(ref numbers in italics refer to illustrations)
adenosine ref1
AeroFarm ref1
aeroponics ref1
alginate ref1
allergies ref1
Amadori compound ref1
amino acids ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Appert, Nicolas ref1
Arrhenius equation ref1, ref2, ref3
aspartame ref1
Bacon, Francis ref1
bacteria (see also hygiene; microbiota):
Campylobacter jejuni ref1
on chopping boards ref1
and fungi, see main entry
in gut, and change of diet ref1
in and on human body ref1, ref2
importance of ref1
killing ref1
Lactobacillus ref1
in mice ref1
microscope enables sight of ref1
and refrigeration ref1
best-before, sell-by, use-by dates ref1
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ref1
Birdseye, Clarence ref1
bread ref1
and Chorleywood process ref1, ref2 passim
and fermentation ref1
and gliadin ref1
and gluten ref1
British Baking Industries Research Association ref1
Brussels sprouts ref1
caffeine ref1 (see also coffee)
and adenosine ref1
in tea ref1
Campylobacter jejuni ref1
canned food ref1
caramelization ref1
Catts, Oron ref1
ceramic knives ref1 (see also knives)
cheese, processed ref1
chopping boards ref1
and bacteria risk ref1
and hygiene ref1
and Mohs scale of hardness ref1, ref2
scientific studies into ref1
Chorleywood process ref1, ref2 passim
Churchill, Winston ref1
coffee ref1, ref2, ref3 (see also caffeine)
beans ref1
cooking temperatures ref1, ref2
and fats ref1
and properties of heat ref1
and sous vide method ref1, ref2
crystalline complexity ref1
Cullen, William ref1
cutting and shearing ref1, ref2
cyclamate ref1
date-sensitive food ref1
Delightes for Ladies (Platt) ref1
Durand, Peter ref1
beating, see whisks and whisking
and emulsifying ref1
and sous vide method ref1
Evans, Oliver ref1
Fahlberg, Constantin ref1
and aeroponics ref1
future of ref1
and hydroponics ref1
fats ref1
and flavour ref1
and oils, difference between ref1
and temperature ref1
and fungi ref1
and lactic acid ref1
and synthetic meat, see main entry
and yeast ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
flavour ref1
and Brussels sprouts ref1
and caramelization ref1
and chocolate ref1
and cocoa ref1
and crystalline complexity ref1
and fats ref1
and Maillard reaction ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
types of ref1
and umami ref1
food fraud ref1
food pills ref1
in science fiction ref1
food preservation ref1, ref2, ref3 (see also fermentation; refrigeration)
canning ref1
pasteurization ref1
food rheology ref1
Frankenfood ref1 (see also synthetic meat)
Franklin, Benjamin ref1
freeze-drying ref1
frozen-food industry, see refrigeration
fructose ref1, ref2, ref3 (see also sugar; sweetness)
fungi ref1 (see also fermentation; Marmite; Quorn)
yeast ref1
ghrelin ref1
Girard, Philippe du ref1
gliadin ref1
glucose ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8 (see also sugar; sweetness)
glucosinolates ref1
gluten ref1
and Chorleywood process ref1
gun puffing ref1, ref2 (see also breakfast cereals)
Gutbrod, Georg ref1
Harrison, James ref1
Hodge, John ref1
Hooke, Robert ref1
Human Genome Project ref1
hydroponics ref1
hygiene ref1 (see also bacteria; refrigeration)
and chopping boards ref1
and dropping food on floor ref1
and fungi, see main entry
and killing bacteria ref1
insects, eating ref1
instant food ref1 (see also processed food)
mashed potato ref1, ref2 (see also drum dryers)
Inuit ref1
kitchen equipment:
chopping boards ref1
pressure cookers ref1, ref2, ref3
and refrigeration ref1 (see also main entry)
and sous vide method ref1
and temperature ref1 (see also cooking temperatures)
ceramic ref1
lactic acid ref1
Lease, Mary ref1
lecithin ref1
Liebig, Justus von ref1
Lindt, Rodolphe ref1
Lysenko, Trofim ref1
Maillard reaction ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
maltodextrin ref1 (see also starch and thickeners)
Marmite ref1
mashed potato ref1, ref2 (see also drum dryers; instant food)
Mattes, Richard ref1
Meat Research Institute ref1
meat substitutes, see synthetic meat
Memphis Meats ref1
methylcellulose ref1
micro-organisms, eating ref1 (see also bacteria)
microbiota, see bacteria
and lactic acid ref1
and pasteurization ref1, ref2 (see also bacteria; hygiene)
powdered ref1 (see also processed food)
Mitchell, Edward Page ref1
Mohs scale of hardness ref1, ref2
Mottram, Don ref1
myosin ref1
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) ref1
oil, non-polar molecules within ref1
oil–water mix ref1 (see also emulsifying)
and amphiphile ref1
oleogustus ref1
ovalbumin ref1
Oxford Nanopore Technologies ref1
and heat ref1
Teflon ref1
Papin, Denis ref1
Pasteur, Louis ref1
pasteurization ref1, ref2 (see also bacteria; food preservation; hygiene)
peanuts, allergic reactions to ref1, ref2, ref3
phenethylamine ref1
phospholipids ref1
photosynthesis ref1, ref2, ref3
Platt, Hugh ref1
Plunkett, Roy ref1
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), see Teflon
powdered milk ref1 (see also processed food)
pressure cooking ref1, ref2, ref3
processed food ref1 (see also instant food)
bread ref1
cheese ref1
and emulsifying ref1
and freeze-drying ref1
and gliadin ref1
and gluten ref1
instant ref1
and spray dryers ref1
and starch and thickeners ref1, ref2
and sweetness ref1
protein (see also fungi; Quorn):
and amino acids ref1
amino acids in ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
daily consumption of, recommended ref1
enough to feed the world ref1, ref2
glutenin and gliadin ref1
insects as ref1
myosin ref1
new sources of ref1 (see also food pills)
ovalbumin ref1
plant sources of ref1 (see also photosynthesis)
and sous vide method ref1, ref2
PTFE, see Teflon
refrigeration ref1 (see also food preservation)
and Arrhenius equation ref1, ref2
and bacteria ref1
future of ref1, ref2 (see also Sure Chill)
and Inuit ref1
and vaccine storage ref1
Remsen, Ira ref1
rheology ref1
RuBisCO ref1, ref2 (see also photosynthesis)
Running, Cordelia ref1
saccharin ref1
Schlatter, James ref1
sell-by, use-by, best-before dates ref1
Shiga toxin ref1
short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) ref1
sous vide method ref1, ref2, ref3
Spallanzani, Lazzaro ref1
spray dryers ref1
starch and thickeners ref1, ref2
alginate ref1
maltodextrin ref1
methylcellulose ref1
sucrose ref1, ref2, ref3 (see also sugar; sweetness)
sugar ref1 (see also sweetness)
and caramelization ref1
and cocoa ref1
glucose ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
molecules ref1
substitutes for ref1
Sundrop ref1
Sveda, Michael ref1
sweetness ref1 (see also sugar)
artificial, and health issues ref1
aspartame ref1
and bodyweight ref1
in cola ref1
cyclamate ref1
saccharin ref1
synthetic meat ref1, ref2, ref3 (see also protein; Quorn)
Takats, Zoltan ref1
taste, see flavour
Teflon ref1
and fats ref1
and properties of heat ref1
and sous vide method ref1, ref2
theobromine ref1 (see also chocolate; cocoa)
thickeners, see starch and thickeners
tinned food ref1
umami ref1
use-by, best-before, sell-by by dates ref1
vacuum cooking ref1
Vischer, Alfred ref1
Warburg, Emil ref1
water, polar charges within ref1
water–oil mix ref1 (see also emulsifying)
and amphiphile ref1
whisks and whisking ref1, ref2
and choice of bowl ref1
yakhchals ref1, ref2 (see also refrigeration)
yeast ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
yeast extract, see Marmite
zirconia, knives made from ref1
Zurr, Ionat ref1