Why It’s Important To Cleanse

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.”—Ralph Marston

Dangerous toxins can gather in your body and, if they’re not properly eliminated, they can compromise the immune system and manifest as a variety of health conditions. Going on a cleanse is a great way to give your body a break and put it into high gear for a fresh start.

When It’s Time To Cleanse

Some signs it’s time for a cleanse: constipation, gas, bloating, headaches, joint pain, sluggishness, irritability, skin problems, and bad breath. The change of seasons is a nice natural point to use to begin a cleanse, or if you feel you are in a rut and your energy is sluggish.

What To Expect When You Start Your Cleanse

For some people, they instantly feel energized and amazing; for others, it might be a bit more difficult at first. Sometimes, for the first few days, your body might resist the fresh start you’re bringing it and this might include experiencing some headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, skin eruptions, and constipation. If these symptoms persist, it is important to stop the cleanse and consult with a doctor. It is common to feel hungry for the first one to two days. When you feel hungry, first try water. If after that you still feel you really need something, add an additional drink to the cleanse. You must pay attention to your body. If you are really feeling bad, add more drinks to your cleanse. I suggest starting with six, but for you eight might be a better number. You have to pay attention to your body!

What Can I Eat?

The recipes in the book are great for cleansing. I have laid out the recipes into different categories. You will notice there are different levels of cleanses in this section that have you eat different things—look through them and choose what is right for you. If you are going to add food, it should be raw, organic fruits and vegetables.
