The acronym INS indicates a photo in the insert.
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 105, 107–8
American Express, 191–92
Angle Grinder Man, 132–33
Apocalypse Meow, 83
Arachnight, 8, 189
Argintar, Matthew (Beast), 82
Ark Guard, 136–37
Arrow Boys (Teso), 160
Arrow Boys (Zande), 160
Atom, 28, 33
Avengers, The, (2011 film), 43
Avengers: Endgame, 6, 44
Bakassi Boys, 155–59
Barnett, Michael, 78, 203–4, 206, 216–17
Batman, 7, 8, 13, 32–33, 39–40, 45, 206
adaptions, 36–37, 40–41, 43–44, 82, 107, 111–12. See also individual movie titles
character, 37–38, 181
cultural impact, 21–22, 30, 41–43, 106–7, 207, 214
history, 2, 26–28
Batman (1989 film), 6, 21, 40–41, 73
Batman Begins, 43
Batson, Daniel, 198–99
Bay Coast Guardians, 9, 126, 204–5, INS
Good Samaritan, 126, 187–88, 206
Ikon, 12, 126–27, 187, 204
Impact, 115, 126, 186, 204
Jaguar, 12, 126, 199–200
Beast (Matthew Argintar), 82
Beaver, 68
Bee Sting (Adam Besso), 82
Bell Canada, 193–94
Benítez, Sergio Gutiérrez (Fray Tormenta), 148–49
Besso, Adam (Bee Sting), 82
Birmingham Batman (Willie Perry), 71–73
Black Mercer, 12, 134
Black Panther (2018 film), 44, 166–67
Bladepool (T.J. Cuenca), 209–10
Booster Gold, 188–90, 200
bounty hunting, 54–55
Brampton Batman (Stephen Lawrence), 211–12
Brown, Richard Maxwell, 59, 107, 135
Buster Doe, 79
California Initiative, 102, 124–25, INS
Night Bug, 124–25
Rock N Roll, 9–10, 15, 102, 124–25, 201
“Calling All Superheroes,” 74
Canadian Justice, 78, 114, 138–42, 199, INS
Cáñez, Jorge (Peatonito), 151, INS
Caped Crusade, The, 205
Captain America, 28, 29–30, 31, 34, 196, 206–7
Captain America: Civil War, 206–7
Captain America: The First Avenger, 43, 196
Captain Jackson (Thomas Frankini), 74, 81
Captain Sticky (Richard Pesta), 70–71
Catastrophe, 79
cause-related marketing, 191–94
Chicago Hope, 113–18, 119–20, 127–28
Citizen Tiger, 114–18
comic books
comics crash, 42–43
creators, 23–26, 26–27, 29, 42. See also individual creators
Golden Age, 22–29
major publishers, 33–40. See also DC Comics; Marvel
modern age, 43–45
Silver Age, 33–37
See also Batman; Superman
comic conventions, 45–48, 167
Comic Republic, 168–69
Comics Code Authority, 32–33, 38–39
Cory, Ryan (Rex Velvet), 84
cosplay, 46–48
Crimson Canuck, 15, 78, 137
Crusader Prime, 114–16, 127–28
Cuenca, T.J. (Bladepool), 208–11
Dark Guardian, 12, 14, 62, 74, 95, 120, 177, 205
Dark Knight, The (2008 film), 111–12
Dark Knight Rises, The, 82, 107
DC Comics, 2, 24, 33, 37–40, 43, 200, 207
Disney, 43, 193
Dog the Bounty Hunter (Duane Chapman), 54–55
Dusk Citizen, 200
EC Comics, 31–32
El Caballero, 14, 85–87
El Santo (Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta), 146, 148
Evocatus (James Marx), 13, 85–87, 218, INS
Fagnon, Raymond (Ikon), 12, 126–27, 187, 204
Fallen Boy, xi–xii, 12, 98–99, 109, INS
Fantastic Four, 34–35, 41
Fantastic Four, The (1994 film), 41
Finger, Athena, 214
Finger, Bill, 26–28, 29, 214
Fishwick, Elaine, 187, 201
Flash, The, 28, 33
Flat Man, 129–31
Fodor, Benjamin (Phoenix Jones), 9, 11, 78–81, 84–88
Fordham Comics, 19–22, 39, 48, 63
Fox, The (Jim Phillips), 65–70, INS
Fox River, 64–69
Frankini, Thomas (Captain Jackson), 74, 81
Fray Tormenta (Sergio Gutiérrez Benítez), 148–49
Freedom Fighter, 12, 89–93, INS
Frost, 113, 116, INS
