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Murray, Margaret A. — The God of the Witches (first published 1931; paperback Daimon Press, Castle Hedingham, Essex, 1962).
Neumann, Erich — The Great Mother (2nd edition, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1963).
Ophiel — The Art and Practice of Astral Projection (Peach Publishing, San Francisco, 1961).
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Russell, Jeffrey B. — A History of Witchcraft, Sorcery, Heretics and Pagans (Thames & Hudson, London, 1980).
Santesson, Hans Stefan — Reincarnation (Universal Publishing & Distributing Corpn., New York, 1969, and Universal-Tandem Publishing, London, 1970).
Schulman, Martin — Karmic Astrology, Vols. I-IV (Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northants, 1975 onwards).
Schwartz, Stephan A. — The Secret Vaults of Time (Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1978).
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Thomson, William A.R. — Black’s Medical Dictionary (A. & C. Black, London, 1948; updated every two or three years since).
Valiente, Doreen — Where Witchcraft Lives (Aquarian Press, London, 1962). An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present (Robert Hale, London, 1973). Natural Magic (Robert Hale, London, 1975). Witchcraft for Tomorrow (Robert Hale, London, 1978).
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