With these juices, you’ll get a little bit of sweetness. I chose to go light with the fruits, but if you want it sweeter then you can just add more fruit. Just be mindful of how much fruit you put in. To consider it a green juice, it should be at least a 3 to 1 ratio of greens to fruits. The more bitter the green you choose, the more likely you’ll need to add in more fruit. These are great for children and people who are new to juicing.
4 kale leaves
2 handfuls basil
3 handfuls spinach
1 handful dandelion
1 cucumber
½ green apple
Basil is quite possibly the tastiest herb on Earth. I love it with both sweet drinks and savory drinks. It’s easy to understand why it’s known as the king of herbs! Not only is it delicious, but it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
1 head romaine
3 chard leaves
½ green apple
1 handful parsley
1 whole lemon
1 thumb ginger
This is a great spicy drink, but if you are looking for something a bit more mild, add less ginger.
¼ green apple
3 stalks celery
1 handful spinach
2 kale leaves
1 handful mint
½ head romaine
½ cucumber
Green apples are a great way to sweeten your juice without spiking your sugar levels. They are a little tart, which also adds a nice layer to your juice!
1 stalk celery
½ pear
1 bulb fennel
1 handful mint
5 chard leaves
This is a terrific green juice for kids. Sweetness is derived not only from the pear, but the fennel as well.
2 stalks celery
2 pears
1 bulb fennel
1 handful parsley
2 kale leaves
½ lemon (skin on)
Parsley is a natural blood balancer; this protects against insulin resistance. It is also high in antioxidant vitamins, including A, C, and E.
10 chard leaves
4 handfuls cilantro
1 pear
Cilantro is great for heavy metal detoxification. Heavy metal toxification is one of the many issues we get from eating nonorganic foods.
½ head romaine
½ bunch dandelion
1 large cucumber
¼ pear
1 orange
Dandelion is great for helping with digestion. It can be helpful with elimination. If you have a problem going to the bathroom, dandelion can help.
4 stalks celery
2 handfuls cilantro
3 large chard leaves
3 kale leaves
½ lime
1 small handful of dandelion
½ pear
Dandelion is a natural diuretic; it helps eliminate toxic substances in the kidneys. It is quite bitter, though, so you want to be careful of using too much.
1 head romaine
6 kale leaves
3 handfuls pineapple, cubed
2 handfuls basil
Pineapple is high in bromelain, which is a beneficial digestive aid. It is also anti- inflammatory and contains enzymes that help to digest fat and turn it to waste.
1 head romaine
3 kale leaves
2 handfuls pineapple, cubed
2 handfuls cilantro
1 mango
Mango is not only delicious, but it is also high in iron. This is particularly useful for people who are anemic.
2 cucumbers
4 kale leaves
2 handfuls pineapple, cubed
2 handfuls mint
Kale is known as the king of healthy greens. It is loaded with vitamins A, K, C, and B6, and is packed with minerals, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. This is a great recipe to sneak in all those nutritional benefits, while feeling like you are having a treat.
2 heads romaine
½ cantaloupe (with seeds)
3 handfuls pineapple, cubed
3 handfuls mint
This is great for a hot summer day. It will be a very hydrating and refreshing drink.
¼ cantaloupe
2 kiwi
1 cucumber
Loaded with vitamin A, your skin will be thanking you for this delicious treat!
2 kiwi
½ cantaloupe
You will swear you are eating candy. You can also freeze it and make it into Popsicles. The kids will be begging you for more!