception desk and Owen does a quick spot check. I take a sly sniff at my previously wet armpits, not too bad. He beckons me and I hoof the strap of my bag over my left shoulder as we take the stairs up to the third floor two at a time. The lift is too risky in case we bump into Colette or Michael. We look tousled, unkempt, lived-in! Both of us are still giggling as I find my purse and remove my key card. My hand is shaking. Owen steadies it with his and the green light appears as key card clicks its approval of us and the heavy door to my destiny swings open. Green to go.
The room is warm and the light is fading outside.
I stand with my back against the closed door now. Owen walks ahead towards the window.
Turning, he removes his biker jacket, never taking his eyes off me. He throws it on the bed. The zips rattle along with the loose change in his pockets.
Slowly he walks towards me and starts unbuttoning my brown leather jacket. It seems to take for ever. His hands are cold and the buttons in fairness are hard to undo at the best of times. He fumbles.
‘Y’ok?’ he whispers to me.
I nod. I swallow hard. He prises opens the last button and slides my hands out from the safety of my jacket sleeves. Then he lays my jacket carefully over the back of the chair, on top of my red winter coat.
He leans his forehead against mine. His breathing is paced but hot and heavy. We are conjoined by foreheads. Then he takes his right hand and pushes my fringe from my eyes and tucks it gently behind my left ear. He lowers his forehead. Our mouths are inches apart. Agonisingly slowly he drops his hand and unbuttons the two top buttons on my white shirt. His fingers feeling the material as he goes. Our breath is synchronised now. Inches from my mouth. He lifts my chin with his right thumb, he tilts his head and as he is about to lock his lips on mine, I see it all.
They say your life flashes before your eyes if you are in a life-or-death situation. If you are on a runaway tractor say, with failing brakes, heading towards a treacherous cliff. It’s not your life in pictures. It’s not memories. It’s your brain finding moments like these for reference. Trying to figure out what to do, what memory helped you the last time you were in a dangerous situation? How did you survive? Flash! Flash! Flash! The images gallop towards me.
And they are beautiful. The khaki bag. The loose school tie. Our engagement party. Our wedding day. Pregnancy. Holding Jade as a newborn. Holding Mark as a newborn. The first times. Smiles. Tears. Laughter. Love. My children. Jade. Mark. My world.
I push Owen away. Hard as I can. He goes flying and stumbles back onto the bed.
‘I can’t do this!’ I can’t do this! I throw my hand over my mouth. I actually think I’m going to throw up. Bile rises into my mouth as I swallow it down hard. I can’t breathe. I bend over and put my head between my legs.
‘OK, OK, OK, it’s fine … Relax, breathe, Ali, it’s OK …’ He is over to me. ‘I understand, I get it … I should never … This is ludicrous.’ He is beaten.
I stare at his runners.
When I lift my head up after several minutes I walk away from him and stand in front of the mirror. Sexy, I am not. Hair all messy, panda eyes, huge sweat stains and my shirt hanging open fresh from aborting the biggest mistake of my life. I could have ruined it all.
But you didn’t.
You didn’t.
What have I done to deserve that? What could I have possibly done to make Colin hate me so much?
‘Can I make you a coffee?’ Owen appears behind me in the mirror.
‘Please,’ I mouth but the word doesn’t make a sound.
He slips back the mirrored wardrobe door and pulls out a sliding tray with a kettle and cups on it. He rummages for a moment before saying, ‘Ahh, you have no coffee sachets either … neither did my room.’ He moves to the phone on the desk and picks up the receiver.
‘Hi, this is room 141, we have no tea or coffee, can we get some up, like, right now? We need to leave for a meeting soon … Great … Yes, both please … Also, I have no coffee in room 142 … Great … Oh, can we get extra milk? Thank you, dank je.’ He replaces the receiver.
I flop, flat on the bed and kick off my runners and peel off my sports socks.
‘Don’t lie down!’ he says softly. ‘We will need to start getting ready for the meeting down in the bar soon.’
‘I’m up, I’m up!’ I sit up.
‘Sorry, Ali.’ He sits on the edge and I roll towards him as the bed dips under his weight. I edge away.
‘It’s completely my fault,’ I say and I mean it. It is. He’s not married. I am.
‘Probably wasn’t the best of idea for us to get stoned,’ he mutters.
I shake my head.
Shake it off.
‘No, probably not. You know I fancy you, Owen, I know you fancy me … I shouldn’t have come on this trip at all, especially not after me telling you my marriage is in a crisis state and then sending you half-naked pictures of myself, I mean, what did I expect?’ My two hands shoot up and cover my panda eyes.
‘It takes two to tango, Ali, I’m as much to blame. I never thought I was this kind of guy either. But look, maybe this needed to almost happen, maybe now we can forget this chemistry thing and just go back to being friends?’
‘Yeah.’ I remove my hands and give him a milky weak smile.
‘Right, come on, straight into the shower with you,’ he says and he gets up and moves into the bathroom. His tone is cheery but I know he is feeling like crap too. I hear him turning on the shower. There is a soft knock at the door.