Geist, 75, 83, 114, 117, 128, 177, 206, 218, INS
Gemini, 79
Goldman, Ben, 76
Good Samaritan, 126, 187–88, 206, INS
Gospel According to the World’s Greatest Superhero, The, 195
Green Reaper, 79
Grim, x–xii, 11, 14, 89–93, 96–97, 100–101, INS
Guardian Angels, INS
international expansions, 135–36, 152–53, 163–66
origins and history, 50–54, 60–63
RLSH influences, 62, 93–96
See also Sliwa, Curtis
Guel, Luis Coronado, 147, 152
Hayhurst, Roger (Knight Warrior), 132–33, 186
Hero with a Thousand Faces, The, 180–85
Heroes in the Night, 73, 83, 204
Hodgkinson, Ian (Vampiro), 152–53
Huerta, Rodolfo Guzmán (El Santo), 146, 148
Hui, Phil, 20–22, 48, 53, 62–63
Ikon (Raymond Fagnon), 12, 126–27, 187, 204, INS
Impact, 115, 126, 186, 204–5, INS
Iron Man (2008 film), 6, 43
Jaguar, 12, 126, 199–200, INS
Kane, Bob, 26–28, 29
Kevlex, 74–75
Kick-Ass (comic), 76–78
Kick-Ass (film), 77–78, 139
King, Ilya (Zetaman), 204
Kirby, Jack, 29, 34, 44
Knight Warrior (Roger Hayhurst), 132–33, 186, INS
Knight-Hood, 73
Ku Klux Klan, 56–58, 103
Kuszewski, Andrea, 200
Kyenze, Steve, 171–72
Law of Superheroes, The, 105–6
Lawrence, Stephen (Brampton Batman), 211–12
Lazaros, Chaim (Life), 14, 18, 76, 120–22, 213
Lee, Jim, 42, 196
Lee, Stan, 10, 29, 33–36, 38, 44, 45, 75, 212–13
Liefeld, Rob, 42
Life (Chaim Lazaros), 14, 18, 76, 122
Lord Mole, 12, 84, 88, 133–34
Lower Wacker, 110–13, 113–18, 127–28
lucha libre, 143–48, 150–51
luchadores, 143–48, 148–53
El Santo, 146, 148
Fray Tormenta, 148–49
Peatonito, 151, INS
Superbarrio, 149–50
Tacubo, 151–52, INS
Vampiro, 152–53
McFarlane, Todd, 42
Magnificent 13. See Guardian Angels
Man of Steel (2013 film), 195
Martin, Jide, 167–70
Marvel, 28, 33–37, 41–44
Marx, James (Evocatus), 13, 85–87, 218
Marx, Krystal (Temper), 12, 13, 125
Masino, Denise (Miss Fit), 11, 12, 199, 217
Master Legend, 9, 12, 74, 78, 173–79, 183, 201–2, INS
Michigan Protectors, 82
Bee Sting, 82
Petoskey Batman, 81–82
Miller, Frank, 107
Miss Fit (Denise Masino), 11, 12, 199, 217
Morrison, Grant, 26, 220–21
Mr. Xtreme (Erik Wong), xi–xii, 12, 62, 78, 89–93, 93–99, 100–101, 103, 123, 137, 217, INS
Nacho Libre, 149
Nameless Crusader, 77, 139–43, INS
National Allied Publications. See DC Comics
National Comics Publications. See DC Comics
New York Initiative, 85, 184, 199–200, 205–6
TSAF (The Silent and the Forgotten), 11, 199
Zero, 85, 184–85, 189, 207
Zimmer, 12, 200–201, 206, 218–19
Nichols, Skyler James Minor (Skyman), 12, 15, 85, 185
Night Bug, 124–25, INS
Night Ministry, 113, 118–19
No Name, 79
Nyght, 12–13, 89–93, 98, 100–102, 115, INS
Nyghtingale, 11, 15, 89–93, 97–98, 109, 114, 117, INS
Oguikpe, Ezeji, 157
Okeke, Edward (Prophet Eddy), 154–56
Patchwork, 114–16, INS
Peaceman (Ivan Wilzig), 212–13
Peatonito (Jorge Cáñez), 151, INS
Perry, Willie (Birmingham Batman), 71–73
Pesta, Richard (Captain Sticky), 70–71
Petoskey Batman (Mark Wayne Williams), 81–82
Phillips, Jim (The Fox), 65–70
Phoenix Jones (Benjamin Fodor), 9, 11, 78–81, 84–88, INS
Poe, Edgar Allan, 26
Polar Man, 136
Pople, Dale (Superhero), 74, 181–84, 188
Potts, Carl, 189–90
Project Hope, 122–23
Prophet Eddy (Edward Okeke), 154–56
Purple Lotus, 83–84, 207
Purple Reign, 80, 86
Rain City Superhero Movement, 79–81, 85
Buster Doe, 79
Catastrophe, 79
Evocatus, 13, 85–87, 218
Gemini, 79
Green Reaper, 79
No Name, 79
Phoenix Jones, 9, 11, 78–81, 84–88
Purple Reign, 80, 86
Skyman, 12, 15, 85, 185
Thorn, 79
Thunder, 88, 79
Rascón, Marco, 149–50
RazorHawk, 10, 114, 122–23, INS
Real Life Superhero Project, 12, 217
real-life superheroes
community organization, 74–78
criticism, 82–88, 185–90, 199–201
early heroes, 64–70, 70–71, 71–73
homeless outreach, 113–18, 127–28
international presence, 131–37. See also individual organizations
real-life super villains, 82–84
Rex Velvet (Ryan Cory), 84
Rock Brigade. See Guardian Angels
Rock N Roll, 9–10, 15, 102, 124–25, 201, INS
Samael, 12, 113, 117, INS
Schwartz, Alvin, 1–4, 17–18, 25
Shuster, Joe, 23–26, 30, 195
Siegel, Jerry, 23–26, 30, 195
Simon, Joe, 29, 34
Skyman (Skyler James Minor Nichols), 12, 15, 85, 185
Sliwa, Curtis, 50–53, 60–62, 94–96, 135–36, 163–65
Spider-Man, 16, 35–36, 38, 42–44, 181, 219–20
Spider-Man (2002 film), 6, 43
Steranko, Jim, 25, 31
Superbarrio, 149–50
Supergods, 25–26, 220–21
Superhero (Dale Pople), 74, 181–84, 188
Superhero Bakery, 123–24, 201
Superhero Foundry, 10, 208–11
Superheroes (film), 78, 98, 139, 184, 201, 203, 216–17
Superheroes Anonymous, 76, 120, 122, 213
Superheroes of Kibera, 171–72
Superman, 13, 28, 33, 188, 206–7
adaptions, 39, 195–96. (see also individual movie titles)
character, 2, 194–5
cultural impact, 25, 29–31, 106–7, 194–96, 207, 219–20
history, 1–4, 24–26,
Superman (1978 film), 39
Tacubo, 151–52, INS
Tamerlane, 200
Tangen, Peter, 12, 15, 87, 217
Team Justice, 183
Master Legend, 9, 12, 74, 78, 173–79, 183, 201–2
Superhero, 74, 181–84, 188
Temper (Krystal Marx), 12, 13, 125, INS
Templeton, Ty, 190
Thorn, 79
Thunder, 88, 79
Timely Comics. See Marvel
T.O. Ronin, 11, 138–42, INS
Trillium Guard, 9, 138–43, INS
Canadian Justice, 78, 114, 138–42, 199
Nameless Crusader, 77, 139–43
T.O. Ronin, 11, 138–42
Urban Knight, 12, 139–42
TSAF (The Silent and the Forgotten), 11, 199
Urban Avenger, 12, 15, 75, 95
Urban Knight, 12, 139–42, INS
Vampiro (Ian Hodgkinson), 152–53
Vigilant Citizens, 56, 59, 103, 106
in Africa, 154–63. See also Bakassi Boys
in America, 55–60, 60–63, 103–9. See also Guardian Angels; Phoenix Jones
in Commonwealth countries, 131–37. See also Trillium Guard
in Mexico, 148–53. See also luchadores
Viljoen, Charl, 163–66
Violet Valkyrie, xi–xii, 11, INS
Warner Bros., 39–40, 40, 43–44
Washington Initiative, 12, 125
Weldon, Glen, 106–7, 205
Welsh, Jerry, 191–92
Wertham, Fredric, 32, 38, 146
West Devil, 113, 115
Weston, Gavin, 103–4, 133
Who Wants to Be a Superhero?, 75, 213
Williams, Mark Wayne (Petoskey Batman), 81–82
Wilzig, Ivan (Peaceman), 212–13
Wong, Erick. See Mr. Xtreme
World of Lucha Libre, The, 145–46, 152
World Superhero Registry, 9, 74, 95
Wraith, 114–17
X-Men, 5, 41–43, 181
X-Men (2000 film), 6, 43
Xtreme Justice League (XJL), x–xii, 9, 11, 13, 89–93, 93–102, 107–9, 123, 221, INS
Fallen Boy, xi–xii, 12, 98–99, 100, 109
Freedom Fighter, 12, 89–93
Grim, x–xii, 11, 14, 89–101
Mr. Xtreme, xi–xii, 12, 62, 78, 89–93, 93–99, 100–101, 103, 123, 137, 217
Nyght, 12–13, 89–93, 98, 100–102, 115
Nyghtingale, 11, 15, 89–93, 97–98, 109, 114, 117
Urban Avenger 12, 15, 75, 95
Zero, 85, 184–85, 189, 207
Zetaman (Ilya King), 204
Zimmer, 12, 200–201, 206, 218–19