With a still life you can paint the background on wet paper and your focal point on dry paper, thereby replicating a much-loved photographic style.
Use a pencil to create your drawing, and then mask any objects that should not be painted when the background is painted. In this example, I’ve covered whole berries with masking fluid. Use a big soft brush to wet your whole paper with clean water.
Paint your background in a wet-on-wet manner; the colors will spread a bit and form soft edges.
You can carve out lighter areas with a tissue.
Use a dry or “thirsty” brush to lift color in a more detailed manner. Allow the background to dry.
Remove the masking fluid. Paint your main subject using a wet-on-dry technique.
The background has been painted with soft edges, replicating a photographic effect.
WATCH IT! Watch Sandrine Paint a Focal Point as a Wet-on-Wet Wash Dries. Visit ArtistsNetwork.com/fearless-watercolor.