‘Coffees are here,’ I call, but he can’t hear me over the gushing running water so I pad barefoot across the room and pull the heavy door in towards me. For a moment it feels like time has stopped. It takes me what feels like minutes but in fact are nanoseconds to process the fact it’s Colin, standing in front of me at the door. Colin Devlin is here. He pushes me inside. The door slams behind us.
‘W-w-w-what the—?’ I stutter.
‘Where is he?’ Colin screams as he spins around the bedroom. Owen emerges from the shower, shaking his wet hands. It all happens so fast I cannot even make a sound. Colin grabs him by the neck and flings him back into the bathroom. Owen tries to fight him off but Colin is too strong.
‘You fucking prick … you’re fucking my wife, are you?’ He drops Owen to the tiled floor and kicks him in the stomach. Owen grunts like an animal with the impact. I still can’t scream. I move. I grab Colin from behind, pulling at his winter coat as I try to drag him across the room. He shakes me off. He’s too strong. Too angry. Owen turns onto his knees, rocking on all fours as Colin’s foot comes up and kicks him hard in the stomach. This time Owen vomits everywhere. Huge chunks of red undigested hot dog all over the floor.
‘I’m going to fucking kill you!’ Colin grabs him up now and drags him into the bedroom, by the bed, and presses him up against the wall. Colin’s elbow is across Owen’s throat.
I finally find my voice.
‘Please, Colin, stop … stop … it’s not what you think! Nothing has happened!’ I beg him.
He turns to me, his right arm still pinned across Owen’s throat. Owen’s eyes beg me for help. I am helpless.
‘Nothing? Here, is this nothing?’ He still has Owen pinned to the wall as he removes his phone from his back pocket with his free hand. He has a screen grab of me in my sexy underwear.
‘Always log out of Facebook, you stupid cunt!’ He spits in my face.
Oh, this can’t be happening.
‘Fucking prricccckk!’ His temper goes again but this time Owen ducks out of Colin’s hold and hits him smack on the nose with a head butt. Colin’s nose explodes open. Blood sprays everywhere. My white shirt is dotted. Blobs on a canvas. I am paralysed watching this unfold. They fight. A proper punching battle. I find some sense and grab the phone and try to call reception. I press every number, nothing. Then I run out into the corridor and scream for help through the fire doors.
‘Help, help, help! Third Floor. HELP!’ I run back but Colin has Owen in a headlock outside the door. One hand on the handle of the door and the other again around Owen’s neck. Then I watch in slow motion, the next horrors unfold as I listen to Owen’s screams.
‘Paint this, you prick!’ Colin drags Owen’s right hand and puts it into the jamb of the door. Owen fights to pull his hand back but it’s too late. Colin slams the heavy door shut on his fingers. Owen howls in pain and slides to the ground screaming and writhing just as three uniformed police run down the corridor towards us. Owen still has his hand pinned in the door jamb. Bile rises in my throat. I swallow.
The police grab Colin and push him up against the wall. They are shouting in a foreign language we cannot understand. I drop to my knees to Owen. He is writhing in pain, his hand still jammed in between the frame of the door. Bizarrely I look for fingers on the carpeted ground but I see none. Impossible? Gently I pull it free. His index finger seems to be barely hanging on by skin and blood oozes in a puddle around us. It’s hard to tell what state the rest of his fingers are in, there is so much blood.
‘Hospitaal,’ a policeman says to Owen before he turns to me.
‘Waar kom jij vandaan … where are you from?’ His approach is gentle and he places his hand on my lower back.
‘I-I-Ireland … I—’ I say. Then I rant: ‘That is my husband and this is a … a guy … a man I work with, we are here to see shows …’
His eyes tell me he understands nothing about this situation, it is all lost in translation.
‘We will take him to hospital.’
I nod as another policeman helps Owen up and they get his jacket from the room, wrap a white towel around his bleeding hand and leave through the fire door. I don’t say a word to him. I can hardly offer to go with him.
‘Happy now, Ali? Got what you wanted?’ Colin turns to me, his hands now pinned behind his back in handcuffs.
‘Colin … please believe me, nothing ever happened. The picture, I can explain—’
‘Oh, explain it to the lawyers, Ali. And when you come back the locks will be changed. You won’t be getting back into my house, ever.’
‘You can’t do that!’ I am petrified.
‘I can and I will.’
‘It’s against the law.’
The policeman who spoke with me approaches us.
‘I will need you all to come to police station to give statement. Hotel property damage also.’
Colin speaks. ‘Yeah, no problem, this is a domestic case. I’d say if I requested a drug test you’d literally shit your slutty bought knickers, Ali.’
I shut my eyes tight. How can he possibly know that?
‘Where are my children, Colin? Who is minding them?’
‘Don’t you fucking even go there!’ he roars in my face like a maniac.
‘Please, no shouting, this is a hotel,’ the police officer says as he closes the door to my room.
The hotel manager appears and speaks to me in English with a different police officer by his side. This police officer takes pictures of the bloodstained carpet and then enters room 141. I can hear the camera clicking away.
‘We will need you to vacate both rooms, yes, all your property must be removed now, yes?’
I nod. Like a robot I walk into my room and pack my barely unopened case. When I emerge a big crowd is standing around.
‘Can we go?’ I say and we are all led away. Downstairs two separate cars wait to take us to the police station.