Excerpt from The Official NASA Procedures for Contact with Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life © National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs, 2029 (Classification Level AAA)
Although the idea of being abducted from earth by IEL is most likely the fantasy of Hollywood movies, it cannot be ruled out completely. There is a chance (however slight) that the first contact with IEL will be via humans who have been physically removed from earth. Therefore, anyone you encounter who claims to have been the victim of an alien abduction must be taken seriously until proven otherwise.I They ought to be quarantined, closely examined, and carefully interviewed to assess the veracity of their story.
If you happen to be the one who is abducted, be gracious and accommodating to your hosts, try to remember everything you can, and contact DEXA immediately upon your return to earth.
I. Within reason. If someone claiming to have been abducted is obviously a raving lunatic (and there are many such people), then their story can probably be discounted without expending the time or energy of further analysis.