Excerpt from The Official NASA Procedures for Contact with Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life © National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs, 2029 (Classification Level AAA)


Ideally, with your hard work and that of all DEXA employees, successful rapport will be established between our species and the IEL, leading to an exchange of ideas and technology, and ultimately a great new chapter in human history. However, the process certainly will not go perfectly. In fact, there will doubtless be many hitches, hiccups, and mistakes along the way.

So try to keep in mind throughout this endeavor that even though it may be troublesome at times, you are participating in one of the greatest moments of our existence—and possibly the existence of the IEL as well. Your efforts here will go down in history, so act accordingly. Be the best representative of humanity that you can possibly be